Posted: September 23rd, 2015
Answer these 4 questions on this topic using Development Through the Lifespan / Edition 6 by Laura E. Berk: (3) identity vs. identity confusion in adolescence Question 1: define and describe what the task “means” – what behaviors would indicate that a person had successfully mastered that task? Question 2: what are two key environmental factors needed to assure that the psychological task is mastered? Be sure that you explain that factor’s connection to healthy development or how the absence of that factor promotes maladjustment. For this question, focus on the inner layers of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model (e.g., the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem). Question 3: what do you view as ONE major obstacle in American society today blocking successful mastery of that psychological task? This question is different from #2 above; here, focus on the outer level of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model (i.e., the macrosystem, including policies, laws, attitudes, customs, etc.). Question 4: suggest ONE intervention or social policy that would “alleviate” the problem
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