Science Meets Real Life

Posted: September 6th, 2013

Science Meets Real Life





Science Meets Real Life


Scenario 1

The five steps of the scientific method are, stating the problem, forming a hypothesis, collecting the data and doing the experiment, interpreting the data, and concluding (Haag & Haag, 2011). Using the scientific method, the first step would be to state the problem, which is, why are there no lights in the house? The second step in the scientific method is forming a hypothesis, by making a calculated guess of what I already know about the problem. My hypothesis is that there are no lights because there is a power outage. The next step involves conducting an experiment to test whether my hypothesis is true or false. I would have to check whether all the light bulbs in the home are on, and whether the other electric appliances around the home are working.

The fourth step would be to interpret the data. If the other light bulbs around the home are working, then it means that only the specific light bulb has a problem. If this is the case, then I will solve the problem by replacing the light bulb. This means that my hypothesis is false, and there are other reasons why the light will not work. If the other light bulbs around the home and the electric appliances are not working, then it means that the problem is a power outage, and this would prove that my hypothesis is true. I will then conclude, based on the results of the experiment.

Scenario 2

The lights are not working in the room, and there is darkness all around. I grope for the flashlight in a drawer nearby and find it, but it does not work. I will solve the problem using the scientific method. My problem is that the flashlight is not working. My hypothesis is that the flashlight is not working because the batteries are dead. To test my hypothesis, I conduct an experiment by replacing the batteries. If the flashlight works after replacing the batteries, it means that my hypothesis is true. If the flashlight does not work, even after I have changed the batteries, then it means that my hypothesis is false, and there are other reasons why the flashlight is not working. I will have to develop an alternate hypothesis.


  1. I start my day by doing some exercises in the morning. The type of exercises that I do depends on the weather and the time I have. I then take a shower, after which I take breakfast. I head off to school by walking, since the school is not a long way from home. I carry on with various activities in the school. I go for lessons, games, have lunch, and do some other activities, before heading back home. I usually do my homework when I get home, and watch television, before taking dinner. I study for an hour or so after dinner, and then go to bed. Science influences my life in different ways. For instance, we use gas to cook our meals and we use electric lights in our home. We also watch television and use other electrical appliances around the home. This would not be possible without science. Taking a shower involves science, as the water has to come from the source using various scientific methods.
  2. Science has improved my quality of life because it has helped to make my work easier. When taking a shower, I do not need to carry any water from a water source or heat it. I only have to turn on the shower, and use the heated water. It has reduced the menial tasks that I have to do. This includes washing, cleaning, cooking, and traveling among other activities.
  3. Although science has had many positive impacts on people’s lives, it has also had some negative impacts. Science has led to the creation of many techniques, machines, and industries, which has in turn contributed to increased pollution. Increased use of vehicles and other machinery has contributed to increased water, air, and soil pollution. Science has also changed the way people and families interact, in the way that it has influenced the development of technology. It has led to the creation of more entertainment systems such as television, and this has reduced the time that people spend with each other. This has had a negative impact on social life. Science has led to the creation of more lethal weapons such as guns and bombs. This has led to the deaths of many people around the world (Agazzi, 2004).
  4. The world has become more civilized and global, thanks to science. In a world where most things are automated, it is not possible to live without science. People have changed the way they do things, and those who are not aware of the latest developments are left out of many things. People use science everyday, although they may not be aware of it. For instance, even people who are not educated in formal scientific institutions apply science in their daily life, based on the experiences they have had.
  5. This course has changed the way I view science because it has made me realize that there is more to science than being in a laboratory. It has made me realize that I apply science in my life daily, by performing simple tasks. It has made me realize the importance of learning science, and using it in a responsible manner.





Agazzi, E. (2004). Right, wrong and science: The ethical dimensions of the techno-scientific enterprise. New York, NY: Rodopi

Aron, J. (2008). Why is science important? Retrieved from

Haag, G. M., & Haag, C. L. (2011). Shooting incident reconstruction. San Diego, CA: Academic Press

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