Real Gases

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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Real Gases

Question 5

Like all other gases, the N2 and CO2 that I used are composed of billions of energetic particles that are in constant interactions and collisions with each other. As a matter of principle, it is difficult to describe a real gas, and thus, the concept of an ideal gas was created as an approximation that is used in the modeling and prediction of the behavior of real gases under varying conditions of volume, temperature, and pressure. It is upon this foundation that the manner in which N2 and CO2 gases obey the ideal gas law can be easily analyzed. In many ways, these two gases obey the ideal gas law. For instance, the theoretical and experimental values of vibration for each of the gases was not perfectly congruent, but rather, a close approximation of each other. That is, while the experimental value of vibration for N2 is 1.0362, its theoretical value for full vibration and that for no vibration is 1.33 and 1.4 respectively. Similarly, the experimental value for molecular vibration of CO2 is 1.0311 whereas its theoretical full vibration value is 1.222 and its theoretical value for no vibration is 1.4. According to the ideal gas law, plenty of theoretical and experimental parameters of many gases are close enough such that they make useful approximations for each other.

            Secondly, the ideal gas law stipulates that for temperatures near the room temperature and pressures near the atmospheric pressure, most gases behave in an idealistic fashion. Thus, significant deviations from the ideal gas law behavior are bound to happen should a pressure way more than the atmospheric pressure and temperatures way lower than the room temperature be applied on such gases (Gaskell, David and Laughlin 11). A similar behavior was observed for N2 and CO2. That is, the Pressure (P), Volume (V), and Temperature (T) for both N2 and CO2 were related by a simple formula known as the ideal gas law. Which is,. For each of the two gases, plotting a graph for the values of changes in temperature against the changes in pressure values yielded a straight line whose gradient is the joule Thomson coefficient. This finding is clearly demonstrated in question 3 above. Therefore, it goes without saying that N2 and CO2 demonstrably follow the ideal gas law in more ways than one.

Works Cited

Gaskell, David R., and David E. Laughlin. Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials. CRC press, 2017.

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