Annotated Bibliography: Poems byLangston Hughes

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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Annotated Bibliography: Poems byLangston Hughes

Let America be America Again

The poet views America as a land where equality has never been experienced. He says that poor whites arefooled and treated as slaves.The poor workers are slaves to the soil, servants to the machines, and are still hungry despite their dream of living better lives. He also says that America is not free as there are millions who survive on relief, millions who are unable to pay for services, and many who lose their lives in case of a strike. From the poem, it is evident that race issues are witnessed in America.

I, Too

Hughessays that the black Americanisisolated since he is sent to eat from the kitchen when the company pays a visit. He says that despite the isolation, the blackfeels comfortable in the kitchen and he eats, laughs, and grows stronger as well.Hughessays that the next time the company visits, nobody would risk telling the black American to eat from the kitchen. Instead, he will be invited to the dining table. The poem, hence, envisions a time that race will cease to be a determining factor in humans’ relations.

Theme for English B

Hughes explains racism through the lens of a black student in a class of only whites. He wonders if the instructor of the class would consider what this student wrote in the assignment as itwould be different from what his white classmates were to write. The assignment involved writing a page about oneself, and this would raise some differences between the black student and the white students. The poem, thus, is about a racial theme.

Open Letter to the South

Hughessays the whiteworkers of the south segregate the black workers.However, one of the black workers urges the whites to unite with the blacksin order to kill the race mentality. He further says that the reunion would help terminate the illegal ways that keep the rich crowned. The black worker insists that it is the high time for them to unite and live as brothers and sisters of the same land. The poem pictures the blacks as the pioneers of the reconciliation efforts meant to end racial animosity.

Works Cited

“8 Most Popular Poems by Langston Hughes, Famous Poet.” Family Friend Poems, Accessed 24 June 2019.

“A Selection of the Poetry of Langston Hughes.” History Is A Weapon, Accessed 24 June 2019.

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