English 101

Posted: September 24th, 2015

Dont use big words.only Simple wordings acceptable. Do not need a thesis. Total of 6 short readings. Just write what you think. In American literature and movies, the fictionalized figures of “racially-marked Others” carry out a lot of “work” in inventing what is “right”, what is “wrong”, who is “right”, and who is “wrong”, who should be allowed to live, and who should be killed. Please reflect on how “common sense” ideas of race are connected to material and legal realities – for example, laws, military policy, labor practices, citizenship rights, etc. Please reflect on how this across ALL of the readings. Be sure to discuss every single reading. Please reflect on how this across ALL of the readings. Be sure to discuss every single reading. i will be uploading the readings. Have one quotes from each reading.

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