The Hot Sardines

Posted: March 26th, 2020





The Hot Sardines

Name of group:

The Hot Sardines

How many sites did you find?

I found four sites namely, Culture Trip USA, Overture Centre for the Arts, Forbes, and their official website, The Hot Sardines.

 Does the group have its own official site?

 The group has a website by the same name, TheHot Sardines.

Are there many “fan” sites for the group?

 I encountered no fan websites save for review sites. The absence of fan sites can be attributed to their relatively short tenure in the limelight, as the group launched in 2007 and became visible in 2010. Furthermore, the celebrity culture among jazz artists is relatively relaxed compared to musicians from other mainstream genres that capitalize on their fame.

Who are the performers in the group?What instruments are included if any?

It is an eight-person ensemble comprising: Evan “bandleader” Palazzo – a pianist; Elizabeth “lead vocalist” Bougerol – washboard player; Edwin “Fast Eddy” Franscico – tap dancer; Alex Raderman – drums; Jason Prover – trumpet; Evan Crane – saxophone and clarinet; Nick Myers – trombone; and Mike Sailors – cornet (Geromel).

They recruit additional artists varying from one performance to the next. Some of their informal members that have played in the band in the past are: Bob “Pinky” Parins – guitar; Britta Langsjoen – trombone; Dan Lipsitz – clarinet and saxophone; Drew Nugent – trumpet and cornet;  Jay Rattman – saxophone and clarinet; Joe McDonough – trombone; Josh Holcomb – trombone and sousaphone; Justin Hines – percussion; Kevin Hseih – bass; Kevin McDonald – drums; Nick Russo – guitar; Pete Lanctot – violin and phonofiddle; Tom Abbott – saxophone and clarinet; Peter Anderson – saxophone and clarinet; Ricky Alexander – clarinet and saxophone; Rob Adkins – bass; Rob Edwards – trombone; Sam “Fez” Raderman – banjo and guitar; Will Anderson – saxophone and clarinet (The Hot Sardines).

What style of music does the group represent?

The group plays early jazz, the early 20th-century flavor, in which there is an emphasis to preserve the sanctity of the live performance (Armitage). The majority of their stylistic influences are derived from artists of that era, key among them are Fats Waller, Django Reinhardt,  Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, and Thelonious Monk.

Is there historical information about the group? Yes. If so, summarize its history here:

The first two members met after responding to advertisements on Craigslist they had both posted seeking like-minded musical souls. Evan had a lifetime of experience as an amateur pianist diversifying into stride jazz piano during his residence at Waldorf School in New York City and University of the Arts in Philadelphia where his passion for jazz was nurtured (The Hot Sardines). In the other hand, Elizabeth was a self-taught singer who had aggressively sought out prominent jazz groups as well as live music venues for a singing opportunity, but her sweet and soulful voice was not enough without a professional background. They met in response to the Craigslist advert at a traditional jam jazz place and bonded over common musical tastes. Later on through Evan’s friend, Edwin Francisco a tap dancer was incorporated. Later on, musicians from Juilliard and Berkley, which are prestigious institutions, joined the band. Their first breakthrough is attributed to their Bastille Day performance. The gig was attained courtesy of Elizabeth’s multilingual singing capabilities, French and English.

Is there a discography? Yes. If so, how many albums has the group released?

Comes Love (December 2013, Eleven Records)

 French Fries + Champagne (June 2016, Decca/Universal Music Classics)

Live at Joe’s Pub (June 2014)

Sardine 3: Frolicking at the Playground (February 2014, Eleven Records)

Shanghai‘d (July 2011) – This is the debut album

The Hot Sardines (2014, Decca/Universal Music Classics)

The Hot Sardines’ Lowdown Little Christmas Record – (December 2013, Eleven Records) (The Hot Sardines)

Which company issues the group’s music?

It is predominantly, Decca/Universal Music Classics.

Is there a current performance schedule posted for the group? Yes if so, where could you go to view a live performance?

Their next performance is today, August 5, 2016, at Birchmere, Alexandria, VA, US.

Are there links provided to other related sites? Yes if so, what kinds of sites are linked?

The links lead to sites where their music can be downloaded online, past interviews they have had, or to blogs that have written rave reviews about their past events.

Can you purchase recordings by the group online? Yes If so, where?

The music is available on vinyl, i-Tunes, and Amazon music.

Locate a video or audio recording of this group (you may need to look on YouTube or a similar site). Watch and/or listen to the sample and answer the questions below.

What piece did you select as your listening sample?

Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen

Describe the style of the work in your own words:

Elizabeth’s vocals are vibrant and soulful with the instrumentation adding on to the music’s intensity. The listener is left in limbo oscillating between pure bliss and thought-provoking lyrics.

What do you like or dislike about the group’s music?

One is immersed in the music from the start. Furthermore, their music is a team effort with each member contributing to the beauty of the song. There is no section of the ensemble that carries the rest as is typical in contemporary bands.

Works Cited

French Fries & Champagne.” The Hot Sardines, 4 August 2016. Web. 5 August  2016.

“The Hot Sardines.” Overture Centre for the Arts,17 May 2016. Web. 5 August  2016.

Armitage, Helen. “12 Young American Jazz Musicians You Need To Know.” Culture Trip USA, 4 August 2016. Web. 5 August 2016.

 Geromel, Ricardo. “Ultimate NYC Easter Weekend Guide.” Forbes, 29 Mar 2013. Web.5 August  2016.

TheHotSardinesVEVO. “Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 10 Sept. 2014. Web. 5 Aug. 2016.

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