Stakeholder Meeting

Posted: December 21st, 2022

Stakeholder Meeting

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Stakeholder Meeting

Presentation outline

Hello everyone. Welcome to this stakeholders meeting on the eve of implementing a new telehealth technology. We shall understand what the new information and communication system is and how it will support patient outcomes and organizational effectiveness. I guarantee that if we used this technology effectively and efficiently, many of the challenges we are experiencing in this hospital will be resolved and patients will be satisfied with our healthcare services.  We shall also identify the measures we shall us to assess the outcomes accrued from the new telehealth technology. After that, we shall address the patient confidentiality and privacy concerns and how these can be mitigated. Finally, I will take you through an implementation plan outlining the steps if deployment and the timelines involved.

Although this presentation is about how the stakeholders will facilitate the implementation of the new telehealth technology, the nurses in this facilities will be the main users. Nonetheless, it is critical that you all understand the proposed new telehealth technology to make it beneficial to your practice and to the patients’ health outcomes. 


Hospital service rural communities experience several challenges that differ from those in facilities in urban settings. Our hospital has challenges managing patients with chronic diseases. These challenges include high hospital readmission and complication rates alongside low medication adherence, nonattendance to appointments and poor self-care behaviors. Frakt (2019) and Iglehart (2018) and provide a bigger picture of the challenges experienced by rural hospitals in the united states, including chronic healthcare professionals shortages and hospital closures, denying rural populations access to quality healthcare. According to Snoswell et al. (2020), the health care industry is transitioning from a fee-for-service to a value-based payment model, and health providers are increasingly relying on technology to achieve the triple aim of improving the health of all individuals, reducing costs, and enhancing patient experiences. Based on its short- and long-term performance goals, our hospital should understand the critical aspects of new technology investments. Telehealth technologies are used by over 60% of all healthcare institutions in the United States (Tuckson, Edmunds & Hodgkins, 2017). Therefore, there is no reason why we should be left behind because its benefits are well established and overweigh its challenges and limitations. 

Telehealth is an innovative technology-assisted way of delivering health-related services to patients in far-flung locations that have challenges accessing quality healthcare. Our hospital proposes to implement a new telehealth system by deploying an information management system called Luma Health software to support and enhance patient care at our hospital. This presentation explains why we should all support the new telehealth technology and how you would help implement it successfully

New Telehealth Technology

Luma Health software would help us manage chronic diseases in our patients better. It uses technologies such as real-time videoconferencing, smartphone applications, and web-based interactive tools that can be used to better manage the chronic illnesses confronting our patients (Bonnevie et al., 2021).

How the telehealth technology will support patient and organizational outcomes

Patients would benefit from the new telehealth technology embedded in Luma Health software. The benefits include real-time videoconferencing that would reduce transport costs to this healthcare facility for patients residing far from here. It would also enhance consultation, patient monitoring and mentoring to ensure that they adhere to their medications and change their lifestyles. You can record and share patient information efficiently and remotely, thus hastening evidence-based decision-making and reducing medical errors. You can respond promptly to patient emergencies when physical interaction is untenable (Tuckson, Edmunds & Hodgkins, 2017). In the end, our patients would have better health outcomes and higher rates of satisfaction.

Our hospital would benefit from this new telehealth technology by reducing healthcare spending because of reduced unnecessary emergency visits, medication misuse, and shortened hospitalization, and addressing healthcare worker shortages, particularly in rural areas and improving hospital reputation due to increased customer and employee satisfaction (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021).

Outcome measures

Organizational outcomes can be measured using several metrics. They include mortality rates, length of hospital stay, medication administration errors, and employee satisfaction rates. Similarly, patient outcomes can be measured using readmission rate, patient satisfaction rate, change in health-seeking behavior, and transportation savings (Chuo, Macy & Lorch, 2020).

Patient confidentiality and privacy concerns

Security breaches present several patient confidentiality and privacy concern related to telehealth technologies. These concerns will be encountered with the Luma Health software. Patients are often concerned that they personal information is not safe, that is, can be accessed by unauthorized people and used inappropriately (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021). Although most technical platforms and information management systems are highly encrypted as required by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act standards and regulations, they are not 100% secure. Therefore, laws like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health act help secure patient information from unauthorized and unethical access and use. Nonetheless, hacking and human errors can cause serious and damaging security breaches (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021). We should understand these threats and how we can address them effectively. This hospital will ensure that there is a thorough technology use policy and regular training to help you use the new technology appropriately and address these concerns effectively.

Deployment steps and timeline

Luma Health system will be deployed using this plan, which outlines the steps to be followed. Once the system has been procured, it will be installed at our hospital and tested to ensure that it works as intended. After that, we shall learn how to use it. For this, we shall need champions who will shepherd its adoption in this hospital. Nurses will be critical champions because they will use the platform most often. You will be provided with sufficient training on its utilization before the use is rolled out in this facility (Wyrwicka, Zasada & Mrugalska, 2017). In the end, your support in the implementation and deployment stages is critical for the success of the telehealth technology.

Table 1. Deployment timeline

Installation2 weeks
Training3 months
Piloting1 week
Organization-wide roll out1 week
Monitoring and evaluationMonthly


These are the concluding remarks summarizing this presentation. I hope that you now better understand the new telehealth technology that this hospital intends to deploy. You, your patients and your hospital will benefit immensely by supporting the implementation process and using it appropriately after that.


Bonnevie, T., Smondack, P., Elkins, M., Gouel, B., Medrinal, C., Combret, Y., … & Gravier, F. E. (2021). Advanced telehealth technology improves home-based exercise therapy for people with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy67(1), 27-40.

Chuo, J., Macy, M. L., & Lorch, S. A. (2020). Strategies for evaluating telehealth. Pediatrics146(5), 1-7.

Frakt, A. B. (2019). The rural hospital problem. Jama321(23), 2271-2272.

Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners17(2), 218-221.

Iglehart, J. K. (2018). The challenging quest to improve rural health care. New England Journal of Medicine378(5), 473-479.

Tuckson, R. V., Edmunds, M., & Hodgkins, M. L. (2017). Telehealth. New England Journal of Medicine377(16), 1585-1592.

Wyrwicka, M. K., Zasada, B., & Mrugalska, B. (2017). Implementation of information management system: human factors lessons learned from industrial company. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 157-166). Springer, Cham.

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