International Marketing

Posted: September 9th, 2013





International Marketing

            Zanzibar automatically offered chances of development owing to its geography as an island, its rich history and culture, and the untapped potential as a tourist destination. Jean Louis’ work in the island presented him with this opportunity after a close observation of the economy and the market gap vis a vis the potential as a tourism hub. Exposure that Jean Louis’ career gave him, as well as his training and specialization in the hospitality industry offered him the skills and expertise to exploit the potential of the spice island. He took necessary steps to develop the idea and product to offer his potential clients, collaborating with other partners to ensure that the services matched up to the clientele his business catered to (Joshi,37).

The steps taken by Jean Louis’ company, IBS, to establish itself in the tourism industry in Zanzibar suggest a well laid out strategy to conquer the local market competitors and expand the visibility of the company internationally. The clientele that the company seeks is not limited to one geographic location. International tourism caters to clients from different countries by offering them an experience different from the daily bustle of their lives but still enough to tend to their needs with respect to their cultural expectations. IBS achieves this by offering its clients assistance in real estate matters, providing security solutions and connectivity to the best entertainment the continent has to offer. His company aids the client to enjoy services with a high level of competence such as they would receive at home, to enhance their holiday experience.

Zanzibar is a beautiful island that enjoys a good climate and white sandy beaches. Its natural endowments and its rich cultural past give it an edge over some of the coastal cities and towns close by in terms of tourist attractions. The rate of development is picking up and this has ensured its main economic industry is tourism. Zanzibar has set itself apart from potential competitors by having historic connections with the Arabic Peninsular and mainland Africa. This has given the island a healthy blend of cultures. The fact that it is does not have a heavy government presence, gives developers a good environment to develop business.

The infrastructure of Zanzibar has remained vastly undeveloped. This has provided some challenges to the enhancement of some of the economic industries. Poor infrastructure hampers the infiltration of the island by some potential investors. Conversely, the presence of this challenge has given other investors incentive to find partners. This is the path Jean Louis’ IBS took by collaborating with South African satellite television to provide a much-needed service to the island. This has met the expectations of the foreign tourists. The island has many avenues of further growth that can be exploited to grow this industry and possibly others. Care has to be taken to ensure that other issues, related to health and security, do not detract from the gains made in this industry.

The island’s infrastructure is a considerable area of development. Investors can channel their resources to uplifting the state of the island. There is need to plan the island and provide housing to the inhabitants. Collaboration with the local authorities may yield positive results (Hollensen, 48-52). Waterfront real estate is in high demand as investors are facing away from the West’s hostile environment. Units for both up-market and mass-market customers will find a ready market. Internet connectivity and good roads will help the island stay in touch with the world and itself respectively. The transport sector needs to be revitalized to match the requirements of an international tourist destination. Arrival and departure of tourists needs to be streamlined as does the tour operators on the island. The introduction of cards for the tourist’s resort helps reduce the haggling for tourists. Better marketing practices, such as sufficient advertisement and recommendations, may help the local tour operators secure a sizeable share in that sector.

Some of the activities of IBS may be transferable to other areas. The neighbouring coastal areas of Pemba or mainland Tanzania are good targets for the expansion of IBS activities. The provision of DSTv services and connectivity may b extended to the mainland or Pemba as the next tourist destination site. Security services and real estate agencies are services sought after by most new investors. Success in infiltrating Zanzibar coupled with the expertise derived from experience give IBS a competitive advantage over their competitors. Continued collaboration with other service providers to form joint ventures spreads the risk IBS may face in expanding their business to new environments.

Any potential expansion should be preceded by extensive research into the dynamics of the new market concerning the political atmosphere, social factors and economic policies of the potential country and specifically the targeted area. Potential competitors, risks, threats and strengths in the new market should be evaluated to give the company sufficient information to make enlightened choices about the desired venture. Sourcing for extra services and forming alliances will help the company integrate itself in the targeted market; advertising and having a sound product policy will help give the company visibility in its new market (Grewal & Levy, 97).



Works Cited

Grewal, Dhruv, and Michael Levy. Marketing. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2010. Print.

Hollensen, Svend. Global Marketing: A Decision-Oriented Approach. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2011. Print.

Joshi, Rakesh M. International Marketing. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2006. Print.

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