
Posted: August 29th, 2013







The name of the case study business is Georgetown University Hospital. Apart from treating people, it carries out research and functions as an educational institution. This has been made possible by Georgetown University Medical Center. Given the high obesity levels in America, the university hospital can create a corporate social responsibility from this issue. The program can be based on awareness of healthy living and eliminating obesity. After this activity, the people will be more informed, and equipped with knowledge on how to stay healthy.


How to develop community issues


Obesity is a condition where the body harbors too much fat. This excess fat is usually considered as a risk to an individual’s health. It causes life-threatening diseases and at severe cases, it claims lives. Due to these facts, it is crucial for people to be conscious of their diet and their body mass index. Research shows that the rate of obesity in this state is about twenty-five percent. Gumbiner (35) adds that this is not only a problem of the adults but also children. Their rate of obesity is about thirty seven percent. They will also benefit from the proposed program.


Obesity has a wide range of negative effects on people. Annually, one hundred and fifty billion dollars is consumed by health issues related to obesity. Also, in that same year it causes a death rate of about three hundred thousand people. Some of the negative effects are high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, joint ailments, sleep and breathing problems, cancer, psychological problems and many other issues (Gilman 56). Obesity is therefore, a serious problem in the society, and it needs to be dealt with.


Connection of the business to the company


All business entities are required to participate in corporate social responsibility. This is so because it is an ethical practice. One characteristic of corporate social responsibility is contributing to the welfare of the society. Some businesses may do charity work; and others will participate in conservation of the environment. In the case of Georgetown University Hospital, the best activity should be related to the health issue. Therefore, they should choose a major health problem and plan how to offer help about it. As a result, the most appropriate program should be the campaign against obesity. The university hospital has the relevant requirements to undertake this program. It is cost effective because most of what is required is readily available.


Specifics required for the program


The program to be implemented is a campaign against obesity. This activity will be handled by the public relation department. Corporate social responsibility is a significant contributing factor to the public image of an organization. Therefore, this department will be responsible in ensuring that all the necessary arrangements are made. The head of the department is required to take charge of the rest of the members and allocate them their responsibilities. When organizing the program the public relation officer should list down all the expected activities in the program. Then allocate each of them to the best personnel. For example, one activity could be teaching people about obesity. The right personnel should be the one who is well informed about the topic.


Campaign against obesity will be conducted in various ways. They include organizing seminars, visiting institutions like schools, and using posters in public places. The posters will be put in public notice boards, in other hospitals. There will also be an open day for obese people to be screened for diseases caused by obesity. This open day will be held within the premises of the university hospital. This will be a convenient place because the attendants will utilize the medical facilities.


To ensure that the company management implements this program, a persuasive discussion will be held. Benefits of this program will be tabled to convince them the program is feasible. The benefits are extremely low costs, which could be viewed to be almost negligible. The facilitators, who will teach the people, will be voluntary students and interns. They will also be accompanied by other voluntary staff. Hence, there will be no expenses of paying employees. During the open day, the screening will be done using the university hospital facilities. The only funds required are for printing posters. The other possible cost likely to be incurred is purchasing the few materials needed to carry out screening of diseases. This amount of money will be minimal, and the institution’s finance and account department will handle it comfortably.


Georgetown university hospital should align itself and with this issue and support it. As a health institution, it should be a leader in informing the public about physical and mental health. Some people who have suffered from this condition have had a very hard time in their lives. They have faced mockery and a lot of ill treatment because of obesity. They have also suffered psychologically because they are not happy with how they look. It ends up being difficult for such people to recover. They need a lot of help, especially from health experts like this institution. Such a program will reach  the ones with low esteem and enlighten them on how to get back into a healthy shape.


Corporate social responsibility is not only beneficial to the society but also to the organization or business. When Georgetown University Hospital implements this program, it will have several benefits. For example, the people will recognize it to be a reputable institution for learning and health care. The interns and students will have experience when they participate in the seminars and open day. The project is likely to face challenges. There could be a low turn out in the seminars and open day. This is because people may be engaged by other mandatory activities like jobs and school. To avoid this problem, the organizers will schedule this open day during the weekend because most people are available.


Obesity is a condition which is causing many health problems to both adults and children (Glaser, 12). This project is expected to be a success especially because the area of concern is relevant to the public. It will benefit many and the rate of obesity in this state will reduce, and eventually be extinct. It is unfortunate the way many people are dying or suffering because of poor eating habits. This project will ensure that it will be a solution to this major problem in Washington, D.C. The main objective will be to inform people about the effects of obesity but capitalize on teaching about healthy living.


















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