Use of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for Patients with Gestation Hypertension

Posted: December 21st, 2022

Use of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for Patients with Gestation Hypertension

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Use of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for Patients with Gestation Hypertension

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is a technique to assess blood pressure on a 24-hour basis. The approach allows one to monitor their blood pressure even as they sleep. The continuous data generation helps the doctor to acquire a more precise image of one’s blood pressure levels. The approach also allows one to monitor their heart rate at the same time while reading their blood pressure. The practice is particularly good for patients with gestation hypertension. In order to explore this topic further, the study offers conceptual and operational definitions of variable. The first variable relevant for this study, and which serves as the independent variable is ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and the second variable, and which serves as the dependent variable in this instance is gestation hypertension. In order to assess the effects of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for patients with gestation hypertension, definitions provided by Fabbian et al. (2020) will be used. The authors define ambulatory blood pressure monitoring as a continuous monitoring of BP, especially when high blood pressure is suspected. Fabbian et al. (2020) inform that in effect, any person suspected of hypertension should be subjected to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to verify diagnosis. Fabbian et al. (2020) describe gestation hypertension as a type of high blood pressure in pregnancy. They term the condition as a chronic hypertension or momentary hypertension of pregnancy that develops in the final half of pregnancy. The study argues that being able to apply a relevant theory increases the likelihood for mitigating gestation hypertension using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.

Relevant Theory

The theoretical framework provided by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program focusing on gestation hypertension serves as a guide for this study. The framework implies that hypertensive complications during pregnancy fall into four main divisions; chronic hypertension, preeclampsia which may escalate to eclampsia, preeclampsia that relates to chronic hypertension, and lastly gestational hypertension. Mammaro et al. (2019) describe chronic hypertension as high blood pressure that either comes before pregnancy and is diagnosed within the initial twenty weeks of being pregnant, or does not calm within the postpartum checkup that happens for twelve weeks. Clinicians usually differentiate between mild and severe hypertension during pregnancy. Mammaro et al. (2019) define Preeclampsia as a disease characterized by the formation of protein uria and hypertension after a period of twenty weeks of gestation. Mammaro et al. (2019) identify various theoretical concepts of pathogenesis of preeclampsia and emphasize on immunologic as being the most common theory. The theory implies that the dilation of maternal spiral arteries into large vessels is as a result of penetration by fetal syncytial trophoblasts that often occur during normal pregnancy. Mammaro et al. (2019) describe eclampsia as a condition that may happen without prior notification in a patient with a slight elevation in their blood pressure or experiencing convulsions that in a pre-eclampsia condition. In all these conditions, Mammaro et al. (2019) recommend effective blood monitoring techniques as a possible approach to managing the problem. Specifically Mammaro et al. (2019) endorse ambulatory blood pressure monitoring as an effective way for mitigating the health issue that could have detrimental effects on the affected person. Relying on the theoretical framework and relating it with the authors’ support for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring helps to understand why those experiencing gestation hypertension need to undergo the assessment procedure.

Relationship among Variables

Understanding the relationship between the independent (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring) and dependent (gestation hypertension) variables present a suitable opportunity to know how the intervention approach would best address the health problem. The relationship is that it is possible to monitor and manage gestation hypertension using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The connection implies that cases of hypertension during pregnancy require considerable attention to avert adverse effects that could affect the woman and possibly cause disturbing effects on the fetus as well (Kario et al., 2019). Knowing the relationship between the variables encourages health practitioners to pay more attention to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring while taking time to inform patients why the approach would help to manage their condition effectively and provide hint for the suitable medication or therapy.

Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework presents an overview of how the variables relate to give particular outcomes. In addition, the conceptual framework helps to understand how the various aspects of intervention relate to produce the desired outcome. The following presentation is a conceptual framework for using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to manage gestation hypertension;

Wang, 2020

The conceptual framework implies that using self-management tools such as ambulatory blood pressure monitoring devices falls at the basis of the pyramid, thus identifying the procedure as being vital for assessing gestation hypertension. The practice is as effective as offering patient education and forming an effective relationship with the client to manage the condition more appropriately (Wang, 2020). A healthcare provider should be responsible for these actions. However, the model shows that the patient is also responsible for improving their health and well-being by adjusting their lifestyle and adhering to medication.

How Theory will Guide the Research

The theory will significantly guide the research. The theory would help to understand that gestation hypertension manifests in different ways and the effects may also vary. Thus, interveners may have to be cautious while handling women presenting cases of gestation hypertension by determining the type and recommending the most suitable intervention technique. The research while relying on the theory will take into account that a mitigating approach that works appropriately for women with either chronic hypertension, preeclampsia, or eclampsia may not give the same result when intervening for another case. More fundamentally, the theory will guide the research by showing why ambulatory blood pressure monitoring presents a suitable opportunity to handle the condition regardless of its nature. Thus, the theory will not only help to understand how gestation hypertension impacts differently on patients, but will also help to know why ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is the most suitable intervention technique. Consequently, health workers should familiarize themselves with the theory because this presents them with a suitable chance to handle emerging cases more effectively and competently.


The study presents valuable information regarding use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring during gestation hypertension. The study relies on the theory developed by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program, which requires health practitioners to understand the various forms of gestation hypertension and how they impact on a patient. The study also shows the connection between the variables and asserts that it is possible to manage gestation hypertension more effectively through ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The provided conceptual framework presents a graphical view of how to mitigate the health problem. Moreover, the study provides information that shows how the theory would steer the research.


Fabbian, F., Cappadona, R., Giorgi, A., & Simone, E. (2020). Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring during pregnancy: An Italian experience. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 47(1), 89-92. doi:10.12891/ceog5205.2020

Kario, K., et al. (2019). Expert panel consensus recommendations for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Asia: The HOPE Asia network. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 21(9), 1250-1283.

Mammaro, A., et al. (2019). Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Journal of Prenatal Medicine, 3(1), 1-5.,chronic%20hypertension%2C%20and%204)%20gestational

Wang, J. (2020). Conceptual model of hypertension management. Retrieved March 5, 2022, from,

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