Emily Dickinson and her poem

Posted: January 14th, 2014

Explicate one of Emily Dickinson’s poem. An explication is a detailed, line-by-line or stanza-by-stanza assessment of a poem. In this paper, I will be looking for is how the ideas of love,hate,war,peace,death,infidelity,identity,etc. have been attened to by the poet in writing a specific poem. How does the poet marry her ideas to the theme of love and/or hate,life or death.Is the distinction clear?How does the poet create certain images within a poem? What are the poem’s intentions? You should directly address the ideas of the poet within the poem you choose, looking for both formal and informal connections,intentions,allusions,delivery,tone,use of imagery,other poetic devices. (Refenrences: 1 authoriative website, 1 scholarly journal & 1 book).

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