Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Population

Posted: September 9th, 2013





Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Population

Cultural and ethnic diversity is a concept that balances the risks and benefits associated with decisions and choices. Heritage in ethics can be identified in all cultures and religions throughout the world. However, it is not possible to trace where cultural ethics originated since the relationship between people in the society were formed before history can tell us. Continually, society is being faced with new and unfamiliar issues as cultural and ethical diversity broadens in schools, organizations, and other places. Society is required to foster sensitivity and awareness on the proper ways to ally when dealing with cultural and ethical diversity in our society. In this regard, the hypothesis under study is that: Cultural and ethnic diversity have had a positive impact on the current shape of society and this has mainly been facilitated by technology and development.

Diversity exists in every society and the relationships that determine balancing ideals or principles in every individual. The interesting aspect behind cross-cultural ethics lies behind the point where someone may be referred to as distinctly “Tongan” or “Hispanic”. In the last decade, the issue behind cultural ethics has been the topic of much discussion. Majority of these discussions recognize the need for cross-cultural study and dialogue rather than focusing on the rather than defining one’s ethics according to his or her nationality (Maffi, 18). Furthermore, these debates maintain that cross-cultural study and dialogue should involve recognizing the autonomy of all individuals with a view of making informed decisions that promote harmonious living among diverse populations.

Through diversity and analogy, something that is considered the prerequisite for the long-term life survival in earth, cultural and ethical diversity can hence be established as fundamental for the harmonious and long-term existence of the human race. In addition, conserving the indigenous cultures should prove relevant to humankind as it has to ecosystems and species in life. The UNESCO general conference in 2001 used this premise to establish that cultural and ethical diversity should be considered as relevant as biodiversity is in nature (Rohmetra, 52). However, this position has been received with rejection by some people. They argue that similar to evolutionary aspects on human nature, the relevance of ethical and cultural diversity for harmony and human survival is an un-testable hypothesis that cannot be proved correct or incorrect.

Current ethically applied trends are cultural, but others trace their aspects to development and globalization, where human rights have become a global issue (Field, 14). The fast progress in technology has ultimately led to challenges in society. The existing patterns and systems witnessed between families, professionals and the general society has undergone a change. The advancement in technology meant that some cultural and ethical values become imparted to different populations without regard for general acceptance. For example, the minor countries that were colonized by European nations ended up having their values and practices influenced. The many distinct societies that exist around the world differ from each other quite markedly. With the obvious existing differences such as dressing modes, traditions, it is prudent to recognize the significant variations through which societies organize themselves in their respective morality concept, and their way of interaction with the environment (Audi, 21).

The impact of cultural and ethnic diversity on society is mainly rooted to technology and development. With globalization being a current trend, national states that still dwell in traditional, cultural and ethical values have been subjected to enormous pressure. The current development of technology, capital and information, are increasingly crossing geographical boundaries and ultimately influencing relationships between citizens, states, and the marketplace (Field, 32). The growth of the mass media industry has in particular influenced societies and individuals across the world. Even this accessibility is beneficial in certain ways; it also bears the capability of negatively affecting the individuality of a society. Information is now distributed throughout the world in fast and convenient means. This has consequently affected cultural values, meanings, and tastes. Therefore, this runs the risk of weakening the cultural and ethical identity of societies.

Currently, communication between nations has become predominant. More people, students in particular are increasingly moving overseas to pursue studies and thus experiencing cultural diversity. For these students, if they were able to draw a combination of positive elements between two different cultures, this would eventually add competitive advantage in their respective career faculty. In fact, current global economic processes dictate that people who possess different cultural perspectives stand to be more competitive in their respective fields.

Indeed, the findings of this research are in support of the original hypothesis. The UNESCO general conference in 2001 acknowledged that cultural diversity has influenced human heritage and safeguarding it should prove relevant to humankind (Rohmetra, 52). Ultimately, current ethically applied trends are cultural, but others trace their aspects to development and globalization. Current development of technology implies that capital and information have been granted access to numerous geographical regions and thus influencing relationships between citizens and states. In conclusion, cultural and ethical diversity has proven fundamental in determining the current shape of global society. Harmonious and successful development of humankind has been dependent on how ethical and cultural diversity issues are handled.


Works Cited

Audi, Robert. Moral Value and Human Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.

Field, Jonathan. “Technology and Culture.” Considerations and Overview 21.4 (2004): 146-192

Hopkins, Willie E. Ethical Dimensions of Diversity. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 2005. Print.

Maffi, Luisa. “Linguistic, Cultural, and Biological Diversity.” Annual Review of Anthropology. 34 (2005): 599-617. Print.

Rohmetra, Neelu. “Cultural Diversity and Ethical Behavior: an Analysis.” Indian Journal of Industrial Relations. 35.3 (2000). Print.

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