Effect Online Education on Organizations, Markets, and Society

Posted: September 3rd, 2013

Effect Online Education on Organizations, Markets, and Society





Effect Online Education on Organizations, Markets, and Society

Education is one of the most important sectors in the world. The education sector has grown tremendously over the years. In the early days, only a few privileged members of the society had access to education. Minorities such as women were not allowed in formal learning institutions. This changed however changed, and schools and universities began to open up for the public. In the past, African Americans were only allowed in segregated schools. Institutions only allowed learning materials such as books, from selected individuals. The few individuals who got the opportunity to study in the universities held all the good and credible jobs that were available. Factors such as civil rights, which ensured greater equality, were instrumental to the advancement in education. However, one of the most important elements that ensured growth in the sector was the advancement in technology.

Technology in the education sector is a constant factor in the sense that it keeps on evolving. It has enhanced education in different ways. This has especially been the case in online education. Online education has made it possible for many people from different places around the world to access education without going to the institutions. People can now study in the most prestigious universities, which was not the case some years back. Online education has made it possible for people to study at their convenience. Many parents are able to go back to school and at the same time take care of their families. The challenging economic times mean that people have to work for longer hours. Many people work full time, and they cannot make it to go to college at the required time. Online education has made it possible for people to go back to school and earn their degrees while they are working.

Many organizations responded positively and embraced online education. This is because it would save them the cost of training their employees. Organizations need to change constantly, as the work place demands change. They need to refresh their knowledge and ensure that they are up to date. Many organizations were spending a lot of time and money sending their employees to school. They no longer have to do that since the advent of online education. Although online education has been beneficial in many aspects, not everyone was receptive. Some people claimed, and continue to do so, that it would lower the quality of education. They asserted the importance of physical interaction between the tutors and the students, which was not possible with online education. In some states, observers have noticed that students taking online education in high school and middle school lag behind those in traditional schools in some subject areas (Hubbard & Mitchell, 2011).

Online education has changed the education and technology markets. This is because it is offered in electronic format. Learning institutions have to invest in computers, and other digital technology. They have to provide the electronic resources for the online students and for those who are on campus. Most of the institutions offering these services are community colleges, and they have experienced a surge in enrolment. Manufacturers compete with each other as they try to come up with the best and most relevant information and communications technology that will fit the market. It has changed technology, and has contributed to its growth, as more software is developed. It has contributed to the growth of web-based technologies developed to suit the market. This includes new technologies such as blogs and social networking sites. Growth in software development and web-based technologies has decreased their cost. Some of them are offered freely, while most are offered at affordable costs (Mitchell, 2010).

Online education is not restricted to universities, but it is also offered for students in lower levels. Charter schools and other online education schools offer schools offering online education expect the government to offer them the same help it offers to other schools. Some school districts around the country have had to change education regulations, as the number of pupils in the traditional schools decrease. They have tightened regulations and have become stricter with online schools. Many students have enrolled in virtual schools (Dillon, 2008). The government has enacted different regulations and measures, aimed at ensuring that institutions offering online education offer quality education. Some of the online schools are considered public schools because they are funded by the taxpayers. They use teachers from traditional public schools, and they are evaluated in the same way as students in the traditional schools are. The government therefore requires the online education teachers to be certified before they start teaching. The government requires colleges to be certified in all the states where they are working. They must meet the educational standards set by the states (Casciato, 2011).

The education sector has changed tremendously over the years. This growth can be attributed to several factors such as the growth in information technology. The technological growth in information and communications has ensured growth in online education. Online education has offered benefits to many people around the world. It has made it possible for people to advance their education regardless of their location. Although it is more common in universities, students in high schools and middle schools have also embraced it. This has forced the government to change education regulations concerning online education, so that the schools maintain quality. The sector continues to grow, as more people become aware of the benefits they will get.


Casciato, D. (2011). New federal regulations impact online learning institutions. Retrieved from http://www.schools.com/articles/new-federal-regulations-impact-on-online-learning-institutions.html

Dillon, S. (February 1, 2008). Online schooling grows, setting off a debate. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/01/education/01virtual.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all

Hubbard, B., & Mitchell, N. (2011). Troubling questions about online education. Retrieved from http://www.ednewscolorado.org/2011/10/04/25310-analysis-shows-half-of-online-students-leave-programs-within-a-year-but-funding-stays

Mitchell, G. R. (2010). Online education: New directions for community colleges. Hoboken, NJ:  John Wiley and Sons

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