Creating Crisis Management Center in Yemen

Posted: December 21st, 2022

Creating Crisis Management Center in Yemen





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Creating Crisis Management Center in Yemen

Political-based conflicts could have far-reaching implications if nothing happens to mitigate the situation. The study focuses on the Yemeni crisis that has lasted for more than half a decade now. It identifies the causes and effects of the problem, and identifies the need to develop a crisis management center to be a suitable remedy. The paper reiterates the need to address the problem with the urgency it deserves to avert the potential adverse consequences. So far, many people experience hunger and the poverty levels continue to rise (, 2022). The objective of the study is to emphasize the need to create a crisis management center from where a team will provide guidelines on how to mitigate the stalemate. It also aims at showing the role stakeholders would play in dealing with the crisis that evidently affects the well-being of the Yemeni people and the country’s progress.

Data Sources and Methods

The study relies on various secondary sources that provide the needed information. Secondary sources are preferable in this case because they are easily accessible, and the researcher does not undergo much cost to acquire them. Referring to secondary sources for this task makes it easier to respond to the questions under investigation, and to achieve the research objectives. Secondary sources are suitable for this study because they offer a variety of expert views and insights into a particular subject. The study retrieves data from secondary sources because the process takes place very fast compared to other techniques such interviews or quantitative or experimental research where a researcher must interact with various variables and engage in numerous analytical processes. Specifically, the study draws information from peer-reviewed journals and relevant websites. All the articles are from reputable scholars who are renewed for great achievement and contribution in their respective areas. The sources are selected based on a systematic stratified sampling technique that makes it possible to group sources with a particular order called stratum before settling on the most suitable ones. However, the most important factors to consider while selecting the sources were their relationship and relevance to the topic under investigation. Nonetheless, that does not imply that secondary sources do not have their limitations. The common challenge with the approach is that the researcher may spend a lot of time identifying the right sources and retrieving information from each production, especially if they are performing a large research. Nonetheless, the technique is effective and one that suits this research.

Project Identification

Situation Analysis

The group should consider factors in the internal and external environments that could impact on the project. Factors in the external environment that could determine the performance of the project include government policies, impact from similar establishments, and social factors such people’s ability to put up with the difficult situation. On the other hand, the internal factors that could determine the success of the project include the team’s commitment to excel, team leadership, and existence of working policies and procedures.

Stakeholder Analysis and Stakeholder Matrix

Stakeholders are a vital part of the undertaking and they all play different roles and impact on the project differently. A key stakeholder in this case is the International Red Cross and Red Crescent that will perform a wide range of functions. For instance, the Red Crescent will be in the forefront in offering health care services to affected people as a result of the conflict. For instance, the Red Crescent will offer therapeutic services to those who exhibit anxiety, depression, or stress. The Red Crescent will also offer humanitarian support in terms of foodstuffs to affected families and individuals, and will deliver the supplies to the center during specified days. Another group of stakeholders who will impact on this project are the governments of Yemen and the UAE because groups are in a position to offer the needed support that vary in nature. The two governments are concerned about the affairs in Yemen and are highly likely to intervene in the case because they border Yemen and any instability in Yemen could destabilize operations in the other countries as well. The people of Yemen are also part of the main stakeholders because most of the warfare impact on nationals who hardly have anything to do with the war. Hence, any attempt to alleviate the effects of the conflict would go a long way into making citizens feel more relaxed and confident of their leaders. Financial institutions also serve as part of the stakeholders that have interest in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. The institutions provide the highly needed financial aid to help achieve certain goals during this time when many government processes experiences constant disruption and revenue generation becomes very difficult. The funds will facilitate the purchase of the needed materials. The final group of stakeholders in this case are those who hear about what happens in Yemen from other country and wish that something happens so that the country finds peace. This group of stakeholders will primarily give their views on what they think should happen to address the problem in such a way that all parties achieve justice. All these stakeholders are essential for the project to achieve its aspirations.

A stakeholder matrix provides more information about the stakeholders, while providing clearer guidance about the significance of each of the stakeholders. The stakeholders with more power and interest in this case are the governments of Yemen and the UAE as well as the Red Crescent. The groups are the primary stakeholders because they are responsible for providing numerous resources that would facilitate the establishment and functioning of the center. The group that qualifies as having high power, but with low interest are the financers because they would not want to appear like they are taking sides. The stakeholder group with low power and high interest are the people of Yemen because whereas the war really affects both individuals and households, there is nothing much they can do to stop the warfare that involve the use of heavy machinery. In the stakeholder matrix, the group with low power and low interest is that which comprises of people from other countries. Not every person in the other countries follow up on what is happening in Yemen, and even if they knew they may not have the power to intervene and possibly restore peace. 

Problem Analysis – Core Problem, Causes, and Effects

For seven years now, Yemen has witnessed conflicts that impact on the country in numerous ways. The tussle is between the Yemeni government that other sovereign states acknowledge to be the official governing body, and which has the support of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the Houthi rebels, who receive financial and material support from Iraq. The (2022) identifies the crisis in Yemen to have contributed towards one of the most serious and weighty humanitarian crisis globally. The catastrophe has rendered more than a half of the country’s population unable to get food for survival, and the hunger and poverty rate is growing each day. Various factors facilitated the conflict in Yemen. The chief cause could be attributed to the uprising by Yemeni nationals against the government for not reinforcing political activities in the country and encouraging stability. Ali Abdullah Saleh al-Ahmar who had retained the presidency from 1990 to 2012 had no option following the increasing calls for his removal from power but to hand over power to his deputy, Abdrabbuh Hadi (, 2022). However, KSA’s entry into the affairs of Yemen escalated the matter, with the Houthi rebels coming into play in the name of safeguarding the community against discrimination and aggression. So far, the problem has had severe effects. The crisis has rendered the government unable to achieve the requirements and desires of Yemeni nationals. Moreover, the crisis has affected the health, security, and overall well-being of both nationals and non-citizens (BBC, 2021). Another key concern is that the relentless fighting has caused the prevalence rate for diseases to increase. The problem requires an effective mitigation approach to end the stalemate.

Objective Analysis

The exercise wishes to achieve particular goals upon its completion. A key objective in this scenario is to help affected Yemeni nationals access vital needs during the conflict. The team hopes to equip those receiving care at the center with relevant skills for coping with stress and anxiety. Moreover, the practice aims at restoring confidence that the conflict will not last forever and people would resume to normalcy. Finally, the center hopes to inform about the potential and evident harmful effects of war on the various aspects of life.

Project Formulation

The identified governments select a team to plan the establishment of the crisis management center. The team brainstorms ideas that they think are suitable and comes up with a list of the needed materials to create the facility. However, the team will invite ideas from external parties, particularly from experts who can provide needed information about project establishment and execution.

Implementation Planning

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Plan

Stakeholder engagement is a vital aspect for this research that requires considerable attention, similar to effective communication. Engagement of all stakeholders in the project will happen through electronic platforms where all parties will be required to give their contributions. The selected communication avenues such as social media, telephone, email, telegram, and fax among other forms should be able to relay information very fast and in the most convenient manner (Vasickova, 2020). Engaging stakeholders as openly as possible while using the most effective communication techniques increases the chances of creating a unified team that works to achieve a common goal.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The selected team to oversee the formulation process will monitor whether the practice is headed towards the right path, and whether more needs to happen to achieve the most impressive results (Chakravorty et al., 2008). The group will monitor and evaluate progress by assessing and recording the number of those who claim to have received support and assistance from the center, especially in terms of overcoming stress and depression. The team will then report its findings.


The study affirms that the most suitable approach to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen is to establish a crisis management center from where affected individuals and families would receive help. So far, the conflict has caused immense losses in Yemen, and unless something happens to mitigate the situation the condition could worsen. The practice that retrieves data from secondary sources finds that stakeholders play fundamental functions in contributing towards the success of the project. The stakeholders differ in their level of importance, and their level of intervention also differ. Otherwise, failing to find proper remedies to the problem could aggravate the problem and make it unbearable not only for the government of Yemen, but to all stakeholders.


BBC. (2021).Yemen crisis: Why is there a war? Retrieved March 14, 2022, from

Chakravorty, S., Hales, D., & Herbert, J. (2008). How problem-solving really works. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 1(1), pp. 44-59. doi:10.1504/IJDATS.2008.020022 (2022). Crisis in Yemen: Protracted conflict pushes Yemenis deeper into need. Retrieved March 14, 2022, from

Vasickova, V. (2020). Crisis management process – A literature review and a conceptual integration. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 27(3-4), 61-77. doi:10.18267/j.aop.628

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