Custom Built Vs. Application Development Platform Software for Car Sharing Applications Development

Posted: August 26th, 2021

Custom Built Vs. Application Development Platform Software for Car Sharing Applications Development


Institutional Affiliation


Carsharing refers to a business model that involves renting vehicles for a given short period. The payment for these services is determined by the time and distance that users have made. The model provides a simplified and economical alternative ways of moving around urban areas. Currently, there is increasing adoption of the model in many parts of the world, particularly in major cities. In this project, the methodology adopted considered the development of a carsharing application based on application development platform software. However, the study weighed on the option for custom-built carsharing apps. A comparative and empirical review of the two option indicated that the option for developing the application using application development platform software is the most suitable. This is based on the fact that it is less costly and less time-consuming. Besides, most over the counter application platforms are customizable and reliable. Ultimately, an Android-based application was developed, focusing on the current needs of customers in the market.Also, the development targeted on improving the failures that have been experienced across similar models that are already in the market.The project requirements, design, and overall implementation were based on a view-control model. The features that were incorporated in the project included various trips, social-media platforms, and check-in systems. The trips considered in the model include regular and frequent trips. The frequent trip is a short intra-city movement while the routine trip is an inter-city travel, which depends on the passenger-driver agreement. Besides reliance on the Android system, the application is compatible with IOS and Web-based applications, as indicated in the requirement. Finally, the application assures users of high privacy and security of their information once they register with the app. They are provided with registration and login requirement that entails their credentials that are verified using their social platforms.


Table of Contents

Abstract 2

Acknowledgment 3

List of Figures and Tables. 6

Chapter 1: Introduction. 7

Introduction. 7

Scope of the Study. 8

Aim and Objectives. 8

Approach. 9

Search process. 9

Screening of research works. 9

Chapter 2: Literature Review.. 11

Introduction. 11

Uber/Lyft Development and Growth of Transportation Network. 11

The Need for Sharing Car Travel Services. 13

Custom Built versus Application Development Platform Software. 15

Evaluation criteria. 16

Trends in Car Sharing Models. 20

Free-floating versus the roundtrip model 21

Area or zone-based versus a station-based model 22

Free-floating with the operational area. 23

Free-floating with pool stations. 24

Issues in Car Sharing Application Development 24

Chapter Summary. 24

Chapter 3: Requirements/Methodology. 26

Introduction. 26

Research Design. 27

Data Collection Strategies. 27

Project Management Methodology. 29

Phase 1: Requirement collection and documentation. 30

Phase 2: System Design. 31

Phase 3: Implementation. 31

Phase 4: Verification and testing. 31

Phase 5: Deployment 31

Phase 6: Maintenance. 31

Project Planning Review.. 31

Work break-down structure. 31

Gant chart 33

Resource list 33

Risks and Limitations. 34

Chapter Summary. 35

Chapter 4: Design and Development 36

Introduction. 36

User and System Requirements. 36

Description of the project 36

Functional requirements. 38

Non-Functional Requirements. 41

System Design and Architecture. 42

System Architecture. 42

Chapter Summary. 43

Chapter 5: Implementation, Testing, and Troubleshooting. 45

Implementation. 45

Client-Side. 45

Server Side. 45

Testing and Troubleshooting. 45

Client-Side. 45

Server Side. 46

Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations. 47

References. 48


List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1: Waterfall Methodologies under each phase of the project……………………………..31
Table 1: Work Breakdown Structure..…………………………………………………………………32
Figure 2: Activity Gant Chart………..………………………………………………………………….33
Table 2: Resources List………………………………………………………………………………….33
Table 3: Distribution of Project Budget………………………………………………………………34
Figure 3: User Case Chart…….………………………………………………………………………42
Figure 4: Basic Application Architecture……………………………………………………………43

Chapter 1: Introduction


When in need of developing a new application for a business, software developers often target at creating a high-quality app that can add value to the performance of the company with minimal effort. Typically, the best way to meetindividual business requirements involves custom development of an application, which is, building the app from scratch. However, another option exists that requires a close examination (Xilong. & Yang, 2012). This option is the process-based application development on an Application Development Platform Software (Xilong. & Yang, 2012). This project aims to compare the two options, that is, custom-built versus application development platform software. Afterward, the project will discuss developing a customer sharing application that is aimed at easing interaction among customers and car operators. The project targets car users, particularly with a focus on improving performance in several areas of the association. First, through an excellent carsharing platform, customers make a prior agreement with car drivers, thus easing their commuting, thereby peace of mind as they will not worry about their traveling. Secondly, the application will have the advantage of cutting down on costs for vehicle providers. The estimated cost reduction is about 80% for a regular five-seater vehicle when shared across with other commuters. The decrease in price is attributed to reduced fuelling, insurance, and road tax expenses. Thirdly, the sharing of transportation services is also critical to sustaining a clean environment since it eliminates the need to use more vehicles for transport with almost the same number of commuters. Lastly, the carsharing application is intended to reduce congestion on roads as there will be fewer commuters on the road. Therefore, coupled with the fact of owning a company, journeys will be significantly shorter and pleasant.

Scope of the Study

Owning a car and related space consumption at parking joints is the most challenging problem in many cities and urban centers in Europe and other parts of the world. Congestion is another problem emanating from too many cars with little space. It is estimated that the cost of traffic congestion is about 2% of the total gross domestic product in major cities. In most cases, especially in New York, Paris, and Stuttgart, along street parking is known to take up 50% of the overall land space (Xilong. & Yang, 2012). Studies conducted on major cities in the United States establishes that commuters take over 40 hours annually on traffic. However, car travel remains amongst the most preferred transport mode as consumers continue seeking for safety, convenience, choice of the travel route, and comfort in many cities in the world. Subsequently, the urban planners today are primarily required to ensure that they strike a balance between the rising demands for increased mobility and the desire to ensure environmental sustainability as well as acceptable quality levels of public lives (Mazzarol et al., 2014). As such, this study ventures into assessing the development of a carsharing application to help ease transportation besides reducing congestion on roads due to the high number of car services operating on the same route. The focus is to ensure that car travel service providers can offer sharing services for commuters without undermining their convenience, safety, and proper management of time. Therefore, the study targets also to reduce congestion on roads due to a high number of vehicles on public roads besides enhancing environmental sustainability as a result of air pollution.

Aim and Objectives

The objective of this study is to conduct an assessment of custom-built versus application development platforms before selecting the appropriate method for developing a carsharing software application. The achievements desired in the project is to ease congestion in cities, achieve flexibility among travelers, and enhance environmental sustainability. As such, the project seeks to address the following objectives;

  1. To assess the investigations that have been performed in custom-built versus application development platform for software development for car sharing
  2. To examine the current trends in developing of carsharing applications
  3. To assess the economies of carsharing concept, that is, the benefits of the carsharing concept
  4. To investigate the various models adopted in implementing carsharing services.

These objectives are motivated by the need to ensure peace of mind among commuters, reduce environmental pollution, and encourage sustainability as well as lower congestion in major cities.


Search process. The paper executed a search on literature by reviewing various valid and reliable research works in the field. A mechanism was adopted in implementing a literature review by following a structured strategy. First, keywords were collected to inform about the study scope. Although primary keywords focused on utilizing an application development platform, the literature also sought to unveil views about custom-built software.

Screening of research works. Before determining the type of paper that should be included in the study, appropriate testing was performed. The aim was to assess the quality of the research before subjecting to the discussion. The criteria for inclusion involved the study focus as shown in the abstract and whether the study aligns with the keywords in the project, the research methodologies of the review that mainly included experimental, case study, survey, among others, and that the study was published in the English Language. The exclusion criteria were if the underlying research is not complete, not produced using the English Language, and they are not presentations, books, or even posters.

Chapter 2: Literature Review


In this chapter, the most recent literature is discussed to assess their contribution tothe development of the carsharing application. The research reviewed under this section wasperformed using systematic snapshot methods in the study of software engineering discipline.

Uber/Lyft Development and Growth of Transportation Network

Before the launch of Uber in 2010 in the United States, transportation network companies were not yet in existence. The services offered by the company were limited to UberX, whose functions included collecting passengers to their destinations using traditional automobiles without any further stops along the way. The mode of operation is comparable to taxicabs. However, the difference with the way Uber ran its services is seen in the use of an app-based reservation system (Tumlin, 2012). Lyft implemented a similar model of service provision in 2012. Within a shortperiod, the Lyft services were already available almost in all major cities. Since then, various small companies have entered the market, thus bulging the transportation network industry.

Onwards, beginning in 2014, several major transportation network companies introduced services that allow sharing of one vehicle among several traveling parties, even when they are moving from different origins and to various destinations. In the case of Uber, it officially launched an UberPool service within the same year following a successful test of the carsharing concept in California (Tumlin, 2012). Soon, the service was spread into most significant cities in the U.S. However, and there were still apparent gaps remaining in the implementation of the concept. For instance, the UberPool service is still unavailable in some metropolitan areas that have a population below 100,000 people (Kreps, Fletcher & Griffiths, 2016). In 2014, Lyft similarly began the same service called Lyft Line (Kreps, Fletcher & Griffiths, 2016). Lyft Line offers comprehensive coverage in major U.S cities. The characteristics of the two services, that is, UberPool and Lyft Line, have the same attributes as jitneys that have been available in several densely populated regions, occasionally operating along flexible routes. The unique difference with the emerging transportation networks is that most utilize sophisticated and sourced algorithms (Kreps, Fletcher & Griffiths, 2016). Thus, most help optimize passenger routing, hence reducing operational expenses and traveling times.

Recently, there have been emerging studies that attempt to explain the role played by transport network companies in enhancing urban transportation. Notably, Neckermann (2015) asserts that these companies are indeed critical in facilitating movement in urban areas. This follows extensive research on data collected across different taxicab and ride-sourcing consumers. Besides taking the shortest time to wait for transportation services, transportation network consumers, they reach customers that are unlikely to use a tax and clientele that are unlikely to own an automobile (Ryan & Turton, 2016). Thus, the study demonstrates that these companies play a significant role in complementing the use of transit, but not just as a traffic diversion.

            Equally, the same conclusions are expressed in collaborative research by Shared-Use Mobility Centre (SUMC) and the American Public Transit Association. After surveying a sample of about 4,500 different customers, it is noted that most consumers that accept sharing of the service havea high probability of using public transport compared to their non-sharing counterparts (Ryan & Turton, 2016). At the same time, customers that heavily rely on transportation network services are likely to use transit compared to those that utilize other sharing options (Tumlin, 2012). Significantly, the study further establishes that car and bike sharers live a lesser automobile-oriented lifestyle than those using transport network services. 

            On the contrary, studies by other researchers depict a different picture of transportation network companies. According to the Boston-based Metropolitan Area Planning Council, which surveyed about 1,000 residents within the area, it is established that the businesses often occur during peak travel that is often characterized by congestion Kreps, (Fletcher & Griffiths, 2016). Hence, their study shows that most riders at this time are willing to part with a premium to conveniently use the services (Evans, Martin & Poatsy, 2010). Equally, about 75% of most services offered by these companies cost an extra $ 10, hence expensive than standard transit charges. The study further reveals that during the rush hours, 60% of trips offered under the service contributed to an increase in a certain margin of daily traffic on roads.Consequently, Evans, Martin & Poatsy (2010) studied the competition between transport network companies and taxis within central Manhattan. The study concluded that between 2013 and 2017, there was an increase in traffic volume because of these transport modes. Notably, the study utilized a focused residential survey. The findings illustrated that most trips executed by these transport modes were increasingly becoming longer. Besides, there was a constant realized growth in the number of uncopied vehicles was steadily increasing, especially during peak hours.

The Need for Sharing Car Travel Services

Car sharing provides car services without requiring one to have a car. Hence, the service carries a substantial potential to reduce the high number of vehicles operating inside a city without affecting the movement of users. Sharing helps reduce social costs attributed to the use of energy, road congestion, air, and noise pollution (Xilong & Yang, 2012). For instance, within New York City, shared services in the U.S. were equivalent to collecting about 15 private cars off the road. Equally, each shared car in the U.S. has shown to set free about four parking spaces (Marsden, G. & Reardon, 2018). Sharing of cars first emerged in Europe in the 1980s, particularly in Switzerland and later in German cities before the emergence of sharing economy and the digital age. Most operators began simply for the sole purpose of sustaining the environment among concerned local communities who sought to attain mobility needs sustainably. Initially, the operational features of the business were the same as the roundtrip businesses model. In such a model, travel cars are picked and later returned to the same spot where they were initially picked. Although the idea was local and never went beyond borders, the current situation is different (Sidhu & Doyle, 2015). In the recent case, the growing urban populations consisting of young people that rarely own a car are changing patterns of movement and related desires (Marsden & Reardon, 2018; International Energy Organization, 2009). Hence, carsharing among such populations is considered as the most effective means of providing transportation services. It, therefore, fills the gap between those who depend on car ownership and those that do not own a car.

More so, given that cities are becoming potential areas of innovation and enhanced connectivity, they offer the highest capability of providing the right market environment to implement car sharing and integration services. Such potential is achievable through the utilization of technologies, which have since brought about transformation both in economic and social growth (Mazzarol et al., 2014). As such, the development of the Internet, social media platforms, and the use of mobile services are the primary supporting services that have since enhanced the implementation of carsharing services (Sidhu & Doyle, 2015). Thus, through the use of smart technologies, booking, choosing, and utilization of shared transportation services, accessing these services has become more accessible.

Lastly, economies attributed to the concept of carsharing, which emerged in 2008, has formed the basis of developing the idea. These economies are classified in different ways, such as peer-to-peer, rental economy, or on-demand. They are strongly driven by developments in technology such as mobile services, increased connectivity, global recession, and environmental concerns. Thus, the disruptive impact of technology enlisted in this section and various societal innovations, it leaves no doubt that changes in technology remain crucial in enhancing urban mobility.

Custom Built versus Application Development Platform Software

            Kalus & Kuhramann (2013) studied specific project requirements called custom-made or tailor software. The study targeted at presenting a systematic evaluation for developing a catalog suitable for project-specific software. The mapping implemented an analysis of the influence of tailored software in software engineering management (SEM) following project characteristics (Deakin, 2020; Kurtz, 2013). Mainly, custom build software refers to an application that is developed for a specific organization. It is sometimes referred to as tailor-made software. Such software differs from packaged software. Packaged software or off the shelf is made for the mass market. Additionally, the process-based application refers to a form that is driven by the existing process or a workflow engine (Deakin, 2020; Sidhu & Doyle, 2015). Therefore, when such applications are developed using an application development platform, it is possible to model their logic and show the logical process of their execution.

            The two approaches are compared using the Software Assessment Framework. The method is a combination of classic project triangle, namely; time, scope, and cost, according to the Hewlett-Packard FURPS model.

Evaluation criteria. Evaluating the two approaches involves seven criteria that are critical in assessing the appropriate development approach that suits the objective of this study (Deakin, 2020). The subsequent sections expound each of these seven criteria for custom-built versus a process-based application development.

The time required to enter the market.Time to enter a market is critical when developing software. In this case, making an application available on the market as soon as possible enables a quick response to market demand besides facilitating faster delivery of business value. As such, when an application platform for software development is used, it will offer a quicker time to enter the market than a custom-built approach (Evans, Martin & Poatsy, 2010; Bonita BPM Community Edition). Time is saved in defining the scope and requirement as well as during the overall development process. Application development platform provides an immediate environment to facilitate collaborative modeling, graphical tooling, and a robust engine for effective integration of required software capabilities with the external applications, thus saving on development efforts (Evans, Martin & Poatsy, 2010). Equally, the application development platform has natively incorporated security, user management, and scalability, performance, and security features.

Moreover, through the application development platform, it is faster to design and develop a user interface. Typically, this platform is designed to support technologies for quickly improving the application interface (Sidhu & Doyle, 2015). Notably, having an application development platform that utilizes advanced technologies like HTML 5 and Angular J.S., users are allowed to manipulate proprietary technologies, thus allowing them to grow further and flexibility to customize the system based on business needs.

Functional scope.The design scope phase of an application is the most challenging when developing software. The reason is that there are chances of creating and incomplete requirement or coming up with components that users do not anticipate. Hence, the stage requires patience, perseverance, and excellent communication.

The functional scope can be facilitated using an application development platform that helps developers bridge the costs of communication between the users and the business. Here, there is a collaborative development of requirements. At the same time, it flexible due to its agility to change besides evolving (Gerike, Hülsmann & Roller, 2016). Further, the presence of standard notations and collaborative graphical modeling closes the communication gap that exists between the information technology and the business. Typical miscommunication common in custom-built software development is strategically avoided. In this case, the process expert is allowed to make necessary changes whenever there are cases of wrong interpretation from the developer. At the same time, developers can show areas that need adjustments to suit the business needs (International Energy Organization, 2009). Thus, other interfaces, such as webpages, forms, among others, can be developed as determined by the business handling of data.

Cost implications.Another critical aspect to consider when contemplating between the two methods is the cost of developing the application. Such charges include both development and maintenance services (Lai, 2004; Sidhu & Doyle, 2015). Among the two approaches, the application development platform offers the opportunity to lower the costs of development. The reason is that they are designed with efficient specifications and the related design phases that drastically reduce cost and time that is involved in the development process. Besides, they contain extra capabilities like the generation of the user interface, system integration connectors, and support for other external services and devices (Lai, 2004). Equally, there are low initiation, implementation, and maintenance costs when the application development platform is used. 

Usability. At this stage, the focus is on the end-user who could be a customer or a business. In this case, users should be facilitated by ensuring that the designed application provides an opportunity for the highest productivity (Lai, 2004; Bonita BPM Community Edition). At the same time, end-users should be assured of the maximum comfortability needed while working with the application. In this stage, the productivity of the form must beconsidered during development.In most cases, custom made applications are for usability. Hence it should be customized towards meeting the business requirements (Lai, 2004). However, most modern application development platforms strive to serve all audiences by providing applications that suit both the developers and business users. Besides, most applications that are built on application development platforms offer an inbox-driven user interface, that is, U.I.Suitable for business users (Sidhu & Doyle, 2015). In this case, whenever an action is needed in a given process stage, a task pops up automatically from the users’ task list. From here, once can efficiently execute the task (Bonita BPM Community Edition). However, studies reveal that most users’ feedback, not everyone appreciates implementing his functions through a task list or an inbox-driven user interface. It is even worse when popping tasks do not match with how businesses perform their activities. Thus, most of these embedded functions are hard to customize the content to shown different information to implement different organization roles.

Most application development platforms today provide highly flexible and adjustable user interfaces that can be delivered effectively in almost all devices using tools on the AngularJS framework, thus enhancing rich user experience (Gerike, Hülsmann & Roller, 2016). Equally, it is possible to personalize the functions on the interface to help tailor information to suit specific user activities. As such, the need for a customizable interface, which is a significant driver for preferring a custom-built approach, is entirely available in the application development platform.

Reliability.Good software should be reliable. Reliability encompasses trust and safety with the user data. At the same time, the application should always be available when it is required to implement specific business functions. Notably, comparative evaluation of the two methods shows that application development platforms offer high reliability for users. This includes enabling the clustering of applications. Hence, functional costs are extensively avoided.

Reliability is also expressed in the ability of the application to tolerate faults. In this case, it is expected that applications should continue functioning normally even when an accidental failure occurs within its system component (Gerike, Hülsmann & Roller, 2016). For instance, some software requires source data from ERP systems. Hence, a reliable application should have the capability to retain and preserve data, even when ERP systems are down. 

Supportability.Supportability is about ensuring that maintenance efforts are minimal. It is challenging to architect such functional capability in an application usinga custom-built approach. However, the capacity can be achieved through the manipulation of in-built functions within the application development platform (Gerike, Hülsmann & Roller, 2016). In some application development platforms, developers are allowed to changes the application data model, user interface, and business logic independently. Thus, such selective modification saves on the cost of time and money.

Moreover, having the capability to implement live updates can expedite the modification of the application while it is running rather than halting the business on the way. Considering the nature of car travel services, an app with such capabilities would be suitable for enhancing business operations (Neckermann, 2015). In this way, therefore, it will save the business revenue losses besides helping build on customer trust and confidence in the services offered by the company.

Performance.It is the last measure that differentiates the choice between the two methods of application development. Typically, developers should strive to ensure that the software acquired demonstrates high performance besides embracing adequate integration with most standard application servers (Neckermann, 2015). Already, scaling capability in most of application development platforms has proved compatible with many applications. Hence, it will be appropriate to utilize such a capacity in implementing a carsharing application that will be adopted in this study. The app provides tools required by developers to ensure continued robust performance.

Trends in Car Sharing Models

Currently, most carsharing firms can be categorized into five key business models, differentiated in terms of model variables and operational features. These categories include free-floating with pool stations, roundtrip, and home-zone based, free-floating with pool stations and roundtrip, station-based (Neckermann, 2015; Tumlin, 2012). Each of these categories is distinctively characterized based on pricing habits and tendencies to partner with other firms. This is regardless of whether they are not-for-profit or for-profit (Neckermann, 2015). The discussion under this section delves into generic issues that surrounding car sharing organizations before expounding on these specific models trending in the carsharing sector.

            Usually, many business models are always struggling with the variation in demand and supply. This is illustrated during peak seasons, both low and high (Marsden & Reardon, 2018). For instance, in most regions, peak seasons are often experienced during August. Many people plan for holiday excursions during this month. Another peak period is when there are sporting events. Demand for travel services increases in such periods as there will be many people requiring care services (Tumlin, 2012). Although there are extended public services for such events, carsharing concepts remain one of the primary necessities for many people going for events.

            Notably, evidence suggests that customers buy car travel services by looking at particular features. Although vehicle potential features such as range, carrying capacity, speed, among others, remain key, most consumers rarely require such features. Equally, despite the broad mix of vehicles available for the service, it remains evident that service providers may never meet the demand during peak periods (Gerike, Hülsmann & Roller, 2016). Hence, the situation is poised to become complicated in the future as technological advances and growth in package specifications continue.

            Back to the five models, it is essential to note that they rely on four significant geospatial aspects.  They are expressed in two categories, that is, area or zone-based versus station-based and free-floating versus the roundtrip aspects (Marsden & Reardon, 2018). The interplay among these factors affectsthe demand and supply characteristics of a business model. The influence cuts across all business models (Neckermann, 2015). Hence, the following sections explore the particular features of each of these models. The examination also considers the user perspective, which plays a crucial role in determining the specifications of carsharing features and the type of business model.

Free-floating versus the roundtrip model. Free-floating models are characterized by the ability to enable consumers to move from a single point to another, a one-way trip. Drivers operating based on this model potentially reduce the number of times of the journey to half. Such an operational model works well in urban centers, and they are implemented through smaller cars that conduct short trips (Marsden & Reardon, 2018; Bonita BPM Community Edition). The charges applied to the model covers the time that a customer has traveled instead of the distance covered. Studies about the socio-demographic information show that most of the consumers of services provided by the model are youth below 33 years. Besides, it accounts for 70% of the male population living mostly in households with children (Marsden & Reardon, 2018; Bonita BPM Community Edition). Their perception of car rides is that it is a fun venture. Conversely, roundtrips types of business models adopt traditional approaches. They usually require that once the car has already completed the service, they should be returned to their departing zone. As such, they are less flexible compared to the free-floating model. Usually, roundtrip models experience long booking times that can take several hours within a day (Marsden & Reardon, 2018). They are suitable for long-distance trips, for example, leaving or coming into the city. Studies about this model illustrate that they mostly attract older people in the society whose perception is that cars are a means of transport, taking one from one stage to the other.

Area or zone-based versus a station-based model. An area or zone-based model offers the users with an option to park at any place, be it designated or in the neighborhood areas. Theoretically, therefore, drivers can park near their final destination rather than it is permitted by the station (Marsden & Reardon, 2018; Bonita BPM Community Edition). Besides, drivers are not required to look for open spaces within particular public parking areas. As a result, the model has the potential to save on time as drivers can park anywhere they find vacant. However, this flexibility depends on the availability of parking spaces within the area of operation. Hence, in the absence of spaces, drivers are likely to waste time and money looking for available spaces to provide parking services. Although it remains a problem, it is not the biggest hindrance in this model since the search for parking is based on the area of operation (Kurtz, 2013). Equally, most companies are providing their drivers with the search for parking support to reduce the time and cost incurred in the process. Also, area or zone-based models do not rent spaces in the city (Marsden & Reardon, 2018). However, money may be assigned to aid the moving of cars that are parked outside the designated areas. At the same time, in a circumstance that all vehicles are parked in a particular location, the firms often organize to have them relocated into strategic areas with customer’s views (Kurtz, 2013). Thus, obscurely parking the cars may hamper maintenance and accessibility to the city, thus undermining revenue performance.

On the contrary, station-based models provide that cars should be picked and parked at the station after service. Organizations that adopt this model are often reliable since consumers know where they can get the vehicle, thus creating convenience (Marsden & Reardon, 2018). However, it is usually less flexibility since sometimes the parking station may be far from the destination, which may be costly, both in time and money required for a single trip (Kurtz, 2013). Equally, when drivers find that stations are full, they may be required to return the car to the nearest station, thus costly. Hence, this model demands that drivers hope to find a space at the parking station or reserve the parking spot through the platform.

Free-floating with the operational area. The model operates in such a way that customers consuming carsharing services choose a nearby car. However, once they are done, the vehicle is left at any valid parking area within the operational area, region, or city (Kurtz, 2013). It is among the highly flexible model that offers riders the freedom to conduct a one-way trip. It also has the advantage of providing many parking options (Marsden & Reardon, 2018). The challenge with operating under this model is that drivers are not allowed to go long-distance travel as the free-floating, and zoned factors are designed to work inside a city.

Free-floating with pool stations. It is the rarest model. Riders in this model get a car from a pool station. Once they are done with the service, they can return it in the same pool or another pool of the same organization (Marsden & Reardon, 2018). Since most cars operating under this model embrace an electronic charging network (E.V. Network), they are required to work within certain limits in the city determined by battery lifespan and the designated charging areas (Kurtz, 2013). Thus, cars’ maximum distance involves downtime as they have to stop and charge batteries before embarking on the journey. As such, the model flexibility highly limited.

Issues in Car Sharing Application Development

In addition to sharing economies and concerns, most critics of the concept aver that issues about legal compliance, labor laws, minimization of taxes, and regulatory frameworks like safety and health among providers and users remain critically unaddressed in the industry. This is coupled with the consequences of adverse economic or social impacts (Kurtz, 2013). Mainly, dynamism among most operators like Airbnb, Lyft, and Uber, among others, have bypassed the formulation of regulatory interventions (Neckermann, 2015). Hence, these concerns and associated benefits that the varying models of car sharing may offer are essential for both the carsharing viability and the future of mobility. 

Chapter Summary

The chapter has concentrated on understanding the literature behind the development and implementation of the carsharing concept as approached by different scholars. The discussion began by reviewing the emergence and development of Uber and Lyft car travel services. Overtime, it has been realized that the concept of car sharing has to evolve in the industry. The main intention of embracing the idea is to enhance flexibility in terms of time and cost incurred during traveling. The literature also reveals that environmental sustainability has been vital in the adoption of the concept. However, the implementation of the idea is determined by the technological advances that are suitable for implementing the concept.

Further, it highlights a review on custom-built versus application development platform for software development. According to the discussion, it is shown that although the custom-built application for carsharing facilitates achieving of a customized system, they are costly and require much time to develop. Thus, the literature review is in favor of application development platforms that are less time consuming and less costly. More so, most modern platforms come with advanced features that can allow users to customize their application so that it suits their business requirements. Therefore, the review of the previous studies provides the need to adequately address customer-specific tests and preferences for a successful carsharing system.

Chapter 3: Requirements/Methodology


The increasing concerns about the environment and frequent road congestion today continue to increase the need for car sharing as most parts of the world seek to embrace cheap and environmentally friendly means of movement (Ball, 2005). As discussed previously, car sharing involves people sharing a ride either using personal cars or hired ones. The use of carsharing helps reduce pollution because there will be a few numbers of vehicles using the road at a given time. Additionally, the concept is highly economical because riders will share traveling expenses amongst themselves. At the same time, traveling alone sometimes is stressful. Thus, having people traveling together encourages socialization besides making the trip enjoyable.

            However, the big challenge is about finding people to share a ride since it is not easy finding people that are traveling in the same direction at any particular time. As such, various websites have been developed to facilitate meetings and the sharing of rides (Mazzarol et al., 2014). The applications serve users by helping them access each other and share trips as well as get the passengers that they need per a given trip (Ball, 2005). Yet, most of these applications are challenged in that they are limited within a given location, operated in few languages, and specific to certain countries. Equally, they are often less socially enabled since users are rarely allowed to share their rides on social media platforms through these apps (Ball, 2005; Mazzarol et al., 2014). Hence, the subsequent sections of the paper discuss the implementation structure to address the objectives of the study, which is about developing a carsharing application by utilizing an application development platform. The project will strive to customize the existing Uber application to create an app that can facilitate student movement in and out of school. The sections include research design, data collection strategies, project management methodology, and a project planning overview, as well as the chapter summary.

Research Design

            The research design refers to the methods used in collecting and conducting the analysis of variables in the study. The study adopts a problem-solving approach to address car sharing issues by implementing the development of a carsharing application that targets at overcoming the disadvantages or limitations that are exhibited in other applications.  The application developed in this case is generic, implying that it is not limited to a specific country, location, or language (Ball, 2005). The application is also socially enabled; it is integrated with social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as compatible with others too. Equally, the application is also real-time such that it allows any individual participating in a ride to check-in the meeting location. The development utilizes application development platform software that serves as the basis for the development of application features. Compatibility with other software such as iOS and Android, as well as the web, is given priority. Thus, the application is designed such that it can run on devices that host this software.

Data Collection Strategies. The data was collected through the exploration of different existing carsharing applications run by already operating companies such as Uber and Lyft before coming up with the requirements for improving the project needs. Since the Play Store and App Store is an official source for most Android applications, the study employed their search engines to identify carsharing applications using keywords; “Carsharing.” In this way, several applications came out having almost similar names. Although one publisher publishes all the designated users, it was realized that they are restricted to one country, location, or language. For example, carsharing. gy,, carsharing. Uk, Among others. More so, an investigation on the functioning of most of this application established that they offer carsharing services within one or two cities and frequent rides. However, these applications’ most significant limitations were that they were limited within a single city. Operating the application in other places or countries requires one to download it again. Other application sets were found to provide different types of ride, for example, those targeting students and tutors, sporting or clubbing groups, among others. However, most of them can be accessed only through websites, and mobile applications do not support them. Hence, after this exploration, the study collaborated essential features that could be feasibly applied and incorporated into the new development to have a reliable car sharing application that meets market demands. Also, examining the market conditions implies that it is critical to implement both frequent and single trips to help meet the current needs of the market. In this project, the following are the basic requirements that the application will incorporate in improving carsharing services that currently exist on the market.

  1. Developing an application that is location independent. In this case, the final app will not require to be specific to a country as it will be enabled to be downloaded in any part of the world.
  2. A socially enabled application through which users can access their social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, among others, and share their travel content in social media.
  3. A pay-through enabled application where users are linked such that their ride payments are implemented via the app
  4. A payment system enabled such that their payments go through the application system. Although it is a complicated and challenging aspect to implement due to the legal implications, the project will endeavor to meet all the requirements.
  5. Map picker, which will enable the users to pick their location points

Project Management Methodology

The study adopted a waterfall model to manage the application development project. The motivation for choosing this methodology is that the project requires a sequential and linear development process for the management and development of the application, which the model provides (Cyriac & Julsrud, 2018). The model is also appropriate because it ensures each step is adequately addressed and completed before moving to the next phase of development. Equally, the project is sustainable since it can help reduce time wastage because it does not allow returning to the previous (Mazzarol et al., 2014); hence the developer is required to ensure every aspect of the underlying phase is addressed. As such, the methodology was implemented as follows;

The project first ensured that proper planning is achieved by clearly stating the project requirements besides providing that participants are aware of their roles and what it entails. Equally, documentation was thoroughly done, and the documents distributed to every project member. Through documentation, the project members can refer to it accordingly to precisely implement what is required at every stage of developing the application. Thus, documentation was conducted at every phase by ensuring that all members are involved. The following issues were addressed at each phase of the project-based, as proscribed by the Waterfall Methodology. Figure 1 below demonstrates the waterfall methodologies under each phase of the project.

Figure 1: Waterfall Methodologies under each phase of the project

Figure 1 illustrates the sequence of application development phases as undertaken during the development process. This is further expounded below;

Phase 1: Requirement collection and documentation. Under this stage, comprehensive details were collected with a focus on the requirements of the project. As presented in the research design section, the project involved reviewing existing similar carsharing models and assessing the limitations before strategizing on a suitable way to implement the plan. The aim was to ensure that requirements are set before embarking on the next phase. Lastly, the conditions were documented and distributed to team members.

Phase 2: System Design. The application was then designed based on the collected requirement. At the same time, the hardware requirements are specified.

Phase 3: Implementation. Since the development is based on the already established application development platform, there was no much programming except for the basic setting and modification of the application to suit the specific needs of the organization.

Phase 4: Verification and testing. The verification and testing were implemented to examine the ability of the system to execute its functions as expected. Documentation and any problems identified was reported accordingly.

Phase 5: Deployment. The project deliverables were submitted, signaling that the application is ready for deployment.

Phase 6: Maintenance. Although the application was already in use, emerging issues were to be noted, and necessary adjustments and modification was made as required.

Project Planning Review

In this section, a review of the significant project components is discussed. As such, the section highlights the work break down structure, resources required, Gant Chart and risks, and limitations that may affect the project implementation.

Work break-down structure.The work breakdown structure aims to break-down the project into smaller deliverable components. According to this project, the following is the work break-down structure that would be adopted in its implementation process.

Table 1: Work Breakdown Structure
Activity Code Activity Name Start Date Duration (Days) Finish Date
1 Registration 15-May-20 3 18-May-20
2 Map development 19-May-20 2 21-May-20
3 GPS Tracking development 22-May-20 4 26-May-20
4 In-app payment 27-May-20 3 30-May-20
5 Sign-in design and development 31-May-20 2 2-Jun-20
6 User profile 3-Jun-20 3 6-Jun-20
7 Smart lock system 7-Jun-20 3 10-Jun-20
8 Ride statistics 11-Jun-20 23 4-Jul-20
9 Support system 5-Jul-20 3 8-Jul-20
10 Push notifications 9-Jul-20 3 12-Jul-20
11 Booking design 13-Jul-20 3 16-Jul-20
12 Multilingual structure 17-Jul-20 10 27-Jul-20
13 Rating systems 28-Jul-20 6 3-Aug-20
14 Messenger System 4-Aug-20 8 12-Aug-20
15 Fleet Management system 13-Aug-20 4 17-Aug-20
16 User management 18-Aug-20 3 21-Aug-20
17 Payment Management system 22-Aug-20 3 25-Aug-20
18 Reports and analytics system 26-Aug-20 10 5-Sep-20

Table 1 is the work breakdown structure for the development of the application. The work began on 15 May 2020 and ended on 5 September 2020. It consisted of 18 activities. The subsequent part is a Gant Chart illustrating the flow of work as presented in the work breakdown structure.

Gant chart

The project Gant chart below is used to represent the tasks, displaying the start date and particular time of duration.

Figure 2: Activity Gant Chart

Figure 2 above is an activity Gant Chart, illustrating activity sequence as demonstrated in the work breakdown structure.

Resource list

The resources list is meant to explain the number of resources that would be deployed in implementing the project. As such, the following table is a list of resources, describing the cost and amount of experts required to ensure that the project is successful.

Table 2: Resources List
Resource Name Cost (U.S. $)
Back-end Developing $   430
Front-End developing $   200
Graphic Designing $   170
Managing the project $   400
IOS development $   240
Android development $   240
Web development $   300
Total $ 1,980

As illustrated in Table 2 above, the project will require ten (10) workers. Their relative costs are also indicated. The estimated cost to complete the whole project is $ 1,980 that is split across the six phases of the project, as shown below in Table 3

Table 3: Distribution of Project Budget
Project Phases Activity Budget
Phase 1 Requirements and Documentation  $   600
Phase 2 Application System Design  $   400
Phase 3 Design Implementation  $   350
Phase 4 Verification and Testing  $   230
Phase 5 System Deployment  $   125
Phase 6 Application Maintenance  $   275
Total    $ 1,980

Table 3 is an illustration of project budget distribution across the six phases, as explained under the waterfall project management methodology.

Risks and Limitations

Since the project relies on application development software, there are various underlying risks and limiting factors that may affect its overall implementation. The immediate threats are the complexity that comes about with the choice of appropriate complementary software that is supposed to enhance the development process. As such, there is a possibility of facing challenges in getting compatible software. Additionally, the project is likely to delay as a result of such unnecessary complications. Other limitations include the need for timely delivery of the app, which may be difficult. Hence, this could delay the execution of the project.

Chapter Summary

The chapter concentrated on demonstrating the requirements and methodologies that were employed in implementing the project to meet the desired objectives. The significant areas of focus included research design, project planning review, and project management methodologies. Also, a highlight of the risks and limitations attributed to the implementation of the project concept was presented.

Chapter 4: Design and Development


The chapter is about the design and development specifications based on the project aims and objectives. The focus is to establish the appropriate development platform that specifies the application functionality, user interface, and experience, application components as well as interfacing. The section also discusses database and data structures and system security.

User and System Requirements

Description of the project. The subsequent sections explain the system and user requirements for the carsharing application. It is expected that the application serves provision for a meeting point for riders and drivers. Through the use, the users are enabled to share as well, find or access rides. Structurally, the app is compartmented in two significant parts. In the first part, it provides intercity rides through which users are allowed to post their trips besides registering into trips that other users have created (Cyriac & Julsrud, 2018). Additionally, the application contains a check-in system that notifies users once passengers or target drivers arrive at the meeting point. The second is to service frequent trips. These are trips that are scheduled weekly. As such, commuters, especially workers, are reporting on duty daily, are the target interests. They can register and accompany other riders along the way as they travel to their workplaces. Equally, since the application will be socially enabled, users may be prompted to share their travels or ride information through social media platforms (Stahl & Völter, 2006). However, the application is restricted such that it is only the registered users that are allowed to customize and use it.

Users.The primary application users are commuters and travelers moving from one area to the other. It also incorporates users that are riding, but they need other passengers. In this case, users are either passengers or drivers in this application (Cyriac & Julsrud, 2018). At the same time, the app is accessed using users’ social media accounts. In this case, any user can be the following;

  1. A driver, who is any individual owning a car and is embarked on a movement from one place to another. The driver can publish the travel information through the application so that they find passengers willing to share the ride.
  2. A passenger, defined as an individual willing to move from one place to another, yet they do not own a car. They are interested in sharing or joining drivers through a posted trip. However, they should agree to all necessary conditions of travel, including general conduct and price or chargers for the ride.

            Application dictionary. The project dictionary gives the contextual definition of words that are used in the application to avoid ambiguity besides facilitating comprehensive reporting. The following are the terms that are frequently used in the project.

  1. Driver –defined as any individual who owns a car and wants to embark on a trip that is published on the application to seek co-riders
  2. Regular trip – is defined as one time but long-distance travel from one point to another, often between cities. Regular trips have specific departure and arrival time, as well as prices.
  3. Frequent trips – is defined as short or medium distance could be daily or weekly between two places, either home to workplace, home to school, or home to sporting or clubbing area.

            Dependencies. The nature of the application is that it highly depends on geo-location and the mapping service system provided by Google Maps. The location system will be useful for displaying maps and itineraries. At the same time, Google Maps will be utilized in processing GPS data. Equally, third-party authentication systems are incorporated, which will serve to allow users to log in to the system. For instance, users using Facebook or Twitter will have to allow the application to access their platforms for identity verification and authentication.

Functional requirements

General requirements of the application.

Login. The users are required to be logged into the system before they use it. Hence, they will be allowed to access the system by login through the social platform (Facebook) or using Google Plus. At this point, users are prompted to link their social media accounts with the app from which they proceed to sign up or sign in. Once users have authorized access to their social media accounts, the application server is enabled to retrieve the required details for authentication. However, new users are prompted to create a new account.

Update of profile information. The application allows every user to update their profile details, which majorly consist of their name, contacts such as email, and their car colour preference. Equally, users can easily edit the profile details that would allow easy contact and recognition.

Sharing on social media. The purpose of providing this option is to attract and generate interest among other potential riders to use the application. In this case, users will be allowed to share their rides through the application. Also, the application is designed to give suggestions to users who will be sharing their rides to do so. However, sharing is entirely authorized by users, and there is no automatic posting of the ride information. The application software is programmed in this way to help limit spamming in users’ accounts besides creating confidence among users about their information security.

Driver or passenger rating. Rating is necessary because it serves as a comparative criterion for users by other potential users. Hence, the application will allow drivers and passengers to rate one another to create a reputation. It also encourages the users to be professional and nice while engaging with other parties, thus relatively trusting each other.

Regular Trips.

Creating new regular trips.This requirement is meant to allow users to create new trips. In this case, drivers will be allowed to create new trips that are displayed once a passenger enters the system to search for a trip. The details under this option include the destination, the original point of the trip, the target meeting point, and the departure date and time. Also, the application will provide an estimate of the arrival time the preferences for traveling. Some of the suggested traveling preferences include price, bag size, smoking options, number of stops, free spots, among other options. Once the information is provided, the user can publish it through their social media platforms from which interested passengers can access. Equally, users will share the trip once it is created through their social media.

Search and reservation for regular trips. The application will contain a search option such that users can utilize in searching for drivers and their respective destinations. The search option seeks for the destination, the trip origin, and departure time and date. At the same time, they are allowed to make travel preferences. Once users find the appropriate trip, they are enabled to easily reserve the spot by simply using a tap button from which a notification is made to the respective driver about the passenger details.

Checking In. The application includes a check-in option through which alerts the driver once the passenger or driver has arrived at the meeting point. This option aims to ensure punctuality and reduce time wastage during pickups. The check-in is facilitated through the use of GPS, which ensures that users arrive at the meeting point on time. At the same time, car sharing members receive a notification every time a passenger checks in, informing others about the meeting.

Frequent Trips.

Adding frequent trips.Through the application, the driver is allowed to add a new trip. In this case, the user is required to indicate the destination and origin, as well as departure and the return time.

Search for frequent trips. Users are enabled through the application to search for trips that they are interested in joining. However, the passengers are required to specify the neighbourhood they are departing from, their preferred destination and time, and frequency of departure. In this case, the application can match their details with the appropriate trip. In a situation that a passenger is satisfied, he is allowed to register and subsequently linked with other passengers using the same ride.

Use a case chart.The following is a use case chart illustrating the relationship between the passenger and driver as they are linked to facilitate carsharing.

Figure 3: User Case Chart

Figure 1 is a user case chart displaying the relationship between passenger and driver. According to the application, the user is either a passenger or a driver who would is linked as described in the chart.

Non-Functional Requirements

Performance.Once the development is complete, it is expected that the application offers the quickest response time since the meeting between passenger and driver is facilitated through a notification message. In this case, it implies that the server must be enabled to recognize notifications and ensure that they are instantly propagated. More so, the application will have a capacity of 500 users who are making inquiries at any given time.

Scalability. The application is expected to respond well against the increasing number of users adequately. In this case, the proposed capacity ranges between 100 and 500users, as well as beyond 500 to a million members.

Extensibility.It is expected that the complete application would be extensible such that it has sufficient capacity to host different platforms, including Web, IOS, and Windows phones as well.

Availability. The application is expected to be highly available and accessible any time the user requires it. Also, given that it contains a lot of information about travel and user profile details, there is a need to guarantee a strong and reliable server for its availability. As such, the server should only permit a half an hour down with almost 99.95% up-time.

Privacy and System Security. Consequently, since the application links almost all personal details about the users, it is required that it assures their security, including information on travels, their social media platforms, and accounts. In this case, there is a need to ensure a robust login system that allows authorized users to edit or post their personal information.

System Maintainability. The application is expected to be easily maintainable such that developers or administrators can modify it in the future, among other adjustments.

System Design and Architecture

System Architecture. Figure 4 below illustrates the system architecture. The architecture is based on the specified application requirement. Equally, in an attempt to ensure that there high performance and availability, the basic system of the project consists of LoopBack servers. In this case, the application is incorporated with an HAProxy that is responsible for distributing the workload along with the LoopBack cluster (Macioszek & Sierpiński, 2019). At the same time, the cluster has the capability of enhancing scalability since it is possible to scale out as the number of users increases. More so, there is a second load balancer that maintains the system performance in case of failure (Macioszek & Sierpiński, 2019). At the Enterprise Information System tier, a basic database is provided that is responsible for receiving different sets of queries to facilitate data access and perseverance. The database also duplicates all the information on the secondary database backup. The two databases can continue with the operation to exchange the heartbeats to ascertain the functioning of the other (Macioszek & Sierpiński, 2019). The collaboration and substitutional capability between the two databases assure data redundancy and avoid possible loss. Thus, the database for the application will always be working and available.

Figure 4: Basic Application Architecture

Figure 4 is an illustration of the application architecture. The application server is designed such that its side exposes RESTFUL API that is consumed by a roaming REST client (Macioszek & Sierpiński, 2019). Thus, the system has the extensibility requirements since any device can consume those services. Equally, the data exchange uses a JSON format.

Chapter Summary

The chapter focused on discussing the design and development components for the preferred application platform. The main items presented include both functionality and non-functionality requirements. As such, appropriate development platform was established to specify the application functionality, user interface, and experience, application components as well as interfacing. The section also highlighted on database and data structures as well as system security.

Chapter 5: Implementation, Testing, and Troubleshooting


The application implementation was based on an iterative process on the two sides (client and server sides). Each requirement was implemented before being testing to ascertain its performance capability.

Client-Side.The client-side involved implementation of an Android application by using Android Studio IDE was targeting the most current Android operating system, from Android 6.0 and higher.

Server Side. The implementation process began by first developing a server since it is the basis for implementing the application. It is also needed to test the application. Although the LoopBack application cannot be developed through IDE, the project utilized the inbuilt tools on the application to design and create a variety of models. In this case, the simple text editor was being used in editing different files that the application server requires. The server was customized using relevant command lines.

Testing and Troubleshooting

The testing and troubleshooting were implemented using the Linux machine with Ubuntu 14.0 running system. Wi-Fi hotspot was created to help enable the functioning of Android phones and access the application server. The project utilized Samsun Galaxy S9 running Android 9 Lollipop, which was linked to Windows 10 using a USB cable.

Client-Side.The required customization on the client side was to enable the application run on Android and IOS phones using different logins directly. This was made in understanding that most students use android phones and since they are the target users of the application, it was necessary to ensure it meets their preferences. Troubleshooting was executed in case of any challenges in the system. This enabled easy identification of the underlying problem. Finally, students were given the application to operate, and the difficulties were noted and appropriate adjustments made.

Server Side.Following each iteration, the implemented iteration was adequately tested.

Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations

The carsharing application that has been developed in this project complies with enterprise-class guiding principles. The app is designed such that is suitable for performing. It is also scalable and highly available besides having the extensible capability that allows for modification and improvement. In terms of privacy and security, the system assures users of a high level of protection and confidentiality of their information. It is built to enable a secure access system dictated by user credentials. Further, its ability to be modified in different ways shows that it is a maintainable application, thus matching the project requirements.

            Additionally, it is worth noting that the results obtained in this study include a functional android application and a server system. They both have high performing capability for the requirements presented in the document. The app will soon be deployed on the Playstore and Google store and made accessible to the public. However, this requires a robust hardware system that can run stable Internet. Equally, since the project is time-consuming, there is room for improvement on various things that are composite of the application. These include an excellent user interface and additional support components for the authentication systems.


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