Forensic Science

Posted: January 6th, 2014

Go to this link:

then read the following:The ‘CSI Effect’: Does It Really Exist?
by Honorable Donald E. Shelton

Then answer the following 3 questions in brief but concise statements.

1.Discuss how juries in trials look at physical evidence.

2. Define ethical practice in the crime scene investigation context.

3.Discuss how evidence is used in trial and how important evidence integrity is to a successful prosecution. Also, discuss the role and responsibilities of the first officer on a crime scene, specifically protecting a scene and gathering information that will be used in the investigation of a crime.

Now answer these questions:

1. Discuss a plan of action as part of standard operating procedures for law enforcement agencies, as well as the crime scene search methods used by investigators.

2. What methods are used in
searching a crime scene and how photography is used to document the scene.

3. Also discuss the methods used to identify human remains, fingerprints, and handwriting examination.

4.Describe the value of footprint evidence

5.Discuss the preservation of bite marks.

6.How can impression evidence and firearm examination evidence be used to convict a criminal in court? Provide a detailed explanation.

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