Computers and Children

Posted: September 6th, 2013

Computers and Children






Computers and Children


Computers have become part of daily lives of a vast majority off people, as they are used in almost all activities on a day-to-day basis. In the current modern world, it is paramount for individuals to learn of the use of computers in daily lives. The use of computers by children has been a contentious issue within the public domain due to the various benefits as well as threats, which are posed by the computers to the children. Hence, it is paramount to understand that the use of the computer has penetrated into the daily lives of people posing a threat to disruption of normal conduct of daily activities (Alliance for Childhood, 2000).


Numerous threats posed by computers could be termed as severe in terms of the effects they would have on the users and with reference to the children. The initial and common threats, which are posed to children by computers, could be examined from a health perspective. Such could include eyesight conditions, obesity due to inactivity, and unsociable behavior because of few encounters with their peers as well as other people. However, such could be avoided if parents are to ensure adequate time is given to other activities as well. This could ensure that a child has other activities, which would enable adequate social interactions with peers and the rest of the community. Hence, a balance could be established if computer use is minimized and initiation of other activities such as play, social interactions and reading (Buckingham, & Willett, 2006).

Furthermore, children encounter child abuse and other immoral activities and images via the use of computers. Some establish immoral conduct all of which is learnt from the internet. Hence, this is an indication of the inadequacy of the adults in protection of the children from such misleading sexual and violent content found on the internet. With boundaries in terms of access on the internet, there could be established a measure that enables reduction of the exposure of the children to such immoral content.

Computers have also had a significant role in the disruption of the relations of the parents or adults with their children. This is because materialism has taken precedent within the family setting. This is because adults have replaced their affection and presence with computers, all in the aim of providing the children with “fun” gadgets. Hence, parents and adults are liable for corruption of the morals of children by providing them with gadgets, which enable access to immoral information at the touch of a button (Haque, & Hussain, 2003).

Early stages of child development determine the eventual character of an individual. This is because at the initial stages of child development, they learn how things are done. Hence, computers have had a great role in the disruption of the development of children. This is evidenced by the application of computers in almost all daily activities such as assignments, shopping, communication and socialization all of which could be done physically before the advent of the computer. For the children and adults as well in the modern digital societies the use of computers is a necessity. This is because computers are termed as tools and guides to achievement of success especially from an academic perspective.

However, computers could not be simply termed as evil or a major threat to the world. this because for some children computers are a way of life enabling them to think more about how they could improve their lives via the use of the computer. In addition, computers enable gifted children to explore their potential with the use of the computer. This might results in successful individuals, as the internet is a hub for numerous opportunities. Hence, computers have also aided in the increased productivity of children in their classroom and other activities. The computer within the classroom aids in positive interactions between the students as they engage in discussions as directed by their instructors. Furthermore, they are able to research about provided assignments as they consider the use of computer in doing assignments as fashionable and fun. In comparison to other activities, which are conducted manually by children, are considered as boring and without taste. Hence, it enhances academic productivity within classroom and non-classroom activities.

Moreover, computers facilitate ease speed in terms of learning inside and outside the classroom. This is articulated by the use of the same to conduct classroom activities and finish given assignments. However, others view that the use of the computer of studies acts as a distraction because of the presence of numerous images and games. This makes it impossible for a child to concentrate on one issue with adequate attention to fulfill the particular task. Computers also reduce the ability of children to coordinate in face-to face communication because they are accustomed to online forms of communication (Alliance for Childhood, 2000).

Society has become focused on the use of computers. This is evidenced as a necessity in the achievement of success in high paying jobs or careers. Hence, society makes it necessary for people to become proficient in the use of computers. Thus at tender ages children find the use of the computer as an aid in forming interests in academic issues. In addition, the computer plays a significant role in adding children with various disabilities to coordinate the various functions (Winn, 2002).

Younger children such as those who are five years should learn about the use of computer with applicable limitations in terms of access. It is paramount to teach children at tender ages of development the use of computers and other technology based products because of the wide application of computers in almost all daily activities. Hence, equipping or introduction of children to the use of computers at a tender age is important to ensure that

Another consideration is the ability of the computers to enhance relations of children with the society. Computers have aided social interactions and exposure of children as well as adults to the world. This is because of the use of the computer for communication, which has become a common phenomenon in this modern digital world. However, the internet is full of inappropriate adult material, which the children are exposed to in the internet. In addition, such leads to the erosion of morals of children. In addition, computers enhance social interactions on a different scale. In addition children are becoming socially aggressive all of which can be attributed to aggressive advertisements coupled with violence. Over aggressiveness introduced at a tender age is bound to be detrimental

The use of the computer is relevant because of the introduction of computer-aided education in the digital world. In addition, children with computers are able to receive individualized studies and instruction from the instructors or parents at home in their studies. This enables cultivation of an interest in learning at a tender age, preferably during early childhood development. This enables formation of a habit or culture of love towards academics as they easily can access educational information and receive instruction from their teachers. Furthermore, children who use computers for learning purposes are at an advantage because of their ability to study at individualized paces and at times when they deem convenient (Winn, 2002). A computer is the opposite of humans in terms of response. Computers do not develop agitation when an instruction from the user is repeated severally. However, for people, they tend to get agitated when instructions are repeated severally or when questions are posed to them.

Thus a computer makes a child inquisitive and curios with the need to know more about the surroundings and educational issues. However, within actual classrooms with teachers, they tend to be sarcastic and irritated when children pose questions to them severally. In addition, in using the computer children are able to avoid criticism, favoritism and antipathy in classrooms. Hence, they are able to concentrate on individual tasks, which they find attractive and fun. This develops concentration at a tender age, which has the likeliness of maturing into good level of concentration in individual tasks at either school, work or other activities (Winn, 2002).

Repetitive stress injuries are however common in sues of computers. They tend to form on the back, eyestrain and finger pains. All of this is due to the constant use of the computer often putting a strain on the muscles and tissues of the body in using the computer at specific positions. Exposure of children to computer results to corruption of morals. This is actualized due to the presence of immoral images and videos, which are easily accessible, form any computer. Such aspects warrant the introduction of new measures such as parental control applications on computers, which would restrict access to immoral and corruptive images. In addition, violent and aggressive marketing and images could also be avoided if such is given emphasis. Furthermore, new policies could enhance the preservation of morals and preventing access to corruptive images by children with relative ease. This could be actualized by ensuring authentication of access is granted to only individuals who are of legal age limit which varies form one region to another.


In conclusion, children exposure to the computer should be done at a tender age given the arte at which computer use is actualized in the modern and digital world. However, such access should only be restricted to academic purposes and little gaming activities. However good physical interactions with other children should be enforced to ensure that the child is able to develop normally and become sociable. Hence, computer use should be restricted in terms of access to content and time for access to give time for other interactions with family and society.


Alliance for Childhood. (September 12 2000). Computers and children. Retrieved from

Buckingham, D., & Willett, R. (2006). Digital generations: Children, young people, and new media. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

Haque, U.B. & Hussain, F. (2003). Home Computers an Aid or Hindrance to Child Development. Retrieved from

Winn, M. (2002). The plug-in drug: Television, computers, and family life. New York: Penguin Books.

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