Posted: September 10th, 2013
Many researchers (Naquin & Gilbert, 1996; Siquera et al., 2001) have conducted studies aimed at identifying the effects of smoking on different populations. Siquera et al. (2001) noted that those who begin smoking in high school continue to smoke several years later, and they are unable to quit when they want. Among the research conducted is the relationship between smoking and perceived stress (Naquin & Gilbert, 1996). Research conducted by Naquin and Gilbert concluded that smoking leads to increased stressed levels. Smoking among university students tends to be a relatively common thing in many universities, although not all the students smoke. This is mostly because of peer influence, and the feeling that smoking will enable them to cope with the pressure they face in school (Parrott & Murphy, 2012). Some students also smoke because they feel that smoking helps them to relax (Siquera et al., 2001). Many smokers tend to experience feelings of relaxation and satisfaction when they smoke, but they report feeling anxious and stressful when they are not smoking (Parrott & Murphy, 2012). This has led them to believe that smoking helps them manage the stress they feel. Naquin M and Gilbert G (1996) conducted research aimed at identifying the smoking behavior of students and its effects on perceived stress. This study revealed that the students who smoked had higher levels of perceived stress compared to those who have never smoked (Naquin & Gilbert, 1996). There is high nicotine dependence among students. Nicotine dependence has a big role in maintaining smoking among adolescents. The adolescents move from experimenting with smoking, to regular use, which in turn leads to addiction (Rojas et al., 1998). Only 5% of high school students think that they will continue smoking after five years, but more than 75% of them continue smoking. This shows the extent of nicotine dependence among students (Siquera et al., 2001). Men are most likely to smoke and use other substances. However, there is minimal difference among men and women in the level of nicotine dependence (Okoli et al., 2012). This study aims to examine the stress levels and nicotine dependence in undergraduate students who smoke. It is hoped that the findings will show that cessation of smoking will help undergraduate students who smoke to deal with stress.
Problem statement and hypothesis
As noted, students who smoke do so for different reasons, and one of the reasons is that it helps them to cope with the challenges they face in college. The students believe that smoking helps them to reduce their stress levels. The research will aim to identify the different factors that contribute to stress levels among undergraduate students, and the methods that different students use to cope with these challenges. Three specific questions will be addressed in the study:
The Perceived Stressed Scale questionnaire (PSS)
This questionnaire measures the perception of stress on individuals. The questionnaire will offer information indicating what the participants find stressful in their lives. This questionnaire will provide information about the participant’s current feelings or thoughts. It will measure the extent of the students’ perceived stress, and whether this perception makes them more susceptible to smoking. All the participants will fill the questionnaire.
The Fagerstorm nicotine dependence questionnaire
This questionnaire will determine the level of nicotine dependence among the participants. It will determine how often the current smokers smoke and other smoking habits. It will be adjusted to capture responses from former smokers (Siquera et al., 2001). Demographic information, which includes gender, age, year of study, and the smoking habit of the participants, will be collected from the participants.
The research will involve the use of three types of questionnaires, addressing the three groups. The questions will be structured in a way that reveals the students current smoking habits or lack thereof. The questionnaires will also identify the factors that contribute to the habit of smoking among the student population. Questionnaires targeted at the students who have never smoked will focus on how they cope with different challenges and pressure while they are in school.
This research will be an unrelated design focusing on differences between groups according to smoking status. A one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be used to examine any differences between the three groups (IV) on perceived stress scores (DV). The three groups are the independent variables, and they include undergraduate students who have never smoked, current smokers, and former smokers. To examine nicotine dependence (DV), a two way ANOVA will be conducted. It will examine the differences between smokers and non-smokers (IV1), in addition to any effects of nicotine dependence on gender (IV2). The ANOVA test is useful in this case because it compares two or more variables. This research defines former smokers as the participants who have not smoked a cigarette for the last three months. A current smoker is a participant who is a habitual smoker or one who smokes occasionally. The third category is the participants who have never smoked a cigarette in their lives.
The sample (N=75) will consist of 75 undergraduate students from the University of West London, who will be recruited opportunistically. Twenty-five students in the sample will be students who have never smoked, another twenty-five will be former smokers, and the remaining twenty-five participants will be current smokers. The students will receive an invitation to participate in the research from the school notice board and from the active social media in the school. This will include the use of blogs, and different social networking sites. The participants will be selected randomly from the different undergraduate students at the university, and participation will be on a voluntary basis. They will be selected from the students who respond to the invitation. This will ensure variety in the research.
The research will ensure that the participants are at different levels in their undergraduate studies. The research will encourage both male and female students to take part in the research. In addition, it will include students of different ages and study disciplines. The research will ensure confidentiality of all the participants. Some participants may be concerned about revealing some information such as their age, or even the fact they smoke or they have ever smoked. The participants will be informed of their right to privacy and confidentiality. They will sign a consent form, indicating their willingness to participate in the research.
Students from the university of west London will be approached opportunistically and asked if they would be willing to participate in a research study and smoking ‘status’ will be ascertained prior to handing out questionnaires. The invitation will target undergraduate students from various disciplines. All the participant groups will receive and complete the Perceived Stress Scale Questionnaire. Current and ex-smokers will complete the Fagerstorm Nicotine Dependence questionnaire. Participation will be on voluntary basis and this will be explained to each student. The research will encourage both the male and the female students to take part. In addition, the research will include students of different ages, from different study disciplines, and in different year of study. It is hoped that a fairly equal number of students will be obtained in each group.
The current and former smokers will each receive questionnaires, where they will answer questions regarding their previous and current smoking habits. The questions will include questions such as the time the students started smoking, the factors that compelled them to start smoking, how often they do it, when they smoke, when they stopped smoking or why they have not stopped smoking, and what they feel or they felt when they quit or when they do not smoke. In addition, the participants will fill out forty questionnaires of the Fagerstorm Nicotine Dependence and Nicotine Tolerance. They will fill the questions sometime after they taken a cigarette. The research will indicate whether my hypothesis has been accepted or rejected. The research results will indicate whether I have answered the research questions, which deal with smoking as a form of coping with stress.
This is quantitative research. As highlighted above, unrelated ANOVA will be used to explore the aims of the study. A one way ANOVA will test for differences in PSS scores between current smokers, ex-smokers, and those who have never smoked. A two way ANOVA will test for differences between former smokers and smokers. It will also test for differences in male and female current and former smokers. It will test for these differences on FTND scores, and examine whether there is an interaction effect between the two.
Naquin, M. R., & Gilbert, G. G. (1996). College students’ smoking behavior, perceived stress, and coping styles. Journal of Drug Education, 26 (4), 367-376
Okoli, C. T., Torcholla, I., & Khara, M. (2012). Sex differences in nicotine dependence among addictions clients accessing a smoking cessation program in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 19 (9) 776-784
Parrott, C. A. & Murphy, S. R. (2012). Explaining the stress inducing effects of nicotine to cigarette smokers. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 27, 150-155
Rojas, L. N., Killen, D. J., Haydel, F. K., & Robinson, N. T. (1998). Nicotine dependence among adolescent smokers. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 152 (2), 151-156
Siquera, M. L., Rolnitzky, M. L., & Rickert, I. V. (2001). Smoking cessation in adolescents: The role of nicotine dependence, stress, and coping methods. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 155, 489-495
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