Jodey Arrington

Posted: March 27th, 2020

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Jodey Arrington

            I am a resident and voter in the 19th Congressional District in the State of Texas. The Congress Representative is Jodey Cook Arrington. He came into office after serving in the administration of President George W. Bush. Arrington was born and brought in the Southern Part of Texas. He attended Plainview High School and later Joined Texas Tech where he graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Masters in Public Administration. He later earned a certificate in International Business Management from McDonough School of Business. Arrington was elected in November 2016 after a failed bid in a 2014 special election.

            As a Republican, Jodey Arrington’s policy is aligned to American Conservatism. The Republican Party supports approaches such as lowering taxes, market liberalization, gun rights, and the regulation of labor unions (Balliet, Tybur, Wu, Antonellis, & Van Lange, 2018). Apart from advocating for economic strategies, the party is also socially conservative, and it enforces strict Christian ethics. The core support for the Republican Party in the country is mostly drawn from the southern states. Consequently, in the State of Texas, candidates from the Republican Party have a higher probability of winning electoral seats. In the recently held Presidential election, Arrington supported the candidacy of President Donald Trump.

            One of the policies that Congressman Arrington is firm about is national security. In particular, he was one of the staunch supporters of President Trump’s executive order to impede immigration from the Middle East (Jacobs & Weaver, 2015). According to Arrington, the Commander in Chief of the country has a duty to protect the American citizens through any possible means. The measure was put place temporarily to seal the perceived loopholes in the process of vetting refugees. Arrington also came out strongly to defend the proposal to stop the Supplementary Nutritional Assistance Program. His primary assertion was that the food program encouraged laziness. The argument was that needy individuals would look for work if the food were not readily available.

            The Senate and Congress members are elected to represent the wishes of their constituents. Therefore, it is imperative for them to know the position of the people in their constituency before voting on a matter (Jacobs & Weaver, 2015). As elected representatives, the members of the house are required to put their self-interests aside for the good of their constituents. The views of the voters are conveyed to the members of the legislature through petitions. Other forms of expressions such as protests are used to present opinions when the populace feels that their representatives are ignoring their demands. Public participation is one of the core pillars of a flourishing democracy. A prudent leader takes time to gather the perspectives of the people before settling on a specific decision.

            Individuals elect leaders who are likely to represent their wishes. In the campaign rallies, prospective leaders present their view to the electorate on various issues and the people decide on who will deliver resolutions to the problems that they face. Even without direct input from the public, legislators are supposed to act according to the wishes of the people. Therefore, an individual has a right to complain if they disagree with the position taken by the government. Democracy entitles every citizen the freedom of thought and expression. However, it is crucial for citizens with strong views or an informed opinion on a matter to present their sentiments to the elected representatives.

Works Cited

Balliet, D., Tybur, J. M., Wu, J., Antonellis, C., & Van Lange, P. A. (2018). Political ideology, trust, and cooperation: In-group favoritism among Republicans and Democrats during a U.S. national election. Journal of Conflict Resolution62(4), 797-818.

Jacobs, A. M., & Weaver, R. K. (2015). When policies undo themselves: Self-undermining feedback as a source of policy change. Governance28(4), 441-457.

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