ONS part 2 – Dutch Restaurant

Posted: January 6th, 2014

Part 1
– Choose 5 topics from the Collective Bargaining Agreement guidelines and compare the content with your own work experience, job and tasks *source : “The Dutch Collective Labour Agreement for the hotel and catering industry explained “to be obtained from http://www.fnvhoreca.nl

Part 2 (half a page)
– Make use of the following motivation theories to describe what (de)motivated you when you were working at this company (1/2 or 3/4 of a page):
> Maslow’s or Pinto’s Hierarchy of needs
> Herzberg’s two Factor Theory
> Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory

Part 3 (this is in addition to the part written earlier, so find a way to join it) (1/2 or 3/4 of a page)
CULTURAL DIVERSITY – Apply Kluckhohn and Strodbeck’s Value Orientation to categories the employees’ value in the workplace
-Describe the stages of Culture Shock you underwent when entering and starting to work in the organization. Relate this to the Expectancy Model/ Theory.
-Give an example of a Stereotype and Prejudice experienced by employees (yourself included) and/or guests in the organization. Explain the causes, effects and expressions (Allport scale) of this stereotype/prejudice.
– Give an example of a colleague that you would consider as “emotional intelligent”. Give arguments for statements.
– Give an example of a colleague that you would consider as “cultural intelligent”. Give arguments for statements.
* just pick any from the organizational chart.

Part 4 (1 to 2 pages)
Human Resources
– Describe the organizational chart (attached) and explain it. Describe how many people the company employs, what job positions there are, and who reports to whom. Point out your position in the chart.
-Describe in detail how the company manages its human resources based on the HRM Model (the items Planning, Recruitment& Selection, Introduction, Working conditions, Performance Appraisal, Training& Developing, Compensation, Career Development should be referred to)

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