Response to an article

Posted: September 9th, 2013





Response to an article

Question 1

Freire’s central argument suggests that the student-teacher relationship carries no significance, none whatsoever. Freire makes the declaration that the process of edification is afflicted by problems brought by narration (1). Teachers have failed to disseminate the required information to their students for better understanding and utilization of knowledge acquired. He argues that narration causes the students to take up content unconsciously and not have the capability to apply it consciously (p. 4). The students are subjected to discourses that have no impact on how they perceive the world. When a student is told that four multiplied by four results in sixteen, he or she memorizes the product of this mathematical sum without understanding the concept. Rather than exchanging ideas with the student, the instructor issues communiqués, and sets a foundation that the students merely take in, memorize and replicate (Freire, 5). This is the education banking system, which is flawed beyond repair.

Question 2

The focus of education should shift from the teacher to the student. The teacher should understand that teaching is aimed at educating a student and not asserting authority over them. The main role of the teacher is to make student learning efficient (Bustos and Espiritu 50). In facilitating learning, communication is necessary in solidifying the student-teacher relationship. The absence of true communication in this relationship hinders learning. Effective communication triggers critical thinking by the learner to discover the truth about reality.

FIGURE 7.1  Worksheet for Writing a Summary  

Key Claims

(by paragraph)


(by key claim)



1. Teacher-student relationship involves a narrator and listeners. The education system is one that has lost its capacity to teach effectively. The content of learning is narrated to the point of being lifeless and losing significance. The claim is that the education has become an insignificant aspect of society. Despite its relevance, the system of delivery (narration) is flawed. Students feel that learning is a trivial process that has no bearing in their future. The author Paulo Freire, in paragraph 1 addresses the poor methods of teaching and lays blame on the educators. He asserts that the system should consider the needs of the students.
3. Narrative education lacks transformative power. The student has no ability to interpret the learning concepts to suit their needs. Multiplication, for example, as a concept is taught and not well understood. The student repeats and commits to memory the principles of the concept without realizing what it means or stands for. The claim is that narrative education lacks the ability to impart any useful knowledge. Memorizing knowledge does not mean that students will use it to better themselves. They are simply carriers of this knowledge The focus of Freire in paragraph three is the lack of transformative effect of learning. He challenges teachers to revamp teaching skills and improve learning.


6. Educators claim that their knowledge is an endowment and that their students are nothing because they lack the gift of knowledge. Students are ignorant to the fact that they too are knowledgeable and forget the teacher helps them to access the right knowledge. The claim is that the educators that consider themselves knowledgeable believe that those they teach are nothing. They believe that their knowledge should not be challenged and this weakens the learning potential. The focus on paragraph six is the arrogance of those who have knowledge. Freire’s contention is that educators consider themselves better than they consider their learners.
7. The liberation of education lays in the reconciliation the teacher student contradiction. Teachers misrepresent their role and assume that learning is independent of teaching. The teacher is the custodian of education and should facilitate learning by making sure learning is an interactive process and not a one sided affair. In essence, learning depends on how the teacher integrates the teaching and learning. In paragraph seven, Freire tells educators to bring down the wall that impedes learning. In the teacher learner relationship, none is superior.
9. The banking of education aims at minimizing students’ creative power. The educators are oppressors who would not want to reveal the world’s mysteries or effect its transformation through education. Oppressors oppose any research in education that seeks to stimulate learners to evaluate the world with a critical eye devoid of an impartial point of view. Education is necessary in person’s life. Denying one education limits their ability to understand the world and in effect transform it for the better. Paragraph nine disputes the effectiveness of the banking of education. Freire attacks the system and its propagators of minimize the ability of learners to think independently.
13. Teaching by filling up minds is wrong. Teachers fail to consider that their knowledge have contradictions. They may later realize the existence of these contradictions and seek to liberate themselves and gain a true understanding of the world. If men try to understand humanity they  teach in schools they will realize that what they do goes against the principles of what they it stands for The knowledge the educators have was received from other educators before them. The knowledge they have was imparted through the banking system. The knowledge they have impedes their capability to achieve their true purpose in life. Freire in paragraph thirteen talks of the contradictions contained in the education given to learners. It is time for teachers to rise up, challenge these conventions, and rethink the education system.
16. The banking concept assumes that man is simply in the world and not with the world. Man is an observer in a world he is supposed to dominate. Simply put, man is not at one with the world he lives in. The objects in before a person are bits of the world around this person, which are “inside” (consciousness) the person. Man is a passive being living without an understanding of the world. It is necessary for man to be aware of his surroundings and understand how it affects humanity. In paragraph 16, Freire says that man is yet to find his true purpose since his existence is passive in all that happens. To reawaken the consciousness, man has to change how he perceives the earth.
19. Only through communication can life hold real meaning. The teacher’s true communication of what the world is to the student develops in the mind of a student the ability to think independently. A teacher ignites the imagination of the student. The teacher should not attempt to control the imagination of the student. A student should be a partner to the teacher in learning. This generates a bond that may lead to the rediscovery of man’s purpose in the world. Paragraph 19 is about communication and its value in learning. Freire understands that lack of communication impairs learning. He advocates that educators should adhere to effective communication skills in teaching to establish an independent society of thinkers and innovators.




Works Cited

Bustos, Alicia & Espiritu, Socorro. Foundation of Education 1. Quezon: 1996. Print.

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Trans. Myra Bergman. New York: Continuum, 2000. Print.

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