McClellan Genealogy

Posted: September 10th, 2013





McClellan Genealogy

            The McClellan genealogy is among the earliest recorded family trees, dating back to the 14th century. Its name was a combination of Scottish names, Gaelic Mac Gille Fhaolain and Irish names, Mac Giolla Fhaoláin. The name represented the surname of the family. The family was quite extensive in numbers across the Galloway area during the 14th century. As was the tradition for most families, McClellan family had a coat of arms or family crest with its meaning and significance. At first, the coat of arms was meant for identification during battles and tournaments. At the time, reading was hard for most people. Considering that the men were armored from head to toe, the need for identification arose in order to identify each other on battlefields. Therefore, coat of arms was inscribed on the helmets and their shields colored the same for identification. This was necessary since they covered their heads as well, making it hard to notice who was the enemy. Soon, the crests were used for family purposes for identification including surnames. Thus, this heredity of the surname and the coat of arms came into existence with an aim of identifying a family in a unique way ( n.d).

In a similar manner, the McClellan had its crest that identified them as well as described their attributes. The coat of arms has additional meaning and significance. The color of the coat of arms on the shield signifies generosity, implying that the family was munificent. The two arrow shaped lines looking upwards symbolized the roof of a house that, according to the family, signifies protection and faithful service ( 2009). The hand at the top of the court of arms represents a person fit for high and mighty deeds, which signifies the ability of the McClellan family. The helmet on top of the shield signifies wisdom in defense. Leaves surrounding the court of arms signify strength and antiquity.






Work cited Heraldic Charges., 2009. Web. January 11, 2013. Coat of Arms & Family Crests Store: McClellan Coat of Arms / McClellan Family Crest., n.d. Web. January 11, 2013.

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