Tim Cook and Apple Corporation

Posted: March 26th, 2020

Tim Cook and Apple Corporation



Tim Cook and Apple Corporation

Apple Inc. is one of the most valued brands worldwide. The company is involved in the manufacturing, design, and marketing of different products such as personal computers, tablets and smartphones, digital music players, and other communication media devices. Some of the notable products include iPhones, iPods, iPads, Mac, the Apple watch, and Apple TV. It also handles the selling of software, peripherals, networking solutions, and other services. These include iOS, iCloud, and OS X operating systems. The company sells digital content through the iTunes Store, iBooks Store, App Store, and Mac App Store. In addition to this, it deals with third-party digital applications. It has many online and retail shops, and this enables it to sell more content and devices around the world (Reuters, 2015).

Apple Inc. was founded in 1975 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. They developed and designed a prototype of Apple 1, which consisted of a preassembled computer circuit board. The first device was basic, and it only appealed to a few people. The device was a success, and this encouraged them to continue working. The later developed Apple II. The second device was revolutionary, and it changed the computer industry. It was the first computer to have color graphics. Wozniak quit the company in 1983 and Jobs left two years later. After jobs left, he developed NeXT software, which Apple bought in 1997. Following the acquisition, Jobs returned to the company he had founded and he made an alliance with Microsoft. The company later developed the iBook, iPod, and iTunes. The decision to transform the company by diversifying its product paid off in the end. Steve Jobs was an integral part in making Apple the recognized company that it is today.

Tim Cook is the current CEO of Apple Inc. He joined the company in 1998, and he was assigned the position of senior vice president of worldwide sales and operations. Since then, he has taken different positions in the company. From 2002 to 2005, he took the position of the executive vice president of worldwide sales and operations. Since October 2005 until August 2011, Cook was the company’s chief operating officer. At the same time, he was the head of the company’s Macintosh division. He took the position of the CEO in August 2011, and he was the director at Apple Operations International at the same time (Bloomberg Business, 2015).

Cook took over as CEO following the death of Steve Jobs. Since he took over leadership, he has seen the development of one new product, the Apple Watch. He has shown a different leadership style and management from his predecessor. His decision to introduce the stylus to the market was a clear indication that Cook wanted to do things differently from Jobs. Earlier on before his demise, Jobs had shown his dislike for the stylus. Other than this, Cook has mostly worked on improving the different products that were already in the market instead of focusing on inventions. The newest Apple phones in the market are the iPhones 6S and the 6plus. The two phones are markedly bigger in size compared to those in the market. In his position as the CEO, Jobs always showed his disregard for larger phones. It is clear that Cook wants to take a different perspective of leading the company forward. He does not intend to focus on maintaining Job’s legacy, but he seems interested in pushing the company forward in other directions (Murgia, 2015).


Bloomberg Business (2015). Executive profile: Timothy D. Cook. Retrieved from http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=169600&ticker=AAPL

Murgia, M. (2015). Tim Cook’s coming of age: How the Apple Inc CEO stepped out of Steve Jobs’ Shadow. Retrieved from http://business.financialpost.com/fp-tech-desk/tim-cooks-coming-of-age-how-the-apple-inc-ceo-stepped-out-of-steve-jobs-shadow?__lsa=96ed-3ca2

Reuters (2015). Profile: Apple Inc (AAPL.O). Retrieved from http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=AAPL.O

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