Benefits of Protective Functional Design Clothing in E-Sport for Long-Time Sitting

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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Benefits of Protective Functional Design Clothing in E-Sport for Long-Time Sitting

Video games have assumed an essential niche in the culture of many people across the world, especially following the arrival of the internet and other digital technologies. For example, it is estimated that nearly 90 percent of the U.S. population plays video games, either regularly or occasionally (Granic, Lobel, and Engel 66). Although the market for video games has limited age boundaries, children and adolescents are among the leading consumers (Glentis and Kyriakou). This rise has not escaped the notice of critical observers who have raised much alarm on the potential of these forms of entertainment to cause havoc to the social fabric of the society. Accordingly, recent decades have witnessed a surge in studies examining the impacts of video games on the well-being of the gamer and the community.

A form of video game activity that has rapidly gained prominence, especially in the 21st century is e-sports. As a form of entertainment and career for thousands of individuals, e-sports involves the use of video games in sporting activities. E-sporting events bring together thousands of professional players, either as individuals or as teams. Recent estimates suggest that the global e-sport industry will attract about 450 million fans by the end of 2019 (Russ). Although e-sports can take any form similar to conventional sports, most genres are those associated with fighting, including first-person shooting, combats, multi-player battles, and real-time fighting strategies(Markey, Markey, and French 290). Much of the interactions between competitors occur in a virtual environment and, hence, do not result in many physical harms as those witnessed in reality sports. Still, depending on the level of player engagement, e-sporting activities can be a source of severe injuries. Body extremities, specifically the limbs and the head, are particularly prone to unintended physical harms resulting from e-sports. There is a need for players and all the concerned parties to develop mechanisms for enhancing player safety. The present discussion highlights this fact by focusing on three related sub-themes: the role of extremities in e-gaming, the necessity of protective clothing, and the sociology and psychology of team engagement and sporting attire.

The Role of Body Extremities in Gaming

Body extremities, particularly the limbs, play essential roles in the day-to-day engagements of a person. They have numerous muscles and other associated tissues that facilitate movement, support, and positioning. They also protect other tissues and organs from injuries. Body extremities assume significant roles in video gaming. In addition to facilitating game control, body extremities contribute immensely to player experiences and enjoyment.

Body Extremities and Movements while Gaming. An important role of body extremities during gaming is to facilitate movement. People play video games for various reasons. According to Lazzaro, four categories of motivation drive people to play video games: easy fun, hard fun, people factor, and altered states (3-6). Easy fun describes the gamer’s desire to adventure and satisfies curiosity, while hard fun is the experiences derived when players encounter challenges and obstacles created by a game (Lazzaro 3-4). People factor comprise the motivations resulting from the desire to interact with others, either inside or outside the game, while altered states are motivations related excitements, sensations, and enjoyment (Lazzaro 5-6). According to Nijholt et al., the motivations for playing video games are those related to either relaxation (such as relaxing the mind or having easy fun) or achievement (such as having hard fun) (171). Yee classifies the motivations as related to either success, social factors (building relationships with others), and immersion (factors related to exploration, escapism, or role-playing) (773-4). Hence, body extremities, particularly the limbs, assume central roles in achieving these goals.

Gamers in action usually engage in numerous body movements, most of which reflect on their experiences (Lazzaro 33). Body movements related to game performance can be categorized as related to either task control or task facilitation. The first category includes the actions defined by the designer to help the player in controlling the game. Task-facilitating movements, which pertain mainly to distributed cognition of available body resources, are those that facilitate the control of the game (Bianchi-Berthouze). Experienced gamers mostly invoke them.Nijholt et al. show that the extent to which body movementsare invoked depends primarily on the kind of motivation (172). Individuals who are motivated to achieve (such as winning a match) tend to employ whatever strategy that would be effective in attaining desired goals(Bianchi-Berthouze 172). Such gamers rely much on their ability to manipulate the interaction interfaces, and hence, engage in intensive body movements. In contrast, persons who are motivated by the urge to relax are less likely to engage in intensive control and, hence, place limited emphasis on new realistic movements (Bianchi-Berthouze, Boguslawski, and Nijhar 80; Nijholt et al. 172). Irrespective of the kind of motivation, a player’s experience, especially in highly-interactive games.

The number of video game consoles that allow a gamer to engage in body movements actively is rapidly increasing. The emergence of control devices that allow for increased player-device interactions, such as PlayStation and Wii Motion Plus, has significantly added to the experience of the gamer. Such controllers offer users the possibility of creating near-reality environments and have contributed immensely to the meeting of expectations of the player. Indeed, the findings of various empirical studies show that increased movements improve player motivation, immersion,and experiences, all of which contribute to the ratings of these games (Bianchi-Berthouze, 94; Bianchi-Berthouze et al. 80; Nijholt et al. 173). Bianchi-Berthouze also highlights the value of body movements in role switching. Many players have multiple motivations when playing video games. They may not be strictly achievement or relaxation-motivated. Instead, they would want to win while at the same time relaxing. According to Bianchi-Berthouze (63), by enhancing proactive feedback, role-play body movements facilitate the transition of a game from a hard-fun engagement, motivated mainly by the need to win, to a pleasure-generating activity (66). In such a case, they can enrich their experiences.

Much of the body movement during video gaming is accomplished through the engagement of body extremities. Players often engage most of their extremities, including the arms, wrists, fingers, hands, and legs, to facilitate game control and enrich their experience. In addition to the limbs, the movements of the head and the face also contribute to player experiences. A gamer must regularly fix their eyes on the moves on the screen, especially for high-speed games. Much of the tracking is possible because of the movements in the head and neck. They allow players to keep up with changes in direction or screen depth. Bianchi-Berthouze also emphasizes the role of facial expressions, which are realized through the movements in the face. They allow a player to express their feelings and can be used to gauge their motivation.

Support and Positioning. In addition to facilitating movement, body extremities also enhance the comfort and positioning needed by a gamer. Body positioning is a crucial determinant of a player’s safety and their experience of the game. Neutral positions that are relaxed add minimal strains to the body and, hence, reduces the likelihood of developing complications (Wright 70). In the ergonomics and sports literature, various suggestions have been provided on appropriate postures during video gaming to enhance comfort and safety. For example, there are recommendations on proper seat height, the distance between the seat, the screen and controls, inclination angles, eye positioning, and arms positioning (Wright 70). Adhering to such recommendations can significantly improve a gamer’s experiences.

In addition to safety, a player needs to assume a specific position to facilitate their control of the interactive interfaces. They may also have to change positioning throughout a gaming session. Body extremities enable them to manage their positioning, and thus, have sufficient control of the game. Players also face the risk of falling, especially when they become either exhausted or highly excited by movements on the screen. Such falls may cause injuries, which, in some cases, maybe severe. Body extremities, particularly the limbs, are designed to protect a person from such falls.  

Concluding Remarks. Briefly, this section has outlined the critical roles that body extremities assume during gaming. The enhance movements, which are essential for facilitating control and enriching the player’s experiences. They also provide support and helps appropriate positioning that a player needs. Hence, the outcome of the game depends mostly on the ability of a gamer to use their extremities as demanded. Irrespective of how a player adheres to the recommendations for appropriate use of extremities, they are subject to exhaustion. Besides, the constant interactions between game controls and different body parts may expose the latter to physical harms. Although cases of players experiencing physical injuries resulting from their interactions with game controls are less documented, their effects can be far-reaching. Some of the risks to physical health in which video games expose users are discussed in the following section. The review of such dangers highlights the need for gamers to protect themselves physically.

The Need for Protective Clothing

The effects of video games on the well-being of the gamer have been repeatedly highlighted in the literature. Until recently, most studies have focused on psychological and behavioral impacts. The psychological and behavioral issues associated with intensive video gaming, including addiction, mental conditions,sleep disorders, and violent behaviors, are well documented in the literature (Madam, Mrug, and Wright 290). For instance, the simulation of various forms of violence can be a stepping stone for the player to engage in actual violence. There is an increased likelihood of such a person to translate the simulation into real actions if opportunities present themselves (Sherry 411). The effects can be particularly more pronounced in cases where the player is rewarded for some heroic deeds. Critics have disputed such fears and have, instead, argued that video games could help in reducing the rates of violence, especially among youths (Markey, Markey, and French 273). Still, the fears are well-founded, and the possibilities cannot be overlooked.

Despite the existence of several studies on the psychological and behavioral impacts of video games, limited focus attention has been given to the potential effects that they may have on the physical health of the gamer. Given the long history of documented cases of physical injuries resulting from playing video games (Glenti and Kyriakou; Malekian 266), this gap is surprising. The few studies along this direction have revealed inconsistent findings. Still, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that extended involvement in video games can cause severe damage to external body organs. Repeated exposure to video games has been linked to multiple problems with vision and a range of dermatologic conditions that can have adverse impacts on the physical health of the gamer (Glenti and Kyriakou; Malekian 266). The current section presents a review of some documented physical conditions resulting from video games, all of which highlight the need for gamers to wear protective attires.

Problems Related with Vision. Cox and Richardson report of a patient who was admitted to an emergency room after he collapsed semi-conscious following a period of playing a video game. His wife reported that he began acting as if he was waving before he collapsed into convulsions that lasted for a few minutes. Detailed examinations revealed that his pupils were dilated and responded slowly. He had photosensitive epilepsy, one of the many forms of vision seizures, which results from prolonged and repeated playing of video games (Cox and Richardson). First reported nearly 2000 years ago, visually evoked seizures have become increasingly frequent. Although their pathophysiology remains unclear, there are indications to conclude that the increase has followed advancements in technology, specifically televisions, computers, and video games (Mohammadali et al. 266). They represent a range of possible adverse impacts of video games on gamers’ physical health.

The eye plays a fundamental role in human perception and coordination. The different parts of the eyecoordinate together in surprising ways to regulate and enhance vision. Although the eye is adapted to working in a broad range of light conditions, its functionality is limited by multiple factors. For instance, different eye parts, including the cornea, iris, and pupil, which assume critical roles in the regulation of light rays entering the eye, are not biologically designed for extensive viewing of electronic media (Ayenigbara 34). Studies suggest that computer games, video games, and television shows produce a flicker stimulus resulting from light flashes of high frequencies (Deepthi, Endukuru, and Maruthy, 500). Extended exposure to such rapid changes in on-screen patterns can be overwhelming to the cells involved in vision reception (Jalink et al. 23).Excessive and fixed viewing of video screens results in eye strains, which may be manifested through repeated instances of dizziness, headaches, nausea, or vomiting.

Musculoskeletal Problems. In a correspondence addressedto the editor of The Lancet, a report is made of a nine-year-old English girl who experienced numbness and blisters in his left thumb after playing a fast-paced, violent game in a PlayStation 2 for about 20 minutes (Vaidya). The girl had just experienced the effects of PlayStation thumb, a form of skin condition that is reported among video gamers. Reports of similar cases dating back to the late 20th century (Jalink et al. 24). The number of reported cases vary in the literature, although Karim describes it as a growing pandemic among gamers (1). PlayStation thumb, also called Nintendonitis or gamer’s grip, is a form of repetitivestrain injury (RSI) characterized by severe pain and blisters on the thumb. Most reported cases are localized within the thumb. However, other fingers can also be involved (Glentis and Kyriakou). Other manifestations include swelling, numbing, stiffening, or itching of the hands, wrists, shoulders, elbows, or neck(Karim 1). Additionally, punctate hemorrhage on dermoscopy, which is linked to the rapturing of blood vessels, has been reported among persons with PlayStation thumb (Glentis and Kyriakou). Although the condition may be resolved if the game abstains from playing for some duration, the scars often last.

Although PlayStation thumb remains a subtle concern among gamers, the effects can be far-reaching. As Karim writes, extreme instances of the condition can make one wheelchair-bound (1).PlayStation thumb results from repeated, fast movements, and frequent strains on the hands and fingers, which lead to the damaging of nerves, muscles, tendons, and other tissues (Karim 1). Many video game controllers and handled consoles demand quick movements and sharp twisting of the wrists, a condition that risks developing PlayStation thumb. Taking regular breaks to stretch the fingers and the wrists can help minimize the risks. Still, it represents a dark reality of long exposures to video games, and the effects can be long-lasting.

PlayStation thumb is one of the video game-induced musculoskeletal manifestations. Regular video gamers are exposed to multiple musculoskeletal and cutaneous conditions that result from poor ergonomics and strains on the body’sextremities. A rare skin condition, PlayStation palmar hidradenitis, describes a situation in which lesions develop on the surface of the palmar (Kasraee, Masouyé, and Piguet 893). As of 2019, two cases have been reported among youths, the first one in a healthy 12-year old girl and the second one involving a 14-year old boy who had undergone a transplant of the bone marrow (Glentis and Kyriakou). Another rare condition similar to PlayStation palmar hidradenitis, neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis (NEH), has been observed among adults and is restricted mainly to the extremities, face, and trunk. Persons with NEH experience swellings on the affected areas.

Wii fracture is a video game-caused musculoskeletal condition characterized by the fracturing of the fifth metatarsal and commonly associated with the Wii console developed by the Japanese-based Nintendo (Ayenigbara 35). However, Wii-related injuries are not confined to the lower limbs. A review by Chase, Coughlin, andSparks, suggests that most of the injuries are located on the upper extremities, neck, and face (56). Other musculoskeletal issues that have been reported among gamers include onycholysis (the separation or loosening of fingernails), skin hemorrhages, and tendonosis (injuries of the tendons) (Ayenigbara 35). More so, there have been reports of injuries after players fall while in action, some of which may be life-threatening (63). For example, Ibrahim et al. describe the experience of a 55-year older woman who fell on her sofa while playing a video game (33). She sustained life-threatening injuries. The swelling of lips characterizes PlayStation lip, usually attributed to the intense chewing, biting, or sucking of the lips when playing (Glentis and Kyriakou). Reports have also been made of several cases of allergic contact dermatitis, which result from prolonged use of controllers, wrist rests, mouse, and other hardware components (Glentis and Kyriakou). The list of musculoskeletal and dermatologic conditions resulting from repeated playing of the video game is long.

The interaction between the skin and game controls, as well as possible allergic contact sensitivities, account for most of the conditions highlighted above. According to Glenti and Kyriakou, a substantial proportion of these problems, particularly those of hands and fingers, are associated with frictions between the body and hardware, allergic contact sensitivities, and trauma. The categories of hardware that are linked to these skin deformations include game consoles, personal computers and laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Video gamers need appropriate attire to protect themselves from the injuries caused by these devices to the skin.

The Danger of Prolonged Sitting. Video games may also encourage a sedentary lifestyle. Players often spend extended periods sitting on their controls, and may not engage in active physical activities. A sedentary lifestyle is linked to a range of health conditions, including obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular complications. An extended period of sitting can also lead to the shortening of flexor muscles in the hips, leading to back pains and problems with joints (Mackie et al.). The complications are particularly worsened with poor posture or frequent use of chairs that are designed ergonomically (Mackie et al.). Poor posture may also produce compressions in the vertebral discs leading severe pains in the spinal cord. 

Protecting the Body against Exposures. The above review has highlighted some of the potential impacts of repeated playing of video games on the physical health of the gamer, as brought out in the literature. Video games, and in specific, e-sports, are a legitimate source of entertainment and may have some beneficial health effects on the gamer (Markey et al. 174). The industry also makes a significant contribution to the global economy and employs several people. Nevertheless, such benefits should not overshadow the potential harms that they pose to individual gamers and society. Although much of the literature on the dark side of video games has focused primarily on the psychological and social aspects, there is much evidence to believe that repeated playing of video games is detrimental to physical health. It can cause lasting injuries to external body parts, including the eye, face, and extremities. There is also a possibility that some adverse effects are yet to be reported. Still, the instances mentioned above point to the need for the regular gamer to wear protective attires. Despite the reports on the possible effects of video games on the player’s physical health, little emphasis, if any, has placed on the need for players to protect themselves. Although such cases are yet to receive global attention, it is vital that game designers, players, and all the concerned parties give them serious consideration.

Many suggestions have been provided on how to prevent and manage the physical conditions associated with video games. For example, the keeping of from playing for a while, regular breaks between sessions, and proper ergonomics can significantly help in minimizing the problems (Ayenigbara). However, an additional layer of protection can help boost the safety of players. Besides, many individuals derive their livelihood from playing and may find it hard to let go of some days. Protective attire that players wear while on action can help them contain some of the physical conditions highlighted above. In the literature and industry practice, there is a limited focus in this direction. Clothes designed to protect the back and the joints against the effects of prolonged sitting can also help in minimizing the chances of developing associated complications.

The Sociology and Psychology of Sports Attire

Dress code is a fundamental aspect of many professions, and the sports industry is not an exception. However, video games, and, in specific, e-sports, represents a creative sector within the industry that is characterized by a sense of vibrancy and rebelliousness, and players are not expected to conform to a particular dress code. The motivational factors of video games are summarized in a previous section and include achievement, social factors, immersion (Lazzaro 3-6; Nijholt et al. 171; Yee 773), and relaxation (Nijholt et al. 171). Therefore, the psychological well-being of a gamer is likely to be affected whenever there exist variables that hamper their ability to realize desired goals. Players are expected to use these motivations as a standard for gaging whether to accept or resist attires.

A player’s mental strength assumes a significant role in their performance. The social and psychological factors of sports attire in the video game segment are discussed. This discussion is intended to shed further light on the feasibility of introducing protective clothing for video gamers.

The Sociology of Sports Attire. Sporting activities present players, managers, fans, and other parties with opportunities for social interactions, and the same is true of video games. Indeed, social factors have been highlighted as among the potential motivations for video games (Lazzaro 3-6; Nijholt et al. 171; Yee 773). Studies that compare the social and psychological factors of e-sports and conventional forms have revealed some similarities. For instance, in both cases, the activity is intrinsically motivated, voluntary, the events are organized according to some standardized rules, there are commentators and expert reviews, and it is possible for a participant to come out either as loser or winner (Bányai et al. 2). Besides, like conventional forms, e-sports has a large fan base and actively track the performance of their preferred teams through different online platforms, such as YouTube and Twitch. The sociology of sports revolves around issues such as personal and group identities, culture, and other societal problems. As a result, when deciding whether or not to introduce an attire for video gamers, such factors are critical in influencing the final decision.

The issues of identity and social interactions are core factors in the sports industry. Most sports uniforms have national colors and, hence, give the wearer a sense of national identity. As noted previously, e-sportsare rebellious sectors in which players are not expected to conform to a particular dress code.Hence, the issue of national identity may not be an essential factor in the context of sports attire for this population. Still, they do have some form of identification characterized by a sense of rebelliousness. Many video gamers belong to a dotcom generation, and the design of their attire (including loose and big-sized clothes with no specific conformity) reflects this rebellion. Online gaming platforms allow individuals to expand their social networks and, hence, improve their well-being. Having a shared identity facilitates such interactions (Serra 68). Introducing a sporting costume may be perceived as a threat to this rebellion, and, hence, the character of the sport. Consequently, they may tend to resist unless the perceived benefits outweigh the need for identity.

Traditions and myths are also an essential social factor in the world of sports. Superstition and symbolic meanings to some practices have assumed a central role in the game. Regarding clothing, some colors or designs are associated with some cultural phenomenon, such as religion, age group, or a generation. Some individuals may accept or resist a given attired based on such aesthetic grounds (Serra 66). Such factors should be considered when introducing a costume for video gamers.

The Psychological Impacts of Sports Attire. The psychology of sportswear is one of the most exciting areas of sports research.In the world of real sports, the psychological importance of having the right attire is repeatedly emphasized by both experts and scholars. Having the proper attire for a sporting activity gives the wearer an added psychological boost and motivation (Silva and Stevens 90). According to Professor Li, an expert in high-performance sportswear, the right attire takes care of both the physical, physiological, and mental needs of an athlete. He observes that having the proper attire creates a sense of comfort and a winning mood in a player (Wang 77). Protective clothing also contributes to a person’s peace of mind. A player who feels less intimated by the fear of a possible injury is likely to exert themselves vigorously and, hence, boost their performance. Professor Li suggests that even the color of a uniform has significant impacts on the psychological well-being of an athlete. A player’s perceived self-efficacy can be a significant predictor of performance. Having appropriate sporting gear can have positive effects on an athlete’s self-efficacy (Wang 83). Based on the preceding observations, it may be safe to conclude that having the right attire for a sporting activity has positive impacts on the psychological strength of a player.

The psychology of sportswear among video game players is a less explored area in research. However, studies that compare e-sports with conventional forms have concluded that they have several shared characteristics (Bányai et al. 2). Hence, it may be logical to find that the psychological path of a video gamer is comparable to that of traditional athletes. However, the environment in which e-sports occur is different from that of congenital forms. E-sports activities happen in a virtual environment in which many environmental factors may not be physically present. For example, while a large number of spectators may be following the activities of a gamer, they may not interact directly with them. Although the audience may be posting online comments about the clothing of a gamer, the latter may be so engrossed in controlling their console that they may not notice such comments while playing. Hence, the effects may not be as pronounced as when a match occurs in a physical environment.

Gamers are likely to appreciate the protective benefits of a sporting gear if they are conscious of the potential dangers. The physical risks associated with video games are less documented in the literature, and it is unclear whether players are aware of such harms. Besides, the occurrences of these conditions are not as frequent and visible as the physical dangers of popular games. Hence, only a few gamers may be aware of the risks. In that case, they may not appreciate the value of having protective gear.

The role of sports attire on player motivation is also an important psychological issue. As noted previously, the attire worn by conventional players gives them a sense of confidence and may inspire a winning attitude in them (Wang). Whether the same is true for a gamer who plays in a virtual environment is yet to be examined. Besides, the extent to which the impacts of sports attires align with the motivations and expectations of the players is also an important factor when assessing the psychology of video game sportswear. The possible implications of sportswear on the motivation levels of a video gamer is an unexplored research area. Hence, at this point, it may not be possible to ascertain the potential impacts of spotting attire on the psychology of the video gamer.

As examined in the paper, video games and, in specific, e-sports have become popular activities among individuals of nearly all generations, especially among children and youth. Although the psychological and behavioral impacts of video games are well documented in the literature, there is a limited focus on the potential physical risks. Still, the few studies in this area and previous medical experiences highlight the need for players to protect themselves physically. Repeated playing of video games can have adverse effects on body extremities, including the limbs (palms, fingers, risks, elbows, legs, and other parts), head, and neck. Repeated exposure to video games also affects a person’s visual abilities. Further, extended periods of sitting may have adverse health impacts on a player’s back and hips. Having a protective attire may protect the gamer from such possible outcomes.

The introduction of sports attire into the e-sports segment may have some social and psychological implications. From a psychological perspective, players of video games have a unique, rebellious identity that is different from that of conventional forms of sports. The introduction of standard costumes could be perceived as a threat to this identity. Some clothing colors and designs are linked to particular cultural symbols, which must be considered before introducing an attire to the video game sector. Although the psychological path of conventional sports is a well-explored area of research, the same is not true of video games. Hence, the possible impacts of sports attire on some psychological factors, such as motivation, are not well established. Still, it is fundamental that the potential psychological implications of e-sports attire be evaluated before they can be implemented.

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