Reflection Paper: What Africa Means to Me

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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Reflection Paper: What Africa Means to Me

            Based on my class experience, my perception of Africa is that of a wonderful place with great unexploited riches but facing the worst of obstacles in its attempt to reach prominence. There is so much negativity attached to the Africans. Regrettably, most of the undesired stereotypes were bestowed upon them by their colonizers, the Europeans. Slavery and exploitation are some of the disapprovals that make Africans appear inferior to whites. Unfortunately, the denial of human rights as first-class individuals is still dominant to date through racism and forced labor. Even if things are slowly changing, many whites still view Africans as low-grade people.

            Frankly speaking, African has a unique set of riches. The favorable climate, the diverse minerals, and the distinctive culture are all valuable treasures. The outsiders who live in places where these resources are available in short supply always want to have a share of Africa. The colonizers are the best examples of grabbers and exploiters who obtained riches by mistreating Africans. Ngugi Wa Thiong’o narrates political and social vicissitudes that he endured during the colonial era. Even then, Ngugi Wa Thiong’o leads his fellow Africans to resist against unfairness by encouraging dreaming even during the tough times. For this reason, the African spirit of resilience is something I hold in high regard.

            By surviving colonialism and other plagues such the HIV/AIDS, Africa has demonstrated its spirit to keep fighting. Nevertheless, I believe there are some practices that Africa should shed to better improve the lives of its people. Holding on to activities such as forced labor is not the best way for Africa to empower its people. Even after the colonialists are long gone, Africa continues to promote the systems left behind by its colonizers.Education is the best tool for Africans to liberate themselves from the white superiority sentiment.

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