The Effect of Social Support on the Prevention of Postpartum Depression

Posted: December 21st, 2022

The Effect of Social Support on the Prevention of Postpartum Depression

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PSYC 6213: Research Methodology

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Month Date, 2022

The Effect of Social Support on the Prevention of Postpartum Depression

The study pays attention to how postpartum depression affects new women and gives suggestions on how to address the problem. [A1] It examines offering social support as a possible option for handling the problem effectively. Supporting information come from current literature that give rich information regarding how the issue could get out of hand without adequate intervention. The literature that are suitable for this study are those that address how postpartum depression affects new mothers. Specifically, the research incorporates literacy work published in the past ten years with the objective of gathering current data regarding the matter under investigation.


The process of transiting into a mother often marks an exciting moment that brings together a compelling experience, learning, and discovery. [A2] Nonetheless, some women find the transition marked by considerable challenges, including instances of emotional turmoil, frustration, and fatigue (Corrigan et al., 2015). Emotional distress and feelings of loss of control not only impact negatively on the mother, but also cause known serious implications for the child as well. For example, adverse birth outcomes, ineffective mother-infant attachment, and long-term implications for the infant (Corrigan et al., 2015). The early postpartum duration is an important time to advance the health and survival of both the mother and the baby, yet information by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that the period covering postpartum and postnatal do not get as much attention as they deserve from health care practitioners. On the other hand, the prenatal duration and childbirth period tend to receive much attention.  Whereas this area receives little attention, it is apparent the problem affects many women. Based on data by Corrigan et al. (2015) about 12% of women in twenty-nine states reported incidences of postpartum depression in 2009. [A3] Nonetheless, the issue often goes undiagnosed and unattended to because of lack of awareness among woman and their health care givers. Whereas researchers have recommended various alternatives for addressing postpartum depression, more focus is invested in examining the potential implications of social support. Many women have managed to prevent the traumatizing moments associated with postpartum depression through adequate social support, while many others have overcome its effects through this approach (Nakamura et al., 2022). Consequently, it is essential to pay considerable attention to this intervention approach that proves effective.  [A4] 

Problem Statement

The chief problem being examined in this case is the lack of social support that some women encounter after giving birth, which makes it difficult for them to prevent postpartum depression. [A5] The purpose of the literature review is to find out what researchers say about this matter and to acquire awareness that may help to deal with the challenge. [A6] The following research questions guide the study;

Literature Review

Researchers have performed numerous researches on the effects of social support on preventing postpartum depression, and their information contributes significantly towards handling the issue. [A8] Evidence suggests that postpartum depression is a widespread concern not only in the Middle East, but all over the globe. According to Vaezi et al. (2018), the prevalence of the depression is projected to be approximately 10-15% globally. The authors assert that many risk factors play in causing a new mother to develop maternal postpartum depression, which significantly affect the mother, baby, the family, and the whole society. To verify this claim, Vaezi et al. (2018) perform a cross-sectional research incorporating 200 new mothers who seek maternal services in selected health facilities in Tehran, Iran. The researchers who analyze data using SPSS version 21.0.1 reveal that the large the social network a mother has, the less likely she will develop postpartum depression. Cho et al. (2022) support the argument that the more a mother receives social support the easier it becomes for them to prevent or overcome postpartum depression. Cho et al. (2022) concur that postpartum depression is rampant. However, the researchers claim that not much is known regarding the association between this form of depression and social support. Choi et al. (2022) who examine the connection between social support and postpartum depression among women in South Korea who have experienced childbirth in the past one year reveal that social support has great connection with decreased possibilities of experiencing postpartum depression. The findings in both studies reinstate the significance of social support, particularly for women experiencing adverse body image, pregnancy loss, or multi-parity.

Further review of current literature show the importance of social support in addressing postpartum depression.


The study examines the connection between social support and postpartum depression. The analysis of various current literature indicate that absence of social support aggravates the challenges women who have just given birth encounter, particularly with regard to depressive moods and feelings. The findings by various researcher suggest that new mothers need as much social support as possible to guide them through the tough times that they encounter before, during, and after labor. The paper insinuates that failure to take quick actions could result in increased worsening cases because so far cases of postpartum depression have progressively intensified over the recent years. It does not take much to offer social support to new mothers. All it needs is the encouragement, guidance, love, and support from the people around the mother. Otherwise, disregarding these directives could result in increased incidences that may be difficult to manage. [A9] 


The findings impact on health caregivers, mothers, and those who surround her, especially friends and family members. They learn that the primary thing that a new mother require is the support and encouragement from various groups. Health workers, especially those who deal with maternity-related issues learn the importance of informing newly delivered women and their families the values of social support, and how this could impact on alleviating the effects of postpartum depression. The mother, on the other hand, learn the values of being as close as possible to other people who may help her walk the journey without the possibilities of developing depressive encounters. They learn that excluding themselves from the rest deter their opportunity to access the highly needed care and attention. Finally, the family learns the value of being a fundamental guide when a women gives birth. The know that being far away only intensifies the problem and put the mother and the baby at more risk of witnessing more adverse effects. Consequently, each of the identified groups should not take the information for granted. Instead, they need to act accordingly [A10] 

Ideas for Future Research

Future researchers have a role to play in ensuring that new mothers get the social support and encouragement that they need to overcome possible depression. They need to base their argument and expound on what current researchers have found on the topic and come up with more enlightening explanations and ideas. The researchers need to emphasize that postpartum depression can make it difficult for the mother to take personal care while maintaining the well-being of the child at the same time (Vaezi et al., 2018). Besides, they should come up with valuable information that would help practitioners in this area to understand more factors associated with maternal depression. For example, they should delve more on how factors such as mood disorders, depression, family history, and substance abuse contribute towards maternal depression. Such revelations would make it easier for current interveners to know where to base their treatment. Moreover, future researchers should propose new and effective ways that members of the society can use to help mothers who are grappling with postpartum depression.  [A11] 


The findings of the study are crucial in the dealing with postpartum depression that affect many women after birth. The paper increases the urge to pay more attention to postpartum depression that according to the analysis does not receive the attention it deserves. Furthermore, a key lesson from the examination of various literature is that it is possible to mitigate the problem by offering the needed social support. Many women suffer this kind of depression in silence yet it is possible to embrace effective mitigating approaches, including providing the needed social encouragement that does not require much financial commitment. All one needs is to be compassionate and empathize with the new mother. The research suggests that whereas current researchers have conducted adequate research on the various ways of dealing with the issue, future researchers still have much to do bring the number of affected individuals and families down. It is time to act because further delay could aggravate the challenge. [A12] 


Cho, H., Lee, K., Choi, E., Cho, H., Park, B., Suh, M., Rhee, Y., & Choi, K. (2022). Association between social support and postpartum depression. Scientific Reports, 12(3128),[A13] 

Corrigan, C., Kwasky, A., & Groh, C. (2015). Social Support, Postpartum Depression, and Professional Assistance: A Survey of Mothers in the Midwestern United States. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 24(1), 48-60.  doi: 10.1891/1058-1243.24.1.48

Nakamura, Y., et al. (2022). Perceived social support partially mediates the impact of temperament and character on postpartum depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry,

Vaezi, A., Soojoodi, F., Banihashemi, A., & Nojomi, M. (2018). The association between social support and postpartum depression in women: A cross sectional study. Women and Birth, 32(2), 238-242.  doi:10.1016/j.wombi.2018.07.014


 [A2]Opening remark.

 [A3]Spread of PPD across various U.S. states.

 [A4]Closing sentence.

 [A5]Problem statement.

 [A6]Purpose of literature review.

 [A7]Research questions.

 [A8]Opening sentence.

 [A9]Summary of the literature review

 [A10]How the findings impact on key stakeholders.

 [A11]Directives for future study.

 [A12]Summary of the entire paper.

 [A13]APA 7 requires author’s last name, initial for first name, title, journal name, volume, issue number, and link for journal articles.

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