Definitions of Success

Posted: September 6th, 2013





Definitions of Success

We all have different perceptions about what is success. In my view, success is the achievement of individual goals and objectives. In addition, it could also mean the achievement or accomplishment of great things. In the modern world, money has become the standard measurement of success. A man is merely considered as successful if he is wealthy and lives a luxurious lifestyle. Truth in measurement and determination of success through wealth is true if an individual has put adequate effort in his life, or career to achieve goals or extraordinary things. My definition of success is the achievement of the American dream, which includes an opportunity to success and prosperity provided I put adequate effort in my tasks and exercise great virtues.

However, money is not a true measurement of the value of success or a component of the definition of the same. This is because luck could also play a role in achievement of wealth. Some individuals get wealthy from theft and fraudulent activities; thus use of money as a means for determination of success and a measure of the same (Miller, 22). My consideration of what is successful is from individual achievement through hard work and perseverance to attain things termed as extraordinary or hard to attain with ease. In addition, my view of success is also enforced by the ability to maintain the level of achievement. In essence, I think that success falls under various categories: social status level of an individual, attainment of individual goal and objectives and achievement of tasks without failure.

In essence, success in the modern world is also determined by the level of education all of which is also determined by various factors. Access to adequate and quality education is determined by the financial position of an individual enabling him or her to access the best education which money can buy. Hence, money plays a role in the determination of success of an individual. Furthermore, educational success can also be determined by hard work of an individual enabling the individual to achieve exceptional educational heights. In addition, influence and social status also determine the ability of an individual to attain considerable heights because of the ability to manipulate those within the educational system to gain quality education. All of these avenues for success have varying effects on an individual’s life because of the level of contentment in terms of achievement. Those who have worked hard for their educational success tend to have good self-drive in later life and can achieve other levels of success through the applied hard work. However, those who have an easy way up to the great heights of success tend to lose out as they lack the ability to maintain and survive within the acquired educational success (Colombo, Robert, & Bonnie, 21).

Wealth in modern society is regarded as the “true” measure of success. This is because those who are not wealthy in society tend to be looked down upon by the society. On the other hand, societal prejudices tend to favor and victimize others in seeking success. Racial supremacy is a controversial and unspoken issue in society but is applied unconsciously by societies. Unconscious application of race as a means for accruing success occurs in issues such as media, acting and journalism. All of this is due to the oblivious societal consideration of one race as superior to others or as inferior to other races.

In addition, others tend to be successful in life from social stature. This is evidenced by young individuals who follow their fathers or guardians in family businesses. Some people find themselves as mangers of large entities all of which they have attained with relative ease. This is an indication of the social inequalities in terms of the path to the achievement of success all due to associations and bloodlines. I was talking with one of my friends, Fabiano on his view of what he considers as success. He began with the view that we all have individual perceptions of what it means to be successful in life. He defined success in life as the ability to live comfortably and attain what one strives for in life.

To him success is “achievement of all what we yearn for in life even if we achieve such in a hundred years”. Hence, to him money is not an aspect for consideration in the determination of success. Fabiano is a banker whom I used to interact with while he was still in campus as a senior. He was one of the best students in finance. I consider him successful because he drives an expensive BMW, lives in a condominium, holds a senior position in a firm which he as only worked for less than five years and has a beautiful family. I have known Fabiano since I was a toddler and look up to him because he is self-reserved and gets what he sets his mind on. To me, he is the perfect example of a successful individual as he has attained a lot in a remarkably short time.

However, he told me that he did not consider himself as successful because he was yet to accomplish his objectives by establishing of his own firm and gaining more education. He emphasized that the road to success has been difficult, and he had contemplated giving up education while he was still in campus and thought of quitting his job when he was newly employed. This is because of the demands towards achievement were determined by his hard work and resilience. Furthermore, he claimed that he was constantly mocked by others when he was newly employed and in campus by people who viewed him as an outcast for extensive studying. Thus, the views in terms of the consideration of what is successful are in contradiction due to measure of such through money.

Studs questions if economic and financial successes accrue any contentment or individual fulfillment. Cruz is an implicit example of how hard work pays off. However, it is also evident that luck plays a significant role in becoming successful. It also emphasizes the need for honesty, hard work and indicates the merits of such considerations. In addition, it is also evident that eventual luck was due to the honesty and hard work of Cruz. I think the author is honest in stating that hard work leads to eventual success. This is because I am a witness of the role of hard work and morals in attaining success as in the case of Fabiano who rose from humble beginnings (Colombo, Robert, & Bonnie, 37).

Dalton, on the other hand, discusses the role of societal prejudices in the eventual success of an individual. This is identical to what I had earlier stated about the role of race, social stature, connections and associations in attaining good jobs and eventual success by an individual. Hence, I agree with the author because some tend to be favored by society and assume a shortcut in the path to success. I think I will assume an identical path to Fabiano in achieving my success. This is because the fruits of hard work are indeed sweet as evidence by the luxurious lifestyle that Fabiano leads given his humble beginnings. I will continue with my education and exercise, hard work, patience to achieve my success. After completing my education, I want to start my own enterprise after gaining relevant experience for some years. The path to success is marred by many challenges such as peer pressure from my friends, mockery from my classmates and friends, inadequate finances to complete college and God forbid insufficient health (Colombo, Robert, & Bonnie, 39).

I aim at becoming a successful entrepreneur, as this has been one of my aims of going to college. To achieve this, hard work is paramount and upholding individual virtues. I think that gaining firm and adequate education in college is one of my strong aspects, which will enable me to achieve eventual success as an entrepreneur. This is because education enables people to actualize their gained skills in work environments. With adequate skill and hard work in the workplace, things will eventually get better and I might find myself holding a high office position. Eventually after gaining adequate experience I might end up starting my own enterprise which I intend to make as one of the besting the country.

Work Cited

Colombo, Gary, Robert Cullen, & Bonnie Lisle. “Turkel, Studs. Stephen Cruz pg.353”

Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007. Print.

Colombo, Gary, Robert Cullen, & Bonnie Lisle. Dalton, Haron L. Horatio Alger pg.278”Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007. Print.



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