The Practice of Licensing Professional Engineers

Posted: August 27th, 2021

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The Practice of Licensing Professional Engineers

The works of civil engineers have greatly helped in improving human lives and livelihoods. In particular, these engineers have transformed and enhanced many systems used by people daily (Glenc and Erdis 878). Undoubtedly, freedom of creativity has pushed many individuals into choosing a career in civil engineering. In this regard, such thought of creativity has equally inspired me to apply scientific knowledge and art to redefine societal culture.

Importance of Professional Registration towards Personal Career Goals

First, possession of professional registration in engineering offers a person instant credibility. In most cases, it is a symbol of certification that shows that one has undergone all relevant education and training regarding Civil Engineering years (Glenc and Erdis 878). Also, it constitutes vital duties, ranging from building to designing of structures. As a budding engineer, professional registration helps build confidence to apply for jobs and simultaneously raise my standards when negotiating with employers. Additionally, many engineering companies intend to hire individuals who have been tested and proved to possess adequate knowledge and trustworthiness in the profession. Indeed, possession of a professional license would help ascertain the credibility of my engineering practice. 

Secondly, professional registration seeks to increase one’s reputation among key players in the industry. Before trusting engineers to construct iconic structures like bridges, highways, airports, and railroads, they need to command a better reputation. Specifically, they should have several recommendations from fellow civil engineers. Attaining this career level would help one start by prioritizing his or her acquisition of a license and further building one’s years of reputation (Glenc and Erdis 878). Undeniably, constant undertakings of excellent work would impact my reputation positively. In the long-run, engineers would achieve a formidable reputation, thus winning bigger and more challenging projects in their home countries and the other four corners of the world.

Next, a CNN report has revealed that Civil Engineering is a fast and well-paying professional practice globally. The average starting salary of a junior engineer is estimated at $50,000, with the potential of increasing it by more than 30% within the first two years (Glenc and Erdis 878). Therefore, as an ambitious engineer at the entry-level, acquiring a professional registration license would secure me better job opportunities. Besides, one would have access to better pay as it would further improve his or her chances of securing bigger roles and responsibilities in a company. Hence, the possession of such a registration license would help me earn respect from the seniors. Similarly, it will enable me to rapidly climb the career path ladder instead of a person lacking one.

Summary of Virtual Meeting (TBPELS Presentation)

Professional meetings are an avenue of educating, motivating, and networking among professionals. New ideas and updates are normally presented and explained to everyone to promote comprehension and transparency.  Equally, junior members of the profession get to know the in-depth of the work they are involved with and simultaneously get opportune moments to meet renowned members of the professional who may be their mentors or future employers. In this case, the Texas Board of Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors conducted a virtual meeting, where the main speakers were Lance Kinney, PhD., P.E., Executive Director TBPE, LeAnn Catron, Executive Director TBPLS, Rick Strong, P.E., Director of Licensing and Registration, and Michael Sims, P.E., Director of Compliance and Enforcement. Therefore, the virtual meeting’s purpose was to introduce TBPELS staff, provide functions of the Agency and its activities, and further offer updates on agencies’ merger.

Stressing on the essence of professionalism at the workplace, Dr. Lance Kinney reminded everyone regarding the Agency’s mission statement, which underscores the need to protect the people of Texas’s health, safety, and welfare. Specifically, this is done through the licensure and registration of individuals qualifying as professional engineers and surveyors of land, compliance with applicable laws and rules, and education about engineering and land surveying” (ASCE). From this statement, I have learned that every civil engineer needs to work in line with the laid down laws for both self-benefit and meeting the Agency’s goals. Likewise, a reputable agency gains trust among the state’s citizens, increasing its credibility and quality. Hence, the speaker called upon the membership to use this mission statement as the driving force for accomplishing each one’s duty.

Another key lesson learned from the virtual meeting is the significance of work ethics. Notably, this part of the presentation was done by Michael Sims, the Director of Compliance and Enforcement. He instructed on avoiding conflict of interests arising between clients and engineers. For example, conflict may result from many factors, such as financial impropriety, design doubts, and work incompetency (ASCE 1). Therefore, I have understood the need to be reasonable in my project and salary pricing and respect my clients’ price agreement. Also, I would need to mind the stipulated project timeline. Adhering to such work ethics would lead me to attain a high level of job satisfaction (ASCE 1). Consequently, engineers are mandated to protect the public by doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons.

One more important topic discussed in the meeting was professional licensing presented by Rick Strong, the Licensing Director. He pointed out two steps that every engineer should attain before getting issued with a professional license. First, there is the Initial Qualification, which entails Education, Experience, and Examinations (3E’s) and the “Staying Current” stage, which is designed for those who are already passed stage one as the second step (NSPE 1). The second phase encompasses continued education to help engineers stay in touch with current knowledge and trends in the profession. Therefore, I find education and experience essential in equipping one with the right knowledge and skills to accomplish different project tasks. On the other hand, I consider examinations a proper measure of my work and skills competence before requesting licensure. Therefore, licensing of professionals would prevent unqualified individuals from offering services that might otherwise harm the general public.

Comparing and Contrasting NSPE and ASCE Fundamental Cannons

The establishment of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) was done in 1934 and is the professional association representing licensed engineers in 53 states of the U.S. The Association works closely with other professional associations to strengthen and improve engineers’ welfare across the country (NSPE 1). Similarly, some of its popular partners and social activities include the National Engineers Week, MATHCOUNTS, National Institute of Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICIET), and The Society of Women Engineers.

On the contrary, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 1) is the oldest engineering body in the U.S., founded in 1852 to protect solely civil engineers’ welfare in the country. Besides partnering with other organizations, the ASCE has established nine fully-operational institutes (ASCE). These institutes deal with specialized fields of civil engineering, including the Architectural Engineering Institute, Construction Institute (CI), Geo-Institute (G-I), Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute (UESI), Structural Engineering Institute, Engineering Mechanics Institute, and The Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI). In 1914, ASCE adopted the ASCE Code of Ethics as a professional conduct model for all its members (ASCE 1). Both NSPE and ASCE have similar Codes of Ethics in the following ways. All these Codes stress on prioritizing the safety of the public before anything else. Thus, in any form of construction or engineering activity, the facility user’s health and individual’s welfare should always need to be put at the forefront. For example, the NSPE had to include this canon since a wide number of its licensed members are civil engineers and are often involved in constructing projects within the vicinity of large masses.

Furthermore, the most critical canon in both agencies is the need to uphold professional honor. Engineering is a discipline that combines art, science, and mathematics; therefore, its reputation should not be tainted by corrupt acts such as bribery and dishonesty. The code safeguards the profession’s image and that of an individual as a moral application of virtues in one’s life. Consequently, engineers need to safeguard their reputations by ensuring that they live morally upright while in their duty line. 

A notable difference between the two agencies is the canon of sustainability. The NSPE treats sustainability as a professional obligation, whereas ASCE takes it as a fundamental canon, increasing its visibility among the members and the public (ASCE 1). Although all these two bodies aspire for honesty, generosity, and integrity in their canons, the preferred one would be ASCE due to its rich history in engineering and its focus on a single specialty for the vast practice of civil engineering. 

Ethical Case Study (Case Study #2)

To show how NSPE and ASCE relates, this discussion further analyses a case study by Deborah Grubbe, a chemical engineer consultant with vast oil and gas operation experience. The general canon of discussion would entail “safety. In the NSPE, engineers must hold paramount the matter safety, health, and welfare of the public whenever they intend to fulfill their professional duties (NSPE 1). Similarly, the ASCE code warns that engineers will need to hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public and further strive to comply with sustainable development principles throughout the performance of their professional responsibilities (ASCE 1). Therefore, engineers need to regard safety in all their decision-making processes. The columnist describes the proper channel of consultation in any engineering company, where the board should first put a proper engineering safety and consultation programs for engineers.

All in all, only licensed engineers should be consulted since they have been tested and passed the competency test. Likewise, better safety measures in a company are vital in preventing catastrophes related to engineering, such as oil spills, fire, and buildings collapse. 

Another canon related to the case study is canon three in the ASCE and NSPE Codes of Ethics, which discusses the “issuance of true statements” and “rule of obligation.” In ASCE, the canon states that professionals should issue true statements even when they seem wrong. On the contrary, the cannons in NSPE require professions to accept their wrong decisions fully. Ultimately, I agree with the columnist since all these two canons are important in ensuring that professional managers or engineers take full responsibility for their decisions when they go wrong.

Works Cited

American Association of Civil Engineers (AACE). “About ASCE.” Accessed 13 September 2020.

American Association of Civil Engineers (AACE). “Code of Ethics.”, Accessed 13 September 2020.

Glenc, Olcay, and Ercan Erdis. “Occupational Ethics -Civil Engineering Perspective.” Conference: 3nd International Scientific Meeting E-GT, 2016.doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1861.7842

National Society of Professional Engineer (NSPE). “About NSPE.” Accessed 13 September 2020.

National Society of Professional Engineer (NSPE). “Code of Ethics.” Accessed 13 September 2020.

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