A Journal Reflection

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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A Journal Reflection

Quote 1

The quote by John Stuart Mill is a reflection of the complexity of philosophy. In this quote, Mill shares a number of themes which he interweaves into a single message. Despite the complexity of the quote, there is one key idea, the concept of “Utilitarianism.” Millposits that “The art of music is good, for the reason, among others, that it produces pleasure.” This excerpt is the substance of Mill’s entire quote. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory which promotes those deeds that produce maximum happiness. The art of music is an example of such deeds. It produces happiness, and in Mill’s view, it is good pleasure. Music influences people’s emotions by imparting a feeling of gratification, and hence, Mill’s quote captures the idea of happiness from good deeds like music perfectly.

Quote 2

The law of nature is one aspect that has been addressed by philosophers in the discipline of metaphysics of morals. In most cases, people think of the law of nature as a justification of everything that happens and it is beyond human’s influence. According to Immanuel Kant, this kind of believe equates to finding “reason” as a guide to actions. Nonetheless, Kant finds reason as an insufficient factor which should guide will. With regard to nature, though, it has adapted the means to the end with the ultimate goal being to produce good will. In Kant’s view, this is a process in which reason is inherent. In real life, Kant means that everything that happens in nature is for a reason. If a close friend dies, we feel sad, but in Kant’s view, that is a good will by the nature and it happens for a reason.       

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