Critique the Original Article

Posted: August 27th, 2021

Unit 5 Homework


Institutional Affiliation

Unit 5 Homework- Critique the Original Article

Did The Author’s Analysis of the Data Agree with Their Introduction and Conclusion in The Paper?

The report’s objective was to provide details and trends in asthma prevalence by analyzing health care use and mortality rates from 2001 to 2010. It presents a comprehensive overview of asthma’s trends since 1980. According to the report, the disease is prevalent but treatable. Notably, asthma prevalence estimates and data collected were obtained from the National Health Interview Survey for ten years between 2001 and 2010 to achieve the review’s objectives. Additionally, relevant data on the Physician’s office visits were acquired from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and the emergency department and hospital outpatient department’s data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Likewise, related death’s data was collected from the National Vital Statistics System, and hospitalization information from National Hospital Discharge Survey. The data was used to calculate two types of rates. These are the population-based and risk-based rates. Therefore, the report’s data analysis correlates with the study’s introduction and conclusion since it observes that adherence to evidence-based treatment lowers impairments and future exacerbation risks.

Consequently, after data analysis using SUDAAN software to determine standard errors, the report concluded that the asthma prevalence rates increased in the period under consideration from 2001 to 2010. However, there were no substantial changes in outpatient hospital and emergency visits. Equally, there was a significant decline in the risk-based rates based on private physician visits. The study also observed that sex and race disparities have high adverse outcomes on asthma prevalence despite the overall decline in the deaths and risk-based rates. Finally, it is shown that there was a decrease in deaths. However, the study did not establish a clear trend on other hospitalizations and ambulatory visits.

Did Their Recommendations Base On Their Findings Make Sense When Looking at Their Data and Discussion of the Data? Why or Why Not?

            The report recommended that more awareness be created in schools and workplaces, especially on individuals who had previously encountered an asthma attack. Thus, the recommendation makes sense as the report observed that children have high prevalence rates, and approximately 10.5 million school days were missed by children aged 5–17 years due to asthma. Equally, asthma hurts work production as 14.2 million workdays were missed by the employed adults aged over 18. An additional 22.0 million days of housework were missed among unemployed adults due to asthma. Hence,recommendations that more surveillance, evidence-based interventions, and partnerships be conducted and promoted to decrease asthma deaths and prevalence rates are relevant.

How Would You Apply This Data to Your Work as A Respiratory Therapist?

            I would apply this data by evaluating the correlation of the variables to the asthma prevalence rates in the report as a respiratory therapist. Greater emphasis should be given to blacks as they have a higher risk than whites. Also, the female population should be given greater consideration as they acquire asthma at a higher rate than males, and children as they are more vulnerable than adults. Equally, the West and South region should be given more attention as the region records higher deaths and asthma rates than the middle region. Thus, the variables would be essential to combat the asthma pandemic in my work as a respiratory therapist.

Are There Variables That Stood Out to You [E.G., Age, Ethnicity, etc.] That May Be More of a Concern When Presenting to A Hospital, Clinic, Or Other Health Facility? Why or Why Not?

            The outstanding variables in the study are race, sex, age, and geographical regions. The report observed that these variables directly correlate to the asthma prevalence rates between 2001 and 2010. Further, it was noted that blacks have higher prevalence rates than other races, such as whites. Females in the sex category recorded higher rates, and children were more vulnerable than adults. Additionally, deaths related to asthma were higher in the West and South than in the middle region. Therefore, these variables should be accorded concern when represented to a health facility to determine the asthma prevalence rates.

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