Macro Project Proposal

Posted: December 21st, 2022

Macro Project Proposal

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Macro Project Proposal

School-going children are prone to issues that could affect their health and overall well-being, especially when they are exposed to evident threat. Hence, they require special attention when it is apparent that their health and happiness are threatened. The proposal provides guidance that would help targeted children overcome various health problems as well as improve their capacity to cope with social issues emanating within the home setting. Moreover, the program would equip parents and family members with relevant skills needed to assist their children get over their problems. The intervention program will engage various stakeholders who will play different roles to facilitate the realization of the targeted outcomes. The key intention is to help children and their families address the macro social problem and to restore confidence that the turbulence will come to pass.

Social Problem

Children are at considerable risk of encountering numerous issues some of which may have detrimental effects if they do not get needed attention. More so, children from low-income households are more likely that children from high-income families to develop adverse health complications (Victorino & Gauthier, 2009). Children in this category are also likely to encounter other social constraints within the family, in school setting, and in other areas of the society (Victorino & Gauthier, 2009). Hence, the proposal pays attention to helping children who encounter various issues that impact on their health. Specifically, the project seeks to help kids who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is a disorder affecting the brain and distorts how one pays attention, regulate their behavior, and sit quietly. The exercise also targets kids who suffer from panic attack and anxiety disorder. Moreover, the program seeks to alleviate the problems that foster and homeless kids experience, while offering them with needed resources to address their problems. The practice also targets children who do not go along well with their parents. Hence the social problem being addressed by the project revolves improving the health and well-being of kids.

The health and social problems kids encounter constitute a macro social problem because it does not only affect children who are the central focus of this intervention program but also impact on their parents and other members of the society. The issue constitutes a macro social problem because they are huge and is not as a result of an individual’s fault. The macro social problem in this instance affects a significant group of people. For instance, ADHD and anxiety disorder does not only affect particular children. Instead it is possible to diagnose children from diverse backgrounds with the health conditions.

In regard to the social problem, the dominant group comprises of the intervening team because it has the capability to offer services and resources that would address the identified concerns. On the other hand, the marginalized group in this instance are the children who are vulnerable to various health complications yet they are not in a good position to access healthcare due to various restricting factors such as lack of funds or other limiting factors. It is because the marginalized group lacks the capacity to address its tribulation that the intervening team seeks to help them mitigate issues that could affect their well-being and health. Thus, the marginalized group would rely on the dominant group for assistance.

Proposed Activity

Various key stakeholders will take part in the exercise and will play roles that contribute towards the realization of the targeted goals. The program brings stakeholders on board because they contribute towards identifying potential risks and bring diverse views and opinions on how to handle the whole project (Dwivedi & Dwivedi, 2021). The government is a key stakeholder in this scenario and will be responsible for activities such as providing needed drugs and other fundamental equipment such as furniture and teaching materials in the form of donation. Besides, the government’s financial strength makes it a vital aspect of the initiative. Besides, the children who receive attention at the facility form a basic element of the stakeholder group. They form the basis of why the facility functions, and every group that contributes towards the running of the wellness center do so with the goal of improving the children’s health and addressing the social problems they present. The team also comprises of health specialists who are conversant with diagnosing and treating conditions such as ADHA, anxiety disorder, and panic attack. The specialists will attend to the kids while relying on clinical-based evidence and will follow clinical practice guidelines that direct practitioners on how to handle such complications. The program also considers the children’s parents and their families to be a critical component of the stakeholders. The parents will give their views on what approaches they think work well, and will provide relevant information about their children that would facilitate the intervention process. The exercise acknowledges the contribution of each stakeholders bearing taking into account that it is impossible to achieve the desired goals singlehandedly.

Various activities will take place that will mitigate the identified macro social problem. All children who get an opportunity to be part of the group will get assistance for a period of two months before being allowed to rejoin with their families unless it is a special case. The initial activities will commence on May 1, 2022 and run until July 1, 2022 after which a new batch of children will be recruited. Hence, all activities will run concurrently but under different times. The following activities will form part of the intervention program and will span different periods;

May 1, 2022-July 1, 2022 (9 am to 11 am Monday-Friday)Helping children bond with their families while providing support to access basic needs such as food and clothing.
May 1, 2022-July 1, 2022 (12 noon to 1 pm Monday-Friday)Help children who are in crisis learn how to manage their stress, health problems, depression, and family issues.
May 1, 2022-July 1, 2022 (2 pm to 3 pm Monday-Friday)Actively engage with a social worker who will provide tips on how to address issues at home and the community that affect their well-being.
May 1, 2022-July 1, 2022 (4 pm to 5 pm Monday-Friday)Children get the time to share information that improve their wellness and foster their learning in the presence of intervening adults.
May 1, 2022-July 1, 2022 (9 am to 11 am Saturday)Members of staff get relevant support and family members receive information that improve their wellness.

Anticipated Outcomes

The project hopes to improve the wellness and health of the children, the well-being of their families, and to equip members with better skills on how to handle such social problems. One of the highly anticipated outcomes is that the children would gain skills on how to cope with their health and social problems. The exercise hopes to show the children that they can stay healthy by sticking to medication and following everything that their health providers tell them. The implementers hope to restore confidence among participants who live with different conditions that they can overcome the situation and lead a normal and healthy life. Being able to handle the different conditions without continuous dependence on care is a key objective for this exercise. For instance, the implementers hope to show participants battling the need to sit in front of class to minimize destructions, and to encourage them to talk with their teacher about the condition (Kuo & Taylor, 2004). The other objective is to inform family members why they need to support their children in all areas, and why it is essential to give information that may help to provide befitting care. In addition, the practice aims at equipping interveners with needed skills and competence to deal with the macro social problem facing the population.


The proposal provides adequate information regarding the exercise that would help many children address overcome a number of health issues as well as address social issues that they encounter at home. The exercise will bring on board various stakeholders, including the government, health practitioners, the targeted population (children), and their parents and families who all will play fundamental roles towards making the program a success. The exercise focuses on activities that are likely to give the best results with the motive of achieving the best outcome. The intervention program aspires to achieve specific outcomes, including helping the children cope with their health and social problems, encouraging family members to give needed support, and to equip interveners with necessary skills needed to deal with such issues.


Dwivedi, R., & Dwivedi, P. (2021). Role of stakeholders in project success: Theoretical background and approach. International Journal of Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, 11(1), 38-49.

Kuo, M., & Taylor, A. (2004). A potential natural treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Evidence from a national study. American Journal of Public Health, 94(9), 1580-1586. doi:10.2105/AJPH.94.9.1580

Victorino, C., & Gauthier, A. (2009). The social determinants of child health: Variations across health outcomes – a population-based cross-sectional analysis. BMC Pediatrics, 9(53), doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-9-53

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