
Posted: August 12th, 2013






The problem presented is that of a failed communication system. It is experienced by police officers who often have to encounter difficulties in the course of their work due to the failure to communicate effectively. Police officers, specifically troopers, are given portable radios to assist them in their work. These expensive radios have their own frequency assigned. Therefore, they are only to be used to communicate with the police department by both the public and troopers. It becomes a problem when there is no network to facilitate communication despite the fact that the troopers have their own frequency. This is especially the case in rural areas and small communities where troopers have taken on the full responsibility of law enforcers in the absence of an established state system.

Although the state police are often given cell phones, troopers are mainly restricted to portable radios. It is evident that this hinders communication a great deal, thus causing loopholes in the state police’s mission to ensure safety of its citizens. Over the years, no change has been reported even though troopers have criticized the system. The good thing is that this problem has been identified, and relevant authorities are working to rectify it, though at a slower pace than expected. With all the complaints from troopers, the state police should be working tirelessly as this could reduce crime. Various suggestions have been given as to how the problem should be addressed.

Some of them include using alternative methods of communication and lowering the frequency from the 800-megahertz band to the 450-megahertz band, which is economical. This is because higher frequencies are more prone to obstructive effects from hills and tall trees. A reason for the delay in correcting the problem is finding tower sites that are not susceptible to obstruction. Having high towers will ensure less congestion of networks thus enabling the radios to work effectively. The western part of Massachusetts is particularly hilly, a contributing factor to the poor network. These solutions have been brought forward buy the aggrieved troopers and some state police staff.

System status management is a management tool that can help to solve this problem expertly. According to this system, many factors can affect response to communication, but timely responses are derived from using ambulance dispatch strategies (Stout, 1989). This system aims at providing solutions by offering proposals on how to have a better communication system. As suggested by the author in this article, one of the solutions that could be applied is use of economical but operational resources. As in the case of Massachusetts, it is obvious that the state is doing very little to help the situation. Much money is being wasted while there are simpler, less costly remedies to the problem.

A cheaper option is like that suggested earlier by a state officer on using a lesser frequency. Their accompanying handsets are cheaper compared to those using the higher frequency. By using this frequency, there will be less cost incurred in construction of high communication towers. A good system is that which is managed properly to fulfill a balance between the essentials of what the author has suggested. All this will ensure time is well kept, and the state police perform their work effectively. The troopers in Massachusetts had also complained about using more time while out in the field due to the delay in responding to their calls by the state police.

I would therefore propose implementing some aspects of what the author proposes in his article to solve the problem at hand. In an effort not to override the suggestions of the state police, a combination of both could be used. The troopers at Massachusetts will benefit from an effective response and communication system, and so will the citizens manned by these troopers.


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