CJ 345

Posted: September 6th, 2013

CJ 345






CJ 345

            If I were Sergeant George Welsh, I would apply some major motivational techniques in supervising the officers. These motivational techniques will improve the performance of the officers. I will enable each officer’s work performance to reflect on the pays. In this case, the pays will depend on the quality of the work. Therefore, this will help in motivating the officers since those who receive low pays will work on improving their work performance (Long & National Association for Special Educational Needs, 2005). In addition, I will recommend those who do good jobs. This will enable the officers to feel appreciated. They will be grateful for reaching the target and be motivated to maintain or increase the level of good work (Fiore, Synnestvedt & Recorded Books, LLC, 2011).

I will ensure that the basic needs and drives of the officers are met. It is important to understand that the officers have needs, which require attention. The Maslow hierarchy of needs is a good example that shows the order of the officers’ needs. The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ascertains that the officers have psychological needs. These are the basic needs (Nelson, Economy, Sommerville & Town, 2008). This is followed by the need for safety. Therefore, as a supervisor, I will ensure that the officers feel safe from threats such as attacks. This will increase the drive of the officers. The police work is one of the most dangerous jobs. Therefore, the officers should be guaranteed of safety while performing their work (Miller & Braswell, 2011).

In the management style, I would use theory Y. I would apply this theory by making the working environment favorable and providing opportunities to the officers. I will not impose threats or external control in order to make the officers to work well. However, I will work towards increasing motivation. This will make the officers to have self-direction, self-control. In turn, they will be focused towards achieving the organization’s objectives. I will make the job more rewarding. This will enable the officers to find satisfaction since most of their needs will be met. As a result, the employees will be loyal and committed to the organization. The officers’ responsibilities will be well stated in order to avoid confusion. This will enable the officers to be more responsible when it comes to work (Moeser & Braswell, 2003).

Since I have more experience and less formal education, I would not consider going back to school any time soon. This is because the experience I acquired is enough to make me perform my work better than the other officers who went to school. I worked under the supervision of an experienced field-training officer for three months. This increases my expertise. Therefore, it enables me to be more competent than any of the other officers. My high competence level enabled me to work alone in the downtown area of the city. In addition, I was also made the supervisor of a team of officers because of this. Though my level of education is not the same as that of the officers I supervise, I possess more skills than they do. The level of education may be an obstacle but then by them learning a lot from the skills I possess, they will respect me eventually (Moeser, Miller & Braswell, 2010).

Within the first month of starting my assignment, I would interview the officers in order to establish a good rapport with them. I would focus on building a good work relationship that enables a comfortable working environment. This will enable them to feel free to express their personal views and opinions. In addition, I will be able to know them on a personal level. With every officer, I would discuss the security and needs topic (Schmalt & Langens, 2009). This will enable me to know their opinions concerning the topics. Example, I will ask them to give me their opinion on the job security. I will also ask them if they feel their needs are met. This will enable me to get every officer’s opinion. I will then make their work meaningful by ensuring the job is secure enough and that their needs are met. Upon good performance, the officers responsible will be rewarded (More & Wegener, 2006).



Fiore, N. A., Synnestvedt, E., & Recorded Books, LLC. (2011). The now habit at work: Perform optimally, maintain focus, and ignite motivation in yourself and others. Prince Frederick, MD: Recorded Books.

Long, R., & National Association for Special Educational Needs (Great Britain). (2005). Motivation. London: David Fulton Publishers.

Miller, L. S., & Braswell, M. (2011). Effective police supervision: Study guide. Burlington, MA: Anderson.

Moeser, D., & Braswell, M. (2003). Effective police supervision: Study guide. Cincinnati, OH: LexisNexis.

Moeser, D., Miller, L. S., & Braswell, M. C. (2010). Effective police supervision: Study guide. Cincinnati, OH: LexisNexis/Anderson Publishing.

More, H. W., & Wegener, W. F. (2006). Effective police supervision. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Pub. Co.

Nelson, B., Economy, P., Sommerville, K. L., & Town, L. (2008). Supervision. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley.

Schmalt, H.-D., & Langens, T. (2009). Motivation. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.


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