Posted: January 4th, 2023


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Philosophy of Management


Management philosophies are structured to avail effective solutions within the business setting. Failure to incorporate these facets translates to experiencing deficiencies in creative problem resolutions even if an executive demonstrates high intellectual capabilities. Through the effective integration of these philosophies, an organization or establishment benefits profoundly as it is focuses on practicality therefore driving self-development. In the modern day setting, a leader or manager is expected to demonstrate mastery of dynamic leadership regardless whether the business is large or small (Sheldon 2003). With the consistently changing economic, political, economic and social facets, the ease of portraying dexterity in management is challenged by the new set of problems generated on a daily basis. The capacity to deal with novel difficulties is diminished as it is impossible for one to effectively address a challenge which has never been experienced before within the business management practice. Hence, it has become imperative for managers or organizational leaders to consider fundamental principalities unaffected by the continued changes in order to reinforce decisions that allow for proper planning, organization and controlling of business operations. These philosophies remain unchanged as long as human behavior is predicable within the organizational context hence becoming the cornerstones of sound business management (Sheldon 2003). This discourse focuses on highlighting the value of these ideologies in integrating meaning to corporate practices selected to develop a higher sense of understanding and appreciation on their contribution to managerial processes.

Panopticism and Its Value to Performance Management

One critical business practice is performance management as it assures the output and activities engaged within the organizational setting are in line with the outlined long and short term goals (Rendtorff 2017). Information technology, in the modern day setting, have been used in streamlining and boosting performance in the workplace. It has transformed the manner in which companies operate and structure operations (Brunon-Ernst 2016). Firstly, access of information has become increasingly important for organization and business. The significant difficulty posed has been in structuring a system effective in surveilling access. This action is imperative as in different work settings, employees leverage internet provisioned by the organization for personal purposes. Recently, various companies have engaged in close surveillance systems in order to analyze web browsing patterns, social media posts, patterns, keystrokes as well as private messaging applications (Brunon-Ernst 2016). Despite the mandate to remain cognizant of the imperative of respecting staff’s human dignity, confidentiality and opinion while engaging in their personal life, companies have incorporated surveillance as a performance variable in generating rationale needed for productivity evaluations. This managerial practice is attributed to the panopticonism philosophical concept driven by the necessity to integrate an intricate monitoring system elemental creating an illusion of surveillance to ensure staff complies with organizational obligations and objectives.

            The philosophy of Panopticism was developed in the late eighteenth century, stemming from Greek language to mean “all seeing”, it was applied in architecture as a design used in constructing prisons. The structure of panopticon buildings ensured extensive and consistent observation of all prisoners at any given time of day (Brunon-Ernst 2016). Additionally, the main idea was that the observer would remain invisible during the consistent inspection process. From an architectural viewpoint, a panopticon was a circular building sectioned into cells arranged within a circumference. Each cell is singularly placed in order to limit communication between the prisoners. The central section would be comprised of a lodge for the observer. From this setup, each cell was visible from the center position with visibility heightened by the use of back lighting (Brunon-Ernst 2016). The main idea adopted in performance management from this philosophy derived from this architectural design is the importance of centrality in conducting surveillance as a mode of measuring performance without necessarily being visible to the onlooker (Rendtorff 2017). Additionally, since the prisoners cannot tell whether they are monitored at all times, however the idea of constant surveillance is influential in creating the sense of being monitored, an idea reinforced into the prisoners’ mind in order to reinforced regulated behavior.

            Performance management demands for regulatory measures aimed at aligning workforce output and efforts to the successful achievement of the firm’s objectives therefore necessitating the surveillance currently being seen in any organizational setting (Brunon-Ernst 2016). The panopticon philosophy provide an in depth understanding on this management practice. Firstly, the purpose of this architecture design was aimed at enforcing internal control mechanism effectual in transforming the prisoners into adopting modified and regulated behavior (Orlitzky & Monga 2017). According Foucault, surveillance coerces employees into acknowledging the presence of an observer or monitor by inducing the impact of managerial power. Secondly, it integrates a normalized judgement which is imperative for control and observance in case where disciplinary action is warranted to drive gratification (Brunon-Ernst 2016). In terms of performance, this system is necessary in incorporating values of evilness and goodness to quantify the outcomes within a business environment. Thus, the concept of panopticon asserts a regulatory role in management.

            Panopticism has effectively transformed the management model through normalizing the subjects’ judgement which in this case is the workforce to increase adherence to company regulations and policies. In any firm, uniformity in all aspects including work ethic and conduct is prioritized (Stokes, 2011). This condition is achieved through subjecting the workforce to induction that inspires the acceptance of disciplinary measures emanating from monitoring outcomes as the norm (Brunon-Ernst 2016). With increased uniformity, docility is an expected outcome whereby the management is able to comply with the disciplinary models associated with the panoptic disciplinary models. Secondly, this philosophy has been integrated as an overt mode of ensuring the workforce feels more isolated hence limited from organizing against the management (Orlitzky & Monga 2017). This objective has been achieved through the organizational physical structuring whereby partitions are installed in workspaces as form of ensuring employees are consistently alienated and busy without any room for the mind wandering. Basing on this explanation, this principle has incorporated subtle and self-corrective disciplinary models in management with the potential to generate uniformity, compliance and docility from the workforce.

            This principle increases managerial influence through gaining panoptic power further promoting self-surveillance within the organizational framework (Orlitzky & Monga 2017). With the necessary disciplinary apparatuses set in place, it is easier for employees to impose on themselves the need to monitor their conduct and interactions within the work environment. Just as the prisoner in the panoptic would feel they have autonomy over their actions and behaviors, employees also experience the same feeling (Brunon-Ernst 2016). This compounds perceive their decision as being self-driven in meeting the guidelines set by the respective systems. However, panoptic power asserts psychological pressure that generates the need to demonstrate cooperation by the workforce in order to align with the organizational structure. In doing so, the overall effect has changed management as employees in the current workplace are more aware of their decisions, actions and consequences hence correct themselves without any involvement of the management (Tsang 2016). This outcome has been extremely beneficial for many organizations as it reduces the costs imposed on staff management.

Impression Management and Human Resource Management

Human resource management as a managerial practice is influenced by impression management as a philosophical theory grounded on the influence of human behavior in decision making on HR processes such as recruitment and hiring (Koslowski 2010). This department plays a significant role in determining firm’s success as it is the basis applied in generating competitive advantage derived from the top talent as well as regulating workforce output (Orlitzky & Monga 2017). Additionally, it prioritizes the employees’ quality in meeting current and future organizational objectives. Therefore, in fulfilling these expectation, right people should be selected for available job positions in order to continuously drive the company’s development. The application of impression management can positively or negatively influence these highlighted processes (Koslowski 2010). It is significantly influenced by overall behavior conducted between the prospective employee and employer hence affecting the outcome of quality decisions in recruitment and selected processes

Impression management has contributed to HRM in the sense whereby employees are able to self-regulate their behavior in order to elicit the desired perception from the other concerning their abilities (Orlitzky & Monga 2017). Within the working environment, staff experience scarcity of resources, unstable economy and competitive conditions. This exposure often contributes to their decision to either increase or decrease their organizational value in order position themselves for positions that facilitate better access to resources. This action is common in the modern day setting cited as a political behavior aimed at advancing one’s interest and progression in their respective career positions (Koslowski 2010). From this explanation, it is evident that this philosophy is applicable in the business setting as a means of influencing employee perceptions. Therefore, it has a direct impact on the quality of relationships developed between workers and the management therefore affecting variables such as job satisfaction.

This philosophy has contributed positively to brand management justified by the efforts directed by varied organizations in swaying individuals to perceive their brand as being good and socially responsible (Kirkeby 2000). This endeavor is achieved through continuous and consistency in the interpersonal interactions the brand engages in with stakeholders and its consumers. With the incorporation of the signals and cues aimed at eliciting a desired impact, the brand can receive positive opinions pertaining to its overall conduct and customer service quality. Secondly, the application of this ideology in marketing further stimulates brand awareness boosting its overall performance in comparison to others brands (Koslowski 2010). One of the core aspect of impression management for marketing purposes includes corporate storytelling cited as an effective action in demonstrating the importance of the brand to both its external and internal stakeholders in facilitating heightened competitive advantage. In corporate storytelling, the stakeholders are more inclined to perceive it as distinctive and authentic, likeable and powerful as well as sincere (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). These perceptions generally contribute to the attitude and perception demonstrated by these entities towards the brand. With the primary advantage of this philosophy being the ability of the organization to incorporate varied themes to generate the intended perception, it has contributed significantly to the methods through which companies perform brand management.

Impression management is directly associated with performance levels hence critical in performance management (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). According to scholars, core drivers of this principle include performance evaluations and job interviews. For instance, employees focus on engaging in activities such as organizational citizenship behavior with the aim of creating a positive impression on their commitment and dedication to the company (Koslowski 2010). It is also impactful in determining the level of employee willingness in being proactive in the execution of delegated tasks (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). Additionally, with impression management as a key effort, employees become more vocal in presenting their opinion on controversial organizational problems and presenting solutions elemental in driving change (Koslowski 2010). It is imperative to note that this philosophy should be manifested through salient ways given the less favorable perception it generates when proactive behavior is only associated one’s desire to create a positive self-image.

Post Modernism and Its Impact on Management

The application of modernism has been influential in management as a mode of learning organizations, dissolution disease affecting managers through information as well as flow of information (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). This theory presents a logical approach in developing comprehension pertaining to new sciences integrated in management relating to human sciences. Supporters of this principle apply thinking capacities considerate of the changing elements in human behavior within the organizational environment (Kirkeby 2000). Additionally, to fully grasp this ideology it is imperative to consider the implications of its features within an organizational context. Firstly, it opposes form of Unitarianism therefore presenting multiplicity, variety, embranchment as well as dispersion as the major concepts within this principle. Therefore, it is expected that organization integrating post modernism are repelled by centrality of authority. Relativism is the second feature whereby management is perceived as changeable hence requiring a relative approach which changes depending on transformative factors (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). Thirdly, absurdism constitutes this theory whereby the world’s existence is seen as developing and moving with time as per an outlined divine timeline. These features form the core of postmodernism, its reality and its manifestation in organizational management.

            Management in a post-modernistic organization is influenced by the reality of perceiving a corporate entity as a clustered political entity. According to this ideology, an organization is expected to establish its distinctive values, cultures, linguistic codes, interests and commitments that sets it aside from other corporates (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). This actuality has contributed to the singularity observed in organizations whereby the permissibility of cohesion is only assigned to those operating within the management and its divisions creating a community with distinct codes and language (Kirkeby 2000). For instance, in a company, different departments are often characterized by distinct features and mode of language specific to those operating within them acting as a locus of power and knowledge (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). Therefore, each community/department is permitted to decide on its processes singularly as well as regulate their perception of reality regarding other departments and their contribution to the organization. This capacity is considered as elemental power which generated social production processes that contribute to collective meaning for the management which is all inclusive and regulative of the outcomes and implications for each community.

            Postmodernism has also revolutionized management in a way that it is easily differential from the traditional modern bureaucracy. In the latter, it is common to observe that the workforce is regulated by a set of rules and protocols which are disseminated through a hierarchical control (Joullié & Spillane 2015). However, this philosophy has incorporated cultural complexity and flexibility necessary in dealing with the highly qualified top talent currently available in the workplace. The stability of this management is availed by the information technology networks facilitating exposure necessary in streamlining related processes. This principle has contributed to management in the sense whereby leaders in management should demonstrated a sense of innovation, creativity and offer directive to employees to embrace these qualities in meaning the company’s objectives (Joullié & Spillane 2015). In managing active organization, this ideology places priority on decentralism whereby in structures and models applied are informed by the conditional setting of the firm’s information and technology, duties and goals, strategic and technical positioning and the environment (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). From this elaboration, the management shifts its overreliance on predetermined relations and formalized structures. Various benefits have been associated with decentralism include autonomy and flexibility of the teams. Additionally, there is a comprehensiveness in quality management, flexibility in the production systems, easy power delegation and enables increased productivity (Joullié & Spillane 2015). This concept has also played a significant role in ensuring employees are empowered to accelerate their work completion and results quantifiable through information technology and statistic quality control charts due to the omission of a centralized pyramid organization model to a horizontal, or flat structure.

            Postmodernism has integrated the element of persuasion in management whereby employees to exercise their will and a dedication to execute prompts presented by the manager. This feature is a direct opposite of command hence elicits the need for individuals to fulfil promises relating to work assignment or duties assigned (Kirkeby 2000). One of the features observed with the new age workforce is high literary and intellectual levels therefore, it is easier to achieve a common objectives as an outcome of cooperation and engagement of this group. With this kind of setting, it has transformed management where coordination is achievable ensuring the effectual execution of varied processes (Tsoukas 2018). Additionally, it has done away with the importance of commanding hence the coerciveness often associated with managerial control. A manager applying the postmodernism approach is able of offer guidance through influence and an appeal to will (Joullié & Spillane 2015). This form of directorship inspires a sense of empowerment as it allows for sound decision taking, similar opinion and co-thinking increasing the overall participation within an organizational setting (Kirkeby 2000). Judging from this, this philosophy serves a greater purposes of positively contributing to the fostering of informal relations and friendliness between the management and its employees which include ensures seamless acceptability of guidance through persuasion aimed at achieving organizational goals.

Fig 1: Management Philosophies


One essential business apply is performance management because it assures the output and activities engaged at intervals the structure setting are in line with the made public long and short term goals (Rendtorff 2017). Data technology, within the modern-day setting, are utilized in streamlining and boosting performance within the geographic point. It is remodeled the way within which firms operate and structure operations (Brunon-Ernst 2016). The philosophy of Panopticism was developed within the late eighteenth century, stemming from Greek language to mean “all seeing”, it had been applied in design as a style utilized in constructing prisons. The structure of panopticon buildings ensured intensive and consistent observation of all prisoners at any given time of day. Performance management demands for regulative measures geared toward orienting hands output and efforts to the eminent accomplishment of the firm’s objectives so necessitating the police investigation presently being seen in any structure setting (Brunon-Ernst 2016). The panopticon philosophy give associate degree thorough understanding on this management apply. Panopticism has effectively remodeled the management model through normalizing the subjects’ judgement that during this case is that the hands to extend adherence to company rules and policies. This principle will increase social control influence through gaining panoptic power additional promoting self-surveillance at intervals the structure framework. Human resource management as a social control apply is influenced by impression management as a ism elaborating on the influence of human behavior in influencing method} process on unit of time processes like accomplishment and hiring. Impression management has contributed to HRM within the sense whereby staff are ready to self-regulate their behavior so as to elicit the specified perception from the opposite regarding their skills.

The application of modernism has been influential in administration as a mode of mastering organizations, dissolution ailment affecting managers via information as nicely as go with the flow of statistics (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). This theory presents a logical method in creating comprehension pertaining to new sciences built-in in management touching on to human sciences. Supporters of this precept apply thinking capacities thoughtful of the changing elements in human conduct within the organizational surroundings (Kirkeby 2000). Management in a post-modernistic company is influenced with the aid of the fact of perceiving a corporate entity as a clustered political entity. According to this ideology, an agency is expected to establish its exclusive values, cultures, linguistic codes, hobbies and commitments that units it aside from different corporates (Falcato & Cardiello 2018). Postmodernism has also revolutionized administration in a way that it is without difficulty differential from the normal current bureaucracy. In the latter, it is common to have a look at that the team of workers is regulated via a set of rules and protocols which are disseminated thru a hierarchical manage (Joullié & Spillane 2015). Postmodernism has integrated the component of persuasion in administration whereby personnel to exercise their will and a dedication to execute prompts introduced by way of the manager. This function is a direct contrary of command consequently elicits the need for men and women to fulfil guarantees touching on to work project or obligations assigned.

Reference List

Falcato, A & Cardiello, A 2018, ‘Introduction: Philosophy and Literary Modernism—An Old Problem Finally Made New’, Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism, vol. 4, no. 67, pp.1-27.

Joullié, J & Spillane, R 2015, The Philosophical Foundations of Management Thought, Lexington Books, Lanham.

Kirkeby, O F 2000, Management Philosophy: A Radical-Normative Perspective, Springer Science & Business Media, Berlin.

Koslowski, P 2010, Elements of a Philosophy of Management and Organization, Springer Science & Business Media, Berlin.

Orlitzky, M & Monga, M 2017, Integrity in Business and Management: Cases and Theory, Taylor & Francis, Oxfordshire.

Rendtorff, J D 2017, Perspectives on Philosophy of Management and Business Ethics: Including a Special Section on Business and Human Rights, Springer: Basingstoke.

Sheldon, O 2003, The Philosophy of Management, Psychology P, London.

Tsang, E W 2016, The Philosophy of Management Research. Taylor & Francis: Oxfordshire.

Tsoukas, H 2018, Philosophical Organization Theory, Oxford UP, New York.

Tsoukas, H & Chia, R 2011, Philosophy and Organization Theory, Emerald Group Publishing, West Yorkshire.

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