Application of Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Behavior to enhance Employee Performance

Posted: December 21st, 2022

Application of Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Behavior to enhance Employee Performance

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Application of Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Behavior to enhance Employee Performance

Businesses are increasingly becoming competitive in their approach and only those that employ effective mechanisms manage to secure a larger share of the market. [A1] However, the approaches institutions use to gain competitive advantage vary considerably from one firm to the other. This study shows that a firm can become increasingly aggressive in its sector by establishing an organizational behavior where emotional intelligence influence how leaders and employees approach their duties. The study affirms that leaders who employ the vital components of EI and take into consideration the main phases in evolution of EI have a better chance to improve employee performance. EI emerges as an equally competent tool for advancing how the firm appeals to consumers through satisfied workers who reciprocate by working hard to achieve organizational goals. The study reiterates the need for leaders to practice the requirements of the components of EI – self-awareness, self-regulations, motivation, empathy, and social skill. They should also help members of staff to exhibit behavior that comply with the elements of EI because this makes it easier to achieve better results from the workers side.[A2]  Paying considerable attention to the components of EI and the four steps in evolution of EI increase the likelihood for making EI part of OB such that it improves employee performance. [A3] 


Most organizations pay attention to techniques that would allow them to improve employee performance. [A4] Put simply, employee performance refers to how workers perform their duties of their responsibilities, performs needed functions, and conducts themselves appropriately in the workplace. A business would term its employee performance as being positive and encouraging if workers are able to deliver quality work, can perform many functions within a particular time, and show efficiency in the way they work (Munir & Azam, 2017[A5] ). A critical aspect in employee performance is to attain goals. Prosperous workers follow the deadline, make sales and develop the brand through positive consumer interactions and engagements. When members of staff do not perform well and effectively, buyers feel that the organization is not focused on meeting their needs, and will seek alternative ways for fulfilling their desires (Munir & Azam, 2017). Evidence suggest that a suitable way to advance employee performance is to nurture an organizational behavior, which refers to how people conduct themselves within the firm (Munir & Azam, 2017). Taking measures to improve organizational behavior presents an opportunity to regulate how environmental and social factors impact on workers. An organizational behavior would determine how members collaborate, communicate, and interact. Hence, only a positive organizational behavior will improve employee performance. On the other hand, an undesirable organizational behavior (OB) could affect employee performance. An effective way to improve OB in a way that impacts on employee performance is to pay considerable attention to the concept of emotional intelligence (EI), which Munir and Azam (2017) describe as the capacity to comprehend, utilize, and regulate one’s emotions in a positive manner to alleviate stress, communicate appropriately, empathize with other stakeholders, deal with challenges and calm conflicts[A6] . Consequently, organizational leaders and their members need to pay considerable attention to EI in creating an organizational behavior that impact positively on organizational performance. [A7] 


Components of Emotional Intelligence

Analyzing and understanding the various components of EI presents a clear view of how incorporating the ideology in OB makes it possible to improve employee performance. The study already identifies EI as the capacity to know and regulate own feelings and emotions and those of others (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). Individuals with high measure of emotional intelligence understand what they feel, what their emotions suggest, and how these emotions can impact on others. For organizational leaders, being able to apply the elements of EI is essential to achieve impressive employee performance. Daniel Goleman, the developer of the EI concept identified five key components of EI; self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). The more an organizational leader manages each of these aspects, and the more they incorporate these elements into the OB, the higher the chances employee performance will improve. [A8] 

If one is self-aware, they always know how they feel, and understand how their emotions and actions cam impact the people around them[A9] . Being self-aware when one serves as a leader implies having a vivid picture of individual strengths and weaknesses, and also means acting with humility (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). However, leaders could tamper with employee engagement and commitment to their duties, and ultimately affect their performance when they lack self-awareness and hardly control their emotions when provoked. Leaders only build a conducive OB when they let their members know that they try to be as calm as possible when reacting to various issues some of which may not be working as anticipated[A10] . (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). Another critical element of EI that could help to improve employee performance is self-regulation. Team leaders who practice self-regulation hardly verbally attack their workers, make emotional or rushed decisions, discriminate people, or counter their values. The chance are high that workers will perform well when their leaders do not judge them and challenge their views and values (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). They would instead become more focused on their duties and emphasize on what helps them to become more proficient in the various areas. [A11] The third component of EI and which leaders can promote to be part of OB such that it improves employee performance is motivation. Self-motivated leaders would not want to do anything that affect the achievement of organizational goals, and only focus on elements that improve work standards and quality (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). Leaders who value motivation as a way of engaging their workers have the desire to re-examine why they are performing their work, understand where they stand, and are optimistic they will achieve something good[A12] . Such hopeful feeling encourage employees to develop similar effects, which directly impact on their performance.

Team leaders who pay considerable attention to empathy and social skills are also in a better place to foster an OB that promotes employee performance and encourages commitment to one’s roles and responsibilities. [A13] For leaders, being empathetic is essential to managing a prosperous team. Empathetic leaders are able to put themselves in their workers’ situation. They contribute towards building the people in their team, engages and try to change those who act contrary to rules and guidelines, give prompt and fair feedback, and practice good listening skills (Goleman, 1995). Such leaders quickly earn the loyalty and respect of their workers who reciprocate by performing well in their respective positions. Employees in such contexts feel that their leaders care for them and would not want to disappoint by maintaining an impressive outcome (Goleman, 1995)[A14] . Similarly, applying the component of social skills presents a suitable opportunity to create an OB that promotes positive employee performance. Leaders who excel in this area are prolific communicators. They do not criticize the news that they receive and hope to receive the support of their team. Leaders who perform well in this component of EI manage change and resolve conflicts using diplomatic means. Such managers are hardly contented with leaving things as they stand, but they do not let their workers to do all tasks while they sit back and watch (Goleman, 1995). Instead, they set an example that others follow with the objective of achieving more impressive results. Employees prefer leaders who encourage free communication to managers who constraint how members contribute their views and opinions (Goleman, 1995). Besides, employees are more obliged to perform well when they work in a setting where team leaders know how to resolve misunderstandings and build harmony[A15] . Overall, the organization performs well and achieves its bottom-line goals.   [A16] 

Four Steps in Evolution of EI

Understanding and following the four steps in the evolution of EI present a better chance to improve employee performance at the organization. [A17] The first advocates for understanding own emotion. [A18] Emotional awareness provides both leaders and workers with the opportunity to know what they require and also makes it possible to build better relationships. Being aware of own emotions helps to suppress elements that could disrupt relationship with others and compels one to focus on better outcome (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). The next phase is to be able to regulate own emotions[A19] . Otherwise, being unable to perform well in this area could affect employee performance when an organizational leaders some unkind words against their employees because of being unable to regulate one’s emotions (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). The third category of the evolution process is to understand the emotions of other[A20] s. Leaders are likely to build a work environment where employees commit to their duties and where employees do not have ill motives that could deter them from achieving better results (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017). Nevertheless, disregarding the emotions of others could make them feel inferior and may not commit themselves to their roles and obligations. The fourth and final phase is to regulate the emotions of others to ensure that they do not impact on the firm negatively (Rexhepi & Berisha, 2017).[A21]  The regulation may happen through constant interactions on how to excel in this area.


The fact that how leaders manage the various components of EI could determine employee performance call for increased knowledge in how the area works to be in a better position to nurture the development of an OB that promotes good outcome. Therefore, leaders can undergo appropriate training that would equip them with relevant skills needed to incorporate EI into the organizational behavior. Leaders should take advantage of the training to improve their awareness of the key elements of EI as well as sharpen their knowledge on how the four steps in the evolution of EI impact on employee performance. Leaders should also encourage their employees to undergo similar training to improve how both parties for the elements of EI in improving performance. [A22] 

Besides, leaders can improve employee performance by helping their workers to develop each of the key components of EI. [A23] For instance, team leaders can remind their employees to keep a journal that help them to advance their awareness because Moore (2022) informs that if one spends some time every day highlighting their feelings and thoughts can improve their level of self-awareness. This way, they would be able to suppress emotions that could affect their commitment towards duty, and would be able to pay attention to what advance their outcome. Moreover, leaders can boost employee performance by encouraging their employees to slow down when they experience strong emotions or anger because this presents an opportunity to examine why the feeling emerges and how it could affect commitment to organizational obligations (Moore, 2022). Members of staff need to know that regardless of the situation, they can always choose how they respond to it. The information would help workers to restrain themselves when they are about to respond to emotions in a way that could affect their service delivery and ultimate performance. Concerning self-regulation, reminding them the need to avoid stereotypes and to believe in their values presents a suitable opportunity to improve employee performance (Munir & Azam, 2017). Leaders need to encourage team members to know their values by having a clear perception of what one likes and dislikes. Leaders should also remind members of staff to take some time to assess their code of ethics because if they know what is most important to them, then the worker would not have to think otherwise when they face an ethical or moral issue because one is likely to make a choice that would not affect their performance (Munir & Azam, 2017). Therefore, effective application of EI at the workplace requires the cooperation of both leaders and their workers. [A24] 

Team leaders can also go a long way into motivating their workers to help them perform better and achieve organizational objectives[A25] . Organizational leaders should use some of the existing motivational techniques that prove to be effective in the way they encourage employees to become more dedicated towards their duties. A suitable framework that leaders can use to motivate their workers is Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy needs. The theory implies that employee performance is likely to improve when team leaders enable their workers to achieve their physiological (basic), safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs while ascending in that order (Haque et al., 2014). Alternatively, leaders can encourage motivate their workers in accordance with the directive of goal-setting theory, which indicates that specific and thought-provoking objective along with suitable feedback contribute to higher and improved task performance (Haque et al., 2014). Proponents of the theory believe that goals and objectives show and offer guidance to a worker about what needs to happen and how much input is needed to be invested. On the other hand, failing to motivate workers could result in reduced levels of participation, increased employee turnover, reduced productivity, and diminished communication (Haque et al., 2014).[A26]  Such issues could easily turn the workplace into a toxic setting, which could affect employee performance even further. [A27] 

Leaders should be in the forefront in applying empathy and social skills that play equally essential roles in improving employee performance. [A28] Paying attention to body language and responding to feelings are some of the ways leaders can improve employee performance by being empathetic. They should also nurture a work environment where employees are empathetic and where they do not take the body language and feelings of other people lightly (McShane, 2021). Creating an OB where members are empathetic allow them to focus on achieving the ultimate goal, which also impact on employee performance. More fundamentally, guiding workers to display social skills create a better chance to improve employee performance (McShane, 2021). For instance, leaders can share with their employees the various conflict resolution techniques that make it easy to mitigate misunderstandings that could distort smooth work progress. Team leaders should engage their workers through various avenues such as social media, memos, face-to-face meetings, and employees’ formal and informal groups and share with them ideas about the significance of not ignoring conflict, clarifying what the problem is, bringing involved groups to talk, identifying a remedy, as well as take members through effective approaches for monitoring and following up on the misunderstanding[A29] .

It is imperative to act swiftly and incorporate EI as part of the OB because of the many benefits associated with the improving employee performance. [A30] Workers become more attracted to serve and achieve impressive results when the level of communication is impressive and everyone understands the other even without using speech sound. Moore (2022) recommends EI arguing that it enable members to better comprehend nonverbal cues and makes it possible to regulate their behavior. Moreover, the approach provides both leaders and workers with the opportunity to make wise choices where everyone is part of the organization, and work towards achieving a common aspiration. Another merit of the approach is that it encourages employee performance by strengthening the bond between organizational leaders and members of staff (Moore, 2022). For instance, motivation brings leaders closer to their subjects and allow both parties to engage on a mutual basis. Furthermore, both parties come together when they share ideas that develop social skills, thus solidifying the employer-employee bond. Improved communication and strong employer-employee contributes significantly towards positive employee performance.

Therefore, organizations should enact structures for proper application of EI concept to improving employee performance[A31] . Leaders should sensitize team members about the concept and encourage them to perform their activities in accordance with the structure. Leaders should also acknowledge their role in applying EI in improving employee performance. They need to understand that their input is highly needed to improve how employees perform their work. They should lead by example and create a work environment that allows everyone to contribute towards a common goal. Thus, effective application of EI requires adequate planning and commitment from both the leader’s and workers’ side.


The study shows that leaders can play fundamental roles in promoting employee performance when they are conversant with EI and its requirements. Leaders should rely on EI to regulate their emotions in such a way that they do not affect employees’ desire to serve. The concept of self-awareness requires leaders to act with humility because it is only through such an approach that employees would have the interest to serve and work harder. The study shows that leaders who effectively apply the concepts of self-regulation and motivation improve the likelihood for enhancing employee performance. They should also be able to guide their employees in such a way that they are able to exhibit the practices and behaviors presented by the components of EI. The paper also emphasizes the need to follow the four steps in the evolution of EI, which require leaders and their followers to pay attention to aspects such as understanding own emotions, regulating own emotions, understanding others emotions, and regulating others emotions.[A32] 


Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York, NY: Bantam Books, Inc[A33] .

Haque, M., Haque, M., & Islam, S. (2014). Motivational theories – A critical analysis. ASA University Review, 8(1), 61-68.[A34] 

McShane, S. (2021). M: Organizational behavior. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Moore, C. (2022). Emotional intelligence skills and how to develop them. Retrieved March 8, 2022, from[A35] 

Munir, M., & Azam, R. (2017). Emotional intelligence and employee performance: An intervention based experimental study. Journal of Business & Economics, 9(2), 1-19.

Rexhepi, G., & Berisha, B. (2017). The effects of emotional intelligence in employees performance. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 18(4), 467- 479. doi:10.1504/IJBG.2017.084351


 [A2]Overview of the report.

 [A3]Thesis statement.

 [A4]Introductory sentence.

 [A5]APA 7 requires author’s last name and year of publication for in-text citations.

 [A6]Showing connection between EI, OB, and employee performance.

 [A7]Closing sentence.

 [A8]Describing EI and its origin.

 [A9]Opening sentence.

 [A10]The need for self-awareness.

 [A11]The urge to be self-regulating.

 [A12]The need to be motivating.

 [A13]Opening sentence.

 [A14]The need to be empathetic.

 [A15]The need to apply social skills.

 [A16]Closing sentence.

 [A17]Introductory sentence.

 [A18]First phase.

 [A19]Second phase.

 [A20]Third phase.

 [A21]Fourth phase.

 [A22]The need for training to be more conversant with EI.

 [A23]Opening sentence.

 [A24]Closing sentence.

 [A25]Introductory sentence.

 [A26]Possible motivating techniques.

 [A27]Closing sentence.

 [A28]Opening statement

 [A29]Improving workers’ awareness of empathy and social skills.

 [A30]Overview of the benefits.

 [A31]Recommendation for application.

 [A32]Conclusion recaptures key arguments in the paper.

 [A33]APA 7 require author’s last name, initial for first name, publication year, title city, publisher when referencing a book.

 [A34]APA 7 require author’s last name, initial for first name, publication year, title, journal title, volume number, issue number, page numbers, and doi number or link when referencing a journal.

 [A35]APA 7 require author’s last name, initial for first name, publication year, title, and link when referencing a webpage

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