
Posted: September 9th, 2013






            1. Computer Aided Design (CAD) refers to the use of computers to create or analyze a design especially in engineering. Specific software are used to carry out these processes. The designs in question may be in two or three dimensions and are mainly technical drawings. Software associated with CAD are used by several organizations since they increase the accuracy of the design as well as the quality. The resulting drawings are mostly produced as electronic files that are either printed out or viewed by the use of other computer devices. This drawing technique involves more than the use of shapes, it also encompasses aspects such as tolerance of the design to several factors and the specified dimensions required for the design. In the case of careers like engineering and architecture where technical drawings are required, CAD has proven to be an invaluable asset.

In the identification of a certain engineering problem, CAD may be used. The software can analyze the problem in question and identify the areas that require alteration and those that do not. From this knowledge, the student in question may decide on the most suitable course of action to take in reference to the corrections obtained by the software (Narayan, 2008). The student in question is also able to formulate the appropriate methods required to solve the problem. From the mistakes that the CAD software has identified, the student is aware of all the errors made. In the case of a new formulation, the CAD software provides ideas that the student may find instrumental in the designing of the required diagram. Such ideas are crucial since the student utilizes some of them in his or her drawing. Without the CAD software, the students may create a technical drawing that is inappropriate and this may be disastrous for them especially in the case of an examination. Students can use the CAD software to solve several engineering problems (Madsen, 2012). This is because the software are designed to help users to solve the problems they may have concerning the technical drawing that they are constructing. For students, the software may be used to solve problems they have pertaining to the construction of drawings and in the case of correcting the already made drawings.

2. CAD/ME use in engineering has had several impacts on the world for instance the economic sector and environmental context. Globally, the use of CAD has made several people’s lives a lot easier since the software have enabled them to create the technical drawings much faster. Before the development of the software systems, the drawings had to be created manually, a process that required a lot of effort, and concentration since a small mistake would require the artist to draw the whole drawing again (Espinoza-Alvarado, 2007). Formulation of the CAD software has made this outdated as the technical drawings are now more accurate and they are completed faster than they were in the past.

CAD has also been pivotal in the Economic sector. This sector is filled with several business people who own organizations or are employed in them. CAD oriented software have been developed in order to help the firms manage their documents effectively. Product Data Management (PDM) is one such software that ensures that the documents in the said firm are in the required order. Software like this have enabled the firms to increase their productivity as well as their efficiency. This is because they are aware of the location of all their documents and is minimizes time wasted on searching for documents.

CAD has also played a role in the environmental sector. It has enabled the creation of photo stimulations that are accurate that are required in the creation of reports such as the Environmental Impact Report. In this case, the diagrams have a much greater effect than the use of words to describe the effects of a certain phenomenon (Hernandez et al, 2009). For ordinary citizens whoa re not well versed in environmental sciences, pictures are a lot easier to understand as opposed to a detailed scientific explanation. Finally, CAD has also had a social effect in the world. This is especially in the case of individuals who prefer to design, for example, their own houses, as opposed to obtaining designs from architects. This software has enabled them to create their designs in the comfort of their homes instead of spending money on the designs made by architects that they may not even like (Carlson, 2003). The invention of CAD has had a tremendous effect on the world especially in the areas that require technical drawings. CAD has enabled such people to save time and to create accurate designs. Computer Aided Design is therefore, a crucial form of design with numerous advantages.

















Carlson, Wayne (2003). “A Critical History of Computer Graphics and Animation”. Ohio: Ohio State University.

Espinoza-Alvarado, J. D. (2007). Computer aided design using Gerber technology. New York: Fairchild.

International Conference on Computer Aided Optimum Design in Engineering, Hernandez, S., & Brebbia, C. A. (2009). Computer aided optimum design in engineering XI. Southampton: WIT.

Madsen, David A. (2012). Engineering Drawing & Design. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.

Narayan, K. Lalit (2008). Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.


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