Family-Centered Genetic Counseling

Posted: August 25th, 2021

Family-Centered Genetic Counseling

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Family-Centered Genetic Counseling

Viral and bacterial infections and ailments are common in healthcare. Thus, patients, the general public, and healthcare providers have adequate information about them. Ailments that stem from genetic composition are rare, and this means information about them amongst the patients, the public, and most of the healthcare providers is inadequate. This implies that information support to families at risk or affected by genetic disorders is inexistent if not insufficient. As a genetic counselor, hence, there is a need for a tailored approach to family-centered genetic counseling.

In a primary healthcare setting, the approach to family genetic counseling must demonstrate high-level and informed support. To start with, genetic counselors must provide education and support to people and families at risk (Genetic Alliance, 2009). Thus, going for extra classes to learn the dynamics of all inherited conditions that may affect people is necessary. Preparing the information of the genetic disorders in pamphlets and issuing them to patients just before a counseling session prepares them psychologically. In diagnosing the likelihood of a genetic disorder recurring, a genetic counselor needs to understand the history of a family (Tluczek et al., 2010). A tailored approach to source for this information involves conducting a familial survey via consent forms. This is a strategy that generates useful information which allows the creation of family-centered genetic counseling. 

The aforementioned innovative intervention revolved around communication and information. People, especially the patients and the general public, have limited knowledge of the variety of genetic disorders that they could suffer from. A genetic counselor, hence, must first acquire adequate knowledge of these rare ailments. The acquired wisdom can them be put into pamphlets that the patients and affected families could read before being served. Last but not least, an effective approach must adopt a familial survey that adequately informs the counselor about the background of the family or patients being dealt with.


Genetic Alliance. (2009). Understanding genetics: A New York, Mid-Atlantic guide for patients and health professionals. Morrisville, NC:

Tluczek, A., Zaleski, C., Stachiw-Hietpas, D., Modaff, P., Adamski, C. R., Nelson, M. R., … Josephson, K. D. (2010). A tailored approach to family-centered genetic counseling for cystic fibrosis newborn screening: The Wisconsin model. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 20(2), 115-128. doi:10.1007/s10897-010-9332-y

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