Obesity in America

Posted: March 26th, 2020

Obesity in America



Obesity in America


            Obesity is a medical condition that causes excess body fat to accumulate to the extent of causing negative effects on the health of an individual. People are considered to be obese if their body mass index is over 30 kilograms per meter squared (Puhl & Heuer, 2009). The condition increases the likelihood of diseases like diabetes, heart conditions, cancer and many more. The condition is triggered by a combination of three factors. The first on is excessive consumption of food, secondly there is genetic susceptibility and finally there is the lack of physical activities. However, it is possible to rectify the situation through changes in lifestyle. An obese person can decide to start eating healthy foods and exercise more regularly.

Effects of Obesity

            Growing up I saw people make so much fun of children who were obese. They were called all kinds of name including greedy and lazy. As an adult the same still happens to adults who appear to be overweight (Puhl & Heuer, 2009) . The society looks like it is condemning them for having the condition. Many people think that they should they could have prevented it by eating balanced diets and exercising. As a result, I grew up fearing to obtain the condition. However, I did not feel like they should be condemned for having the condition. The society should be sympathetic and offer such people the support that they need to overcome then condition.

The Main Contributing Factor to Obesity

            Sociology is linked to a bad lifestyle. In most cases, a bad lifestyle is caused by poverty. The poor people cannot afford balanced meals. The lack of money is caused lack of opportunities (Puhl & Heuer, 2009). Consequently, these people end up being stressed and they resort to excessive eating of the junk food that they can afford. Poverty also means that some people do not have access to knowledge on living healthier lives. The parental supervision of children growing in poor homes is also limited and that increases chances of obesity. They are not employed and that means that more time is spent idling and adding on weight.

Preventative Measure to Obesity

            In that regard, the best way to tackle obesity is by encouraging equity in the society. Job opportunity and resources should be distributed all parts of the country. As a matter of affirmative action, communities that are very poor should be favored by the government with allocation of more resources (Puhl & Heuer, 2009). The education facilities need to be upgraded and the teacher to student ration needs to be addressed to ensure that children coming from those communities have the opportunity to live better that their parents. Medical care should also be provided for the affected people because they still have a part to play in improving the society.

Sociological Theory Related to Obesity

             The sociological theory that is applicable in the matter is the conflict theory. The theory is one of the three sociological perspectives that are used to study the structure of the society. Conflict theory states that in the society there is inequality between individuals and groups. Resources are always contested therefore individuals are engraved in fights for power, class status and influence (Cheldelin,  Druckman, & Fast, 2008). Groups and individual are always strategizing on how they are going to gain control of the resources. When one group gains control they consume all the resources and that leaves the rest of the groups with little to share. The poverty stricken part of the society is the group that is struggling to acquire more resources.


Cheldelin, S. I., Druckman, D., & Fast, L. (2008). Conflict. A&C Black.

Puhl, R. M., & Heuer, C. A. (2009). The stigma of obesity: a review and update. Obesity, 17(5), 941-964.

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