University of Phoenix Material

Posted: August 25th, 2021

University of Phoenix Material                      

Workforce Planning Worksheet

Survey Link

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Executive Summary

Outline in 350to 525words what you hope to learn from the questions in your survey. Address specific issues and provide a rationale for selecting each. 

The strategic plan of an organization lays the roadmap that should be followed by the organization to achieve both long-term and short-term goals (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010).The human resources should ensure that the employees understand, appreciate, and support the strategic plan of the organization.Hence, some common questions to be asked include: Do You Understand The Organizations Strategic Plan? The question seeks to understand the view of the employee on the organization’s strategic plan. In this case, the main idea will be to link the company operations or programs with the employee viewpoint. Also, the question would help the organization find the appropriate way to strategize its workforce and align it’s with its plans. Further supportive questions to understand employees’ position on strategic plan include; (a). Where do you see yourself in the next five years? The question is meant to understand employees invest in their career or what they plan to undertake that can increase their knowledge, experience, and productivity in their line of duty. (b). How can you support the strategic plan? Just as the first question, this question seeks to ascertain whether the organization’s workforce is in the right direction, with not only sufficient resources but also the right people. As observed throughout the questions, they seek to understand the employees’ take on the strategic plan of the organization and a projection about where they see themselves in the next five years. In the same line, employees will be asked to show how they can support the organization’s strategic plan to ensure it meets its desired objectives. Further, it is essential to understand the type of skills, according to the views of the employees that they plan to acquire within the period to reach or attain the desired goals or ambitions as well as their current strengths and weaknesses. These questions can help HR determine and plan the ideal team to accomplish the organization’s needs.If the employee has a limited understanding of the organization’s needs and how their contribution fits with the plan, then efforts can be made to provide adequate training.Further, these questions can enable the human resources department to come up with training needs for the organization. Also, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the employee can enable the hiring manager to reallocate the resources appropriately(Goldsmith & Carter, 2010).For instance, the accounts department might have an employee with excellent marketing skills.Thus such an employee should be reallocated to the marketing department. Understanding the employees’ plan regarding their plans can help the human resources know if the employee is planning to stick to the organization long-term.The question of where do you see yourself in 5 years can determine if the employee visualizes themselves growing within the organization or using the organization as a stepping stone to advance their career.Thus, based on their long term plan, human resources can make plans to conduct recruitment and training to meet the gap left by the employee.

Summarize in 350 to 525 words why the questions in your survey will help determine training and recruit needs if the talent is not able to be developed in-house — highlight specific questions from your study as examples.

The training needs in an organization are meant to enhance capacity building by employees. In the survey the questions to ask include; What skills can help you achieve the organization’s goals? The question seeks to understand the type of skills that the employees are endowed to help achieve the organization’s goals. Do you understand the legal framework within your department? Besides having the requisite knowledge, employees need to understand their environment and limits, which legally guides their relations at work. Are you aware of changes in the legal regulation affecting your work? The question seeks to know how well is the employee informed about the legal environment they are working, particularly about regulatory trends. Where do you see yourself in five years in terms of leadership? The question is meant to gauge employee ambitions What are some of the skills that make you ideal to be the chief executive of the company? The question is aimed at understanding the current skills and what the employee plans to acquire for the leadership positions. Depending on the response to these questions, the human resource department can determine the skills gap that the employee has which can hinder their professional growth.Further, the questions can help human resources learn the skills set that can make the employee ideal for executive positions. The business environment is always changing (Grosh, 2008).Thus, human resources should ensure that the team is aware and compliant with the difference in the business environment.For instance, if there is a change in taxation policy, the human resources should determine if the employee is aware of the move, and develop a structure to conduct the training. For optimal performance, the employee should understand their job description properly (Grosh, 2008).IT should understand the scope, duties, reporting system and their contribution towards organizational growth.If there is a conflict in the job description or reporting structure in the organization, then it should form a basis for training needs. The employee self-awareness regarding their skills gap can enable the human resources to determine the specific training areas required (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010).For instance, an accountant might be weak in computer programs.Hence, training should be conducted to improve their capacity to handle significant computer programs related to accounting work. Understanding the employee’s long term plan can enable the human resources to determine the successive plan of the company (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010). If the employees visualize growth within the organization,then the training needs should be focused on sharpening their skills to make the employee more suitable for the top executive positions.However, if the employee views the organization as a short-term contract, then the human resources should contact recruitment for the top executive position.                 References Goldsmith, M. & Carter, L. (2010). Best practices in talent management: how the world’s leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. San Francisco West Palm Beach, Fla: Pfeiffer BPI/Best Practice Institute. Grosh, M. (2008). For Protection and Promotion: the Design and Implementation of Effective Safety Nets. Washington, D.C: World Bank.                                                                        

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