Social Networking

Posted: September 9th, 2013





Social Networking

            Social networking has changed many things from how people do business to the way they communicate. With social networking, people are able to communicate with each other instantly, share valuable information such as pictures and videos as well as meet new people. In the ethnographic video, it is evident that people have changed the way they communicate and spend their time. Although the video does not show this in detail, it has selected social networking users’ views about its effect in their lives as well as what it has change. The future of social networking is inclined to bring out more ability for people to socialize including interconnection with other networks and websites.

The video seeks to show how the integration of the internet and social networking sites has changed the lives of different people. It shows that many people rely on social networking for various reasons, such as meeting new people and chatting with friends as well as sharing information. The video manages to show how different people within different occupations and class use the internet as well as social networking. This way, it highlights the ability of the internet to disregard social status and class. It does not give regards to what one’s social background, race or occupation. Over the internet, everybody is treated equal irrespective of his or her status.

The first benefit of social networking is allowing sharing of information with friends across geographical boundaries that make physical or face-to-face socializing hard. For instance, one of the interviewees says that she used one of the social sites to chat with a friend who had moved from South Africa to America. Another benefit is allowing people to meet with new people, share more information such as pictures, videos, and send instant messages. Additionally, through connecting with people one can learn more through sharing important information, as well as links, especially for students. For people who are working such as marketing and sales representatives, social networking can be used for reaching out to potential customers as well as advertising cheaply. Another benefit provided by social networking is eliminating of time used for communicating and sharing valuable information. It only takes the time one has to use in typing messages and uploading information. This has had quite a positive effect on many people.

On the other hand, what bears benefits does not lack some detriments. Social networking sites have changed the way people communicate, allowing people who did not know each other to access some valuable information. Privacy is one of the main detriments of social networking. It is hard to ensure that vital information does not go to people it was not intended. Another detriment is the disinhibiting effect due to anonymity. Social networking allows anonymity that could allow people to say what they would not say in the real world. This has its few advantages, as well. For social networking, disinhibiting effect is a disadvantage where one socializes with someone they cannot know their real identity.

Considering the trend of social networking since it was globally embraced by people, it is obvious that there are more surprises on the way. One might say that nothing more can be achieved beyond that. However, people said this same thing when the social networking was invented. In the next 10 to 15 years, it is not certain what the future holds but one can be sure there will be more developments with people expecting privacy to be improved. Additionally, due to having many sites, the future might allow integration of social networking sites to make it possible to chat with people from other social sites without having to subscribe just as one can call a friend on another service provider from a different service provider.

Social networking sites have tremendously changed the way people communicate with each other. People no longer have to send letters to communicate with their loved ones who are far away. Through the instant messaging and uploading of videos and pictures, one can share their valuable moments with others without having to be close to them in terms of distance. Additionally, they allow one to share information with many people at the same time. Through uploading pictures and photos, many people across different areas can have access to them at the same time. More so, people do not have to meet face to face to talk and share personal information. Social networking sites have changed this completely. Finally, people no longer have to meet in social places to know each other. Through the social networks, one meets many people.

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