Posted: August 26th, 2021


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Introduction: Scoping

According to Saunders (2018, p. 93), scoping refers to determining all the possible impacts that the implementation of a project might course. Besides, it includes highlighting the possible alternatives tocritical areas or issues that should be addressed. Without proper scoping of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) increases the risk of undertaking unnecessary work while rendering significantpractices that are inappropriately implemented (Dougherty and Hall, 1995, p. 109; Gilpin, 1995, p. 56). In this section, scoping exercise is performed for an EIA for a project. The exercise encompasses the demolition of the oil terminal and the construction and operation of a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The aim is to identify likely positive and negative impacts as well as suggesting possible mitigations where appropriate.

Part 1-Scoping Exercise


The exercise involved assessing and qualifying of the possible impacts resulting from the implementation of the project. The necessary information acquired from the Study were utilized in analyzing potential effects (Goldman, 2000, p. 76). The EIA team used various methodologies. These included a literature review, direct field visit, and extensive consultation with stakeholders in the surrounding purposely to adequately generate the necessary information for the overall analysis of impacts and mitigations measures useful for the area. 

Site Assessment

The field visit was conducted to enable physical inspection with the aim of understanding site characteristics and the status of the surrounding area (Goldman, 2000, p. 83; Gilpin, 1995, p. 103). The reason for implementing this step was to obtain baseline conditions and ascertain expected impacts. Also, direct engagement with the public was necessary to ensure that the public views about the area and effects of related activities are addressed. 

The output of the Study

The Study required the production of the EIA project report besides recommending on potential mitigation measures where appropriate. As such, the following is a scoping exercise matrix, identifying both positive and negative impacts for demolition, construction, and operation of several facilities.

Table 1: Scoping Exercise Matrix

  Activities and Potential Impacts
Potential Receptors of the Impact Demolition of Disused Oil Terminal Construction of WWTP Operation of WWTP
Land Soils Soil maybe disturbed due to movement of soil for leveling and other demolition activities and possible loss of soil from erosion of open field, Soil contamination with possible leakage of oil residues and chemical spills Soil disturbance resulting from movement and leveling off of the ground Altering soil structure due to chemical deposits from the treatment plant.
Landscape Restructuring the area landscape Disturbance of surface landscape, possible deformation Disturbance of surface landscape, possible deformation
Geology Geological disturbance, which could destabilize the ground Geological upheaval, which could destabilize the ground Geological disturbance, which could destabilize the ground
Human Environment Nuisance Noise and air pollution Noise and air pollution Traffic impacts congesting the area, creating noise and air pollution, Operational noise that could be experienced at sensitive areas
Amenity Opening ground for social use Opening ground for social use Improved quality of life due to the enhanced drainage system
Health and Safety Pollution of air that makes the local environment unclean, noise Possible accidents due to the movement of construction vehicles Reduced disease outbreaks due to poor drainage and water treatment
Architectural and archaeological heritage Negligible unless unknown heritage resources are unearthed Negligible unless undiscovered heritage resources are unearthed Tourist attraction area once the facility of completed
Socio-economics Employment for the local community in the demolition exercise Investment into the local community, creation of employment opportunities, social tensions between locals and outsiders seeking job opportunities Employment opportunities for locals
Air Regional  or global air quality Emissions from the demolition of oil pipes and tanks could affect the global and regional quality of air Dust and particles from the construction site could affect the ambient quality of air Improved air quality
Local air quality Affect ambient quality of local air due to dust and fine particles from the demolition site, Loss of job opportunities due to decommissioning the oil terminal activities, Risk of accidents due to activities of demolition vehicles Dust and particles from the construction site could affect the ambient quality of air Improved air quality
Flora and Fauna Terrestrial ecology Destruction of the habitat Possible loss of habitats from clearing of vegetation and increase earthworks when preparing the site Spread of invasive plant types as a result of different ongoing forms of disturbance
Aquatic ecology Contamination of aquatic environment due to leakages of oil residues Disturbance of the aquatic environment due to the diversion of large water quantities, Interference of the aquatic environment due to diversion of large water quantities, contamination of the aquatic environment due to chemical discharges
Water Quality of groundwater Oil spills from storage tanks and pipes during demolition, thereby contaminating the soil and water Chemical spills and leaks causing the contamination of water and soil resources due to the use of construction vehicles, machinery, hazardous construction materials, and substances, Possible change in the topography of the area thereby diverting the course of water flow, Chemical spills and leaks causing the contamination of water and soil resources during plan operation
Groundwater hydrology Diversion of water hydrology due to leveling and restructuring of the ground Once vegetation’s are removed, the ground surface maybe left bare thus increasing possible pathways for contaminating groundwater, Chemical spills and leaks causing the contamination of water and soil resources during plan operation
Quality of surface water Contamination of surface water from spills and leakages from oil residues in storage tanks and pipes Once vegetation’s are removed, the ground surface maybe left bare thus increasing possible pathways for contaminating groundwater, Chemical spills and leaks causing the contamination of water and soil resources during plan operation
Surface Water channel morphology and hydrology Diversion of surface water flow channels Once vegetation’s are removed, the ground surface maybe left bare thus increasing possible pathways for contaminating groundwater, Possible alteration of water channels due to constructed facility along watercourse line

Potential Mitigation Measures

The mitigation measures are intended to help minimize and facilitate control of generating negative impacts during the implementation of the project following the environmental management and legislation standards (Water Environment Federation, 2018, p. 876-1088). In this case, these measures include;

  1. The construction activities should employ well-designed concrete drainage channels that can harmonize appropriate management of stormwater within the proposed site to help reduce impacts on surface drainage and water quality.
  2. Demolition and construction activities should employ limited earthworks. As such, proper soil compaction and watering of the loose soils when executing these activities to help reduce impacts of air pollution.
  3. Noise pollution coming from demolition, construction, and operation areas would be minimized using portable barriers to shield the machines.
  4. Proper designing of sewerage systems by using approved materials, besides regular maintenance of the effluents
  5. Training of personnel to manage the water treatment plant operation activities

Part 2-Environmental Risk Assessment

The ecological risk assessment aim at assessing the risks for the demolition of the oil terminal and construction and operation of the WWTP. As such, the sources and pathways for the risks are identified as well, receptors for the hazards through the following chart.

Table 2: Environmental risk assessment

Risk receptors Hazard Sources
Environmental Ground or surface water Contaminants could be released into the receiving environment causing environmental degradation Surface runoffWater table Flooding Discharge of groundwaterDemolition debris
Surrounding soil Being unable to prevent the contaminants sipping into groundwater and surface water Chemicals characteristics Soil type The depth of soil horizons Depth of water table
Public health Contamination of the surrounding environment and water hence release of pathogens is possible from the treatment plant thus affect human health Aerosols Water supply (surface or ground)
Contamination of ground and surface water with chemical pollutants Increasing nitrate levels in the drinking water close to the subsurface systems, blockage of sewerage pipes, toxic substances in water sources Oil residue spills, careless handling of chemicals, inadequate piping systems

Reference List

Dougherty, T. C., and A. W. Hall. 1995. Environmental impact assessment of irrigation and drainage projects. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Gilpin, A. 1995. Environmental impact assessment (EIA): cutting edge for the twenty-first century. Cambridge New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Print.

Goldman, L. 2000. Social impact analysis: an applied anthropology manual. Oxford: Berg.

Saunders, A. 2018. Advanced introduction to environmental impact assessment. Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

Water Environment Federation2008. Operation of municipal wastewater treatment plants. New York: WEF Press McGraw Hill.

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