Brutal Iraq invasion event

Posted: September 5th, 2013





Brutal Iraq invasion event

The second Iraq war veteran remains a fresh memory to my family members and those who witnessed and experienced it in Iraq. This war was full of brutal killings and torture of innocent people in Iraq. My uncle who was one of these innocent people that suffered because of the brutal attack was hospitalized for years and is lucky to be alive. The American soldiers beat up and dehumanized the Iraq people. They raided specific houses in the middle of the night to find people who intended to harm the US forces. On one night, they raided a house that belonged to a friend of my uncle. They usually carried a checklist with them to find out which people had smuggled goods. People found with these goods were taken away, and a bag was put over their heads and marked A. People without identification cards were also taken away with bags over their heads marked B, and finally people that did not live in the house were taken away with bags over their heads marked C. This was done to distinguish the reasons for t heir capture (Calica & Drew, 45).

My uncle was taken away because he did not belong to that house since the house belonged to the friend. Most of the Iraq people could not understand English. This caused great miscommunication. As a result, many innocent people were apprehended. The families were left frustrated, furious, sad and mostly fearful of what would happen to their loved ones, who were taken away. My uncle along with other prisoners were beaten up and ridiculed by the US army. The food they were given was urinated on first and then given to them and the children. They had no option but to eat in order to survive. He was manhandled during the raid and thrown to the ground while being beaten. He was then put in a cage in the hot sun all day without water along with other prisoners. He watched as most of the people died in the course of the torture day by day. Their bodies were then piled in heaps and left to rot.

He watched as the soldiers raped the women and killed the innocent children. The prisoners went through an interrogation process that they barely survived. Most of them never have to see their families again since they die from the torture they go through during the interrogation. The US army was mainly looking for weapons and bomb making materials from these homes. They also aimed to find anything that would lead them to the rebellion group in Iraq. On the invasion, the families were put in a room with at least two soldiers outside to ensure none escaped. They then interrogated the man of the house to find out if he knew anything about the rebellious group and if he was any part of it. They would then search the house and leave it in a mess (Geddes, 88).

During the interrogations, my uncle was tortured and beaten. They forced him to admit to being a member of the rebellion. They hit him on his hands, legs and on his back. His whole body was sore for days. This torture did not stop as every day they continued to torture him. They suspected him to be a spy and claimed that one of the prisoners had claimed him to be a spy of the rebellion. These tortures caused great injury to his stomach, immobilizing him. He could crawl to his cell by his hands and knees everyday. At one point, he was even moved to confess to being a member of the rebellion so that he could put an end to the pain he was going through. He reasoned that his confession would make the army kill him finally but then the thought of maybe seeing his family again kept him strong. The army did not stop the tortures on him. As days went, it got worse to a point where he could not be tortured any more. He was now on his deathbed, but amusingly, this did not make him lose hope of seeing his family again. This thought gave him great strength to continue fighting for his life.

Another prisoner that was also a rebellion suspect was badly tortured and hit on the head. This made him suffer a fractured skull. He died after some hours. The deaths that occurred every hour made my uncle question his fate. The invasion of the US in Iraq became a nuisance to the people of Iraq. They then began protesting on the streets so that their loved ones that were taken away could be left free. They wanted the US to withdraw their troops from Iraq so that Iraq could be left in peace. During the protest, most of the people were shot, many of them killed while others suffered some severe injuries. Many people were caught and jailed due to the protest. After days of protest, The US troops finally withdrew from Iraq and the injured prisoners were taken to hospital (North, 145).

My uncle was found to have suffered a ruptured spleen. Had he not been taken to hospital earlier than that he would have died. He was put in the intensive care unit so that his condition would be stabilized. He had also suffered internal bleeding that seemed to be getting worse everyday. He was vomiting and had diarrhea during his time as a prisoner to the US people. The doctors said his survival was a miracle. The US military did not succeed in their findings of the rebellion group since their attack was based on innocent people. It has taken him years to recover. Until now, he still cannot walk for long distance due to the injuries he suffered. He, however, thanks God for surviving the brutal torture and getting to see his family again.





Works cited

Calica Lovella, and Drew Cameron. Warrior Writers: Move, Shoot, and Communicate : a Collection of Creative Writing. Burlington, Vt: IVAW, 2007. Print.

Geddes John. Highway to Hell: Dispatches from a Mercenary in Iraq. New York: BROADWAY BOOKS, 2008. Print.

North Oliver. War Stories: Operation Iraqi Freedom. Washington, DC: Regnery Pub, 2003. Print.

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