Automated Service Interactions

Posted: January 4th, 2023

Automated Service Interactions

Essay 1

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Essay 1Automated Service Interactions[A1] 

Automated technologies are presenting exciting times in the contemporary society. The advancements in artificial technology and other digital technologies are automating many activities and making life easier. While these technologies are already being used in various sectors such as manufacturing and retail, their applications in services is gradually becoming visible to the ordinary people. Automation of activities usually undertaken by humans is elicitsing mixed feeling among people who interact directly or are are being replaced by technology and machines (Autor, 2015David 4). [A2] This paper addresses discussion delves into the experiences with automated technologies and interactions with automated services that are increasingly becoming common in the public spaces.  

Automated services are being used increasingly in the retail sector in the United States. The experience with Amazon Go is extraordinary, and it illustrates [A3] the potential of automated services in enhancing the shoppers’ experiences. In what A amazon calls ‘just walk out’ experience, the automated service confirms what a shopper has picked and then loads the items onto the customer cart and finally bills the shopper through a mobile app. Therefore, a customer simply walks into Amazon Go, picks items, taps the app on the phone and walks out. To automate the billing and, check thee out and payment processes, Amazon Go uses various technologies such as sensor fusion, deep learning algorithms, and computer vision (Gross, 2019). Although this shopping experience is exciting and convenient for clients, one gets the feeling of being watched remotely, since there are no shopping assistants and cameras are placed all over the store. Chat boxes and virtual assistants are also common technologies for experiencing automated services in the daily life (Mäki &and Kokko 201295). Similarly, automated responses in online banking services and virtual assistants in online shops have become the reality are common [A4] (Narteh, 2013 63). These technologies answer simple routine questions and, which guides users on the efficient use of the associated services.  

Interestingly, watching [A5] THX 1138, which is a 1971 movie, is one of the earliest experiences with automated technologies. The film is fictional sincefictional set in the future and it involves robotic police who have no emotions. The android police control people through mind-altering drugs, which make them undertake hard and dangerous tasks. This film depicts a futuristic society in which humans, like THX 1138, manufacture the robotic police in factories with an aim , only to control be controlled by them[A6]  in their communities (Kirman, Linehan, Lawson, & O’Hara, 2013Kirman, Linehan, Lawson and O’Hara 2200). While this movie exhibits the extreme and unreal imagined forms of automated technologies, it raises pertinent questions about the possible misuse of these technologies.

Vari[A7] ous reasons explain why one would be willing to interact with the automated technologies. Firstly, automated technologies minimize or eliminate the human element from various services, which reduceseliminates errors and improves the service efficiency. Similarly, automated technologies do not require supervision, which reduces human involvement and enhances service delivery. These advantagesis makes the automated services reliable (Narteh, 2013 69). Secondly, automated services can handle many customers promptly, thus decreasing thereducing the waiting time. Automated technologies use algorithms that enable multitasking. Thirdly, automated services are available round the clock. This uninterrupted availability enables people to obtain services at whichever time they choose, enhancing the convenience to the users. This advantage is not easy to derive from human counterparts because it would involve the use of several shifts to avoid overworking one individual. Moreover, human beings are prone to fatigue, which would reduce their efficiency in service delivery. Therefore, service providers can improve their brand and business by offering uninterrupted service. Fourthly, automated technologies can undertake tasks that are repetitive, dangerous and exhausting to human beings. Intelligent robots can perform tasks like lifting heavy items in warehouse and loading them onto trucks. Similarly, such robots can perform jobs that people find to be boring. These operations release employees to perform other tasks that require human involvement. Automated technologies provide unprecedented experiences that makes the services exciting, especially to those who are obsessed with technologies technologically aware. Millennials are digital natives who are familiar with such technologies from an early age;, and therefore, they are more receptive to new developments. However, not all people accommodate these technologies, which justifies considering their disadvantages.   

Automated services present some minusesdisadvantages that would make interacting with them undesirable. These technologies displace workers from employment in the service sector (Autor, 2015David 6). Some workers may be rendered redundant because their skills have been taken over by technology. Sometimes, such employees may require reskilling to keep their jobs, albeit in different capacities. The skill improvement upgrading process may be cumbersome, especially to mature workers. Apart from the emotional stress on the displaced workers, workers may be assigned to other tasks or locations, which are inconvenient and undesirable.

People that workinteract with technologiesautomated experience may find lack ofthe experience detached of human interaction. Face-to-face interactions between clients and their service providers humanize the service and create trust. Some people are apprehensive when dealing with a faceless voice (Autor, 2015David 10). Therefore, the customer relations with the service provider many be injured when dealing with skeptical clients, which could have adverse effects on business.

Automated technologies can deliver unusual experiences to those that accommodate them. Shopping and banking can as some of the regular activities that can be exciting and convenient due to the use of newthese technologies. People can undertake activities that are otherwise laborious at their convenience, which gives them a positive experience with automated services interaction. However, these technologies can cause anxiety to those people that  are displaced and require reskilling. Although the future of automated technologies is promising, the automated service interactions should be positive if they are to be accepted by all service users and clientproviderss.   


Autor, D.avid, H. (2015). J. J. O. E. P. Why are there still so many jobs? The history and future of workplace automation. Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 29(, no. 3), 2015, pp,. 3-30.

Gross, R. (2019)yan. How the Amazon Go store’s AI works. Retrieved from .” Towards Data Science, 2019.  

Kirman, B.en, Conor Linehan, C., Shaun Lawson, S., &and Dan O’Hara, D. (2013).. CHI and the future robot enslavement of humankind: a retrospective. CHI’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, . 2013, pp. 2199-2208.

Mäki, M.arko, &and Teemu Kokko, T. (2012). Customer participation in retail-focus on automated services. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research,  7(.1), (2012): 94-105.

Narteh, Bedman. (2013). Service quality in automated teller machines: Aan empirical investigation. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, vol. 23(, no. 1), 2013, pp. 62-89.[A8] 

 [A1]You should have created a unique title.

 [A2]APA formatting style

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 [A3]Sentence Clarity

Use parallel constructions

When you have a series of words, phrases, or clauses, put them in parallel form (similar grammatical construction) so that the reader can identify the linking relationship more easily and clearly.

 [A4]Word choice

Please, use diverse vocabulary in order to avoid repetition.

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It is apparent that…

It is worth mentioning that…

It is important/essential to note that…

Basically/Essentially/Totally /Interestingly/ Notably…

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mean anything and can be deleted without any loss

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 [A6]Sentence Clarity

Use active voice

Sentences in active voice are usually easier to understand than those in passive voice because active-voice constructions indicate clearly the performer of the action expressed in the verb. In addition, changing from passive voice to active often results in a more concise sentence. So, use active voice unless you have good reason to use the passive. For example, the passive is useful when you don’t want to call attention to the doer; when the doer is obvious, unimportant, or unknown; or when passive voice is the conventional style among your readers.


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