Feministic criminology

Posted: September 10th, 2013

Feministic criminology





Feministic Criminology

Paper Outline


The situation of North African women hearing in Brussels poses a feministic perspective that can be related to feministic liberalism

  1.         I.      Event description
  2. One of the recent events concerning feministic theory is the women’s equality rights hearing concerning the situation of women in North Africa that was held in Brussels.
    1.                                                                i.      The hearing was held in Brussels on 4 June 2012 at Altiero Spinelli building.
    2.                                                              ii.      The hearing was a concern for the poor living conditions of women in the northern part of Africa that is mostly Muslim where traditions and region issues limit the participation of women in economic activities.
    3.                                                             iii.      The event aims at addressing the rights of women within this region through hearing in a court of law where the issues affecting women are addressed.
    4.                                                            iv.      The aim of the hearing is to liberate women and grant them equal rights as their male counterparts.
    5. Some of the people presenting cases in this hearing included some experts from North African countries such as

1)      Haddouche from Democratic Association of Women of Morocco,

2)      the chairperson of Alliance for Arab Women in Egypt, Badran and

3)      Ms Bessis from International Federation for Human Rights from Tunisia (Committee on Women’s Right and Gender Equality, 2012).

  1.                                                              ii.      The reason leading to holding this hearing is the situation that North African women live in, which denies them equal chances and opportunities within the community.
    1.      II.      Feminist theory involved
    2. This event relates to the feminism theory on liberalism, which seeks to provide women with equal access to opportunities and decision-making.
      1.                                                                i.      This theory focuses on addressing the sources of oppression among women that limits their abilities and denies them equal rights and opportunities as men.
      2.                                                              ii.      This theory cites several issues as the main sources of oppression for women that include

1)      socialization of children based on gender,

2)      division of roles into men and women’s jobs,

3)      Restriction of entry into leadership positions and low pay for women jobs.

  1. The theory aims at achieving gender free rearing of children, where children are granted equal attention and education, helping more women into roles previously reserved for men and sharing of parental responsibility.
    1.    III.      Summary of sources
    2.                                                                i.      The first source that will be used is “Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Crime: Future Directions for Feminist Criminology” by Burgess-Proctor, which aims at addressing the issues within feminist theories. The article cites that there is no one theory of feminism. Rather, it concerns with feministic perceptions to issues regarding women with liberalism being one of them.
    3.                                                              ii.      The other source is “Feminist Criminology and Integrated Theory,” by French that focuses on the liberal perspective of feministic theory. It gives a good description of feministic liberalism.
    4.                                                             iii.      The final source used is “The Politics of Individualism: Liberalism, Liberal Feminism and Anarchism,” by Brown that describes politics revolving around feminism and its policies on issues affecting women, including liberation of women from male oppression.
      1.   IV.      Flow of paper
    5.                                                                i.      This paper starts with a clear description of the event that concerns feminism issues, focusing of liberation issues of women in North Africa.
    6.                                                              ii.      This is followed by a description of the feminist theory involved, which is liberal feminism and
    7.                                                             iii.      Finally followed by a relation of the event to the theory. The conclusion summarizes the link between the theory and event addressed.


References to be used

Brown, L.S. (2003). The Politics of Individualism: Liberalism, Liberal Feminism and Anarchism. Montreal QC, Canada: Black Rose Books.

Burgess-Proctor, A. (2006). Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Crime: Future Directions for Feminist Criminology. Feminist Criminology, 1 (1): 27-47.

Committee on Women’s Right and Gender Equality. (2012). The situation of women in North Africa. Brussels.

French, M. (2006). Feminist Criminology and Integrated Theory. Retrieved from http://www.drtomoconnor.com/1060/1060lect07b.htm


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