
Posted: August 27th, 2021

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Analysis Chapter 2

Explain How the UCR Data is Gathered and Used

The Uniform Criminal Record (UCR) data is gathered through the official collected and reported by the law enforcement agencies from different areas. The data includes cooperative statistical information from diversified sources such as colleges, universities, state, federal law enforcement agencies, tribes, and counties that voluntarily report on criminal activities. The data gathered is used differently by the law enforcement agencies. Therefore, some of the uses include the budget formulation and allocation of resources, operation planning and assessment by the law enforcement agencies.

Discuss the Concept of Self-Reported Delinquency

The self-reported delinquency requires that the individuals with criminal behavior or have been involved in the same report themselves. The concept also captures the frequency of criminal actions. Thus, the engagement in criminal and delinquent behaviors is assessed using the self-report scale.

Evaluate the utility of the National Crime Victimization Survey

The National Crime Victimization Survey is developed to unravel the nature, and consequences of victimization. It is a general population survey. The tool is utilized for collection of data by measuring different types and amounts of crimes that involve persons aged 12 years or above. Likewise, the periodical surveys include the other topics related to school crimes, identity theft, and law enforcement contacts. However, this survey has several limitations that mostly include underreported crimes where victims only report what has affected them while disregarding crimes they have no interest in. Equally, there are cases of over-reporting since some victims misinterpret the events leading to a crime. Other issues include sampling errors, inadequacies in the questionnaire thus leading imprecise information about the crimes.

List Alternative Measures of Delinquent Activity and Behaviour

Alternative Measures of delinquent activity and behavior include;

  1. Self-reported surveys
  2. Crime mapping
  3. Data mining
  4. Meta-Analysis and systematic review
  5. Observational and interview research
  6. National Crime and victimization survey

AnalyzeRecent Trends in Juvenile Delinquency

The recent trends in juvenile delinquency show a decline in the overall crimes. The trend in the arrests of juvenile offenders has been on the decline since the 1990s. Notable previously highly reported cases such as teen murders, has drastically reduced. According to statistics presented in Chapter 2 (pg. 32 – 60), serious violent crimes as of September 2007 were rated 4% from over 8% in the previous period while murder arrest rates decreased from 27% in 2012 to 6% in 2019. Thus, the trend indicates that efforts to curb juvenile delinquency is declining.

Recognize the Factors That Affect The Juvenile Crime Rate

According to juvenile crime experts as revealed in the Chapter, several factors influence juvenile crime rates. Some of these factors include age, unemployment due to poor economic performance, immigration, social malaise, and abortion. Further, availability of firearms and drug use influences delinquency crime behavior. Hence, presence of these and other negative factors within the juvenile environment contributes to increase in juvenile crime rates.

Interpret How The Social And Personal Correlates of Delinquency

Social and personality are correlated to delinquency. According to Chapter 2, delinquency decreases among the youth with increase in the social class. This also implies that personal behavior is worsening with decrease in social class. Therefore, most juvenile crimes are likely to occur in the low social class than in a high social class.

Discuss the Concept of Chronic Offending

Chronic offending is a concept that explains a person’s persistent engagement in crimes despite efforts to help avoid the behavior. Chapter 2 (pg. 55) explains that such persistence is natural since childhood especially for the youths that start violation of the law early in their lives and continue with the same into their adulthood. Some of these juvenile offenders resist change of their behavior and become immune against prosecution, arrest, and conviction. Thus, the criminal behavior is sustained into adulthood as they grow into advanced crimes.

Identify the Causes of Chronic Offending

Notable causes of chronic offending include social, environmental, developmental, and personal inadequacies. Other common causes are drug abuse and low intellectual development among parents, which significantly contribute to future chronic behavior among juveniles. Therefore, youthful offenders that persist with juvenile crimes likely to engage in alcohol and drug abuse. Equally, they are characterized by low aspirations and weak employment records.

Summarize the Factors that Predict Victimization

Juvenile victimization can happen among the youth. Factors that predict victimization range from social, demographic to economic activities as well as substance abuse. Young and adolescent adults are likely to be victimized, men and women as well as the unmarried. However, other factors such as choice of lifestyle act as a contributing factor to victimization. Likewise, individuals with low economic status are likely to be victimized especially based on the low social status. Also, victimization of teens is highly prevalent during the day while for adults during the night. This victimization is engineered mostly by people known to the victim. Thus, the execution of victimization is dependent on different factors and situations.

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