Working With Habitat for Humanity

Posted: September 6th, 2013

Working With Habitat for Humanity






Non-Profit Organization- AIDS Research Alliance 

The AIDS Research Alliance is a non-profit organization that has been working to mitigate the prevalence of the HIV/AIDS pandemic globally and it is still putting in efforts to find the cure (Taproot Foundation, n.d). A large number of people from across the world are at risk of contracting the disease while multitudes of others still die everyday. The organization focuses on detailed research on treatments and vaccine possibilities as an investigational site for the NIH-sponsored HIV Vaccine Trails Network (HVTN). Therefore, it works towards having a generation free of AIDS in the future. Its mission is to find curing measures for the pandemic and develop favorable medical strategies to prevent the contraction and spread of HIV/AIDS. Thus, its vision dwells in the premise of eradication of HIV/AIDS and its impact on people’s health by finding and administering a cure and appropriating medical precaution methods.

Highest standards of accountability and transparency of AIDS Research Alliance are depicted in the recent annual report, IRS 990 Forms with the public and audited financial statements. Random audits by the FDA have shown the high degree of legitimacy and integrity upheld by the organization in administration (Taproot Foundation, n.d). The organization conducts its researches at levels of confidentiality since it is based on a privacy policy that is well established. Fundraising activities, administrative costs and expenditure on research can be easily inquired. AIDS Research Alliance ensures that a considerable fraction of the donated money is used in scientific and program enhancement in the context of combating HIV/AIDS. As a non-profit organization with clinical research expertise, AIDS Research Alliance aims at bettering the health of HIV patients. Members of the organization are proficient in meeting deadlines with their trials and exploring the budget with accuracy. The organization operates on compassion, independence, innovation, collaboration, integrity and urgency.

The organizational structure of AIDS Research Alliance is made up of the Board of Directors, scientific staff, Institutional Review Board and the Community Advisory Board. There are seven members in the board of directors chaired by Cary D. Stevens (Taproot Foundation, n.d). The board oversees foundations, retirement plans, trust, endowments and investment management for individuals. The organization’s CEO, Carolyn H. Carlburg was successful in the organizations strategic planning, reorganization and creation of development programs (Taproot Foundation, n.d). To ensure that the organization is in line with the federal legislation of protecting the rights of volunteers for its research trials, the members of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) have monthly meetings. In these meetings, they evaluate the compliance of the organization’s clinical trials. The IRB administrator has a responsibility of coordinating all committee affairs concerning IRB and Institutional Biosafety. Organizational regulation by the IRB promotes efficiency and considerable speed in conducting clinical trials.

The Community Advisory Board focuses on the outreach programs that sensitize the public on HIV/AIDS research and the recruitment of volunteers needed for clinical trials (Taproot Foundation, n.d). The community leaders in the board are responsible for mass communication with the aim of enlightening people globally. The outreach programs are based on health literacy principle for the recruitment of volunteers. The board provides feedback on the organization’s work in the community. These programs include individual counseling, forums and the media among many others. The medical and scientific staff is characterized by successful and learned individuals in the field of science with combined efforts of their expertise in laboratory testing. Under the Vice President and Medical Director, they have redefined the company’s image as an investigational site with the HIV Vaccine Trials Network. The organization appropriates training for clinical staff in the specialized laboratories before they embark on their roles. Therefore, they possess certified credentials, expertise, responsibility and ethical behaviors.

The administration of a non-profit of a non-profit organization is only successful when the leaders have cooperation and coordination (Shafritz et al, 2011). AIDS Research Alliance displays a broad degree of cooperation and coordination with the different assigned roles aiming at achieving the set objectives. The organization’s vision is to eradicate HIV/AIDS globally by discovering its cure and medical prevention methods. The presence of different boards within the organizational structure and the accomplishments that the organization has managed suggests an environment that inspired by motivation and combined efforts. The top management considers the welfare of the other staff and creates a regulatory framework to observe the various undertakings. The CEO already employed strategic planning and development programs that have been adopted by the other workers. The clinic staff works diligently in the laboratories to ensure accuracy and accountability. The idea of training staff before they begin their work is also a positive aspect facilitated by the top management because it increases the level of precision in the organizational programs. Therefore, different dockets work differently but produce results that compatible with the organization’s visions.

The division of roles also ensures that each leader in the organization is responsible for their field of concerned. The recruitment manager is responsible for recruiting volunteers in the various outreach programs while the clinical research pharmacist is expected to contribute viable findings that will assist in major decisions made concerning the mitigation and elimination of HIV/AIDS across the world. According to Shafritz et al (2011), responsibility is a value requiring workers and leaders to work with minimum supervision. Since the staff members in AIDS Research Alliance are passionate about their vision, each displays his or her maximum best in the area of specialization. Accountability and transparency are also important in the administration of non-profitable organizations since they rely on donors. The mechanisms of budgeting activities should be clear and legitimate according to the organization’s legislation. Transparency maintains the organization’s performance or image and sustains the working relationship between the management and other staff members. AIDS Research Alliance’s transparency is evident by the clear audits carried out in the firm. Finances are a major resource in the propagation of outreach programs. An organization should be free from fraud in order to accomplish its goals. AIDS Research Alliance is the leading non-profit organization in pursuit of the cure of HIV/AIDS.

Integrity should also be a foundation of every individual in the organization at all levels to promote co-existence. Martinez (2009) explains that integrity implies the observance of ethical codes within or without the organization. Mutual respect is the key to understanding each other. In such an environment, one can notice rapid innovation and further developments that work towards positive change. The Institution Review Board (IRB) ensures that the rights of volunteers in the clinic trial plans of the organization are not violated. AIDS Research Alliance has competent staffs who believe that the confidentiality of the volunteers is important for the organizations reputation. As a result, more volunteers in the U.S gather the courage to participate in the organization’s activities and this increases the scope and accuracy of the research. An organization should revise its strategies frequently and develop a clear code of ethics that enhances professionalism among staff members (Martinez, 2009). With a management that is well defined and specialized, an organization has the ability to succeed in its endeavors and establish other appropriate strategies to achieve its goals. AIDS Research Alliance is dedicated to fight the AIDS pandemic and its uniqueness lies in the organization has to find the cure and medical prevention in the future. The organization’s commendable administration is the key factor in its success.


Martinez, J. M. (2009). Public administration ethics for the 21st century. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger.

Shafritz, J. M., Russell, E. W., & Borick, C. P. (2011). Introducing public administration. Boston: Longman.

Taproot Foundation (n.d). AIDS RESEARCH ALLIANCE. Retrieved from





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