Cultural and Ethnic Studies

Posted: December 10th, 2013

Please use the slides that provided to answer all the questions no sources required and please be specific and direct.
A- shorts answers:

1-Give an example of a food or cuisine that has made a mainstream shift from inedible to edible.

2- what do folklorists and feminists mean by “invisible work”?

3-what is a “rite of intensification”?

4- Give two example of a culturally gendered food.

5 -how can baking become a “subversive” activity or a “site of resistance”?

6-how can onelook at “housewife” through the lens of “occupational folklife”?

7- Why is molasses so common in the Maritime provinces?

8- what is distinct about “Cincinnati chili”?

9- what is important about the “daintiness” of food served at the church teas?

10-what is “Carolina Hash”?

B- Short Essays choose TWO that you find interesting or perfect for you and write a short essay about it ;

1- Certain special occasions often call for particular foods to be served. Using examples, discuss why this is the case and why certain foods considered meaningful.

2- “Traditional” foods are often born out of circumstances of want of hardship. Discuss this statement, using examples.

3- when we look at a food or a food system, often we judge it based on its ‘authenticity.’ Using examples, discuss how we come to this judgment.

4- Because it is part of the economy of the home, food production is often gendered. Using examples, discuss how gender expectations play out in discussions of food.

5-“Popular” food (implying mass-produced or processed, whether through chain-restaurants or through factory-made ingredients) have until recently been left out of discussions of folk cookery. Using examples, discuss why contemporary food scholarship now looks at popular food as part of a traditional food repertoire.

6- Diane Tye has said that her father (Henry) could never understand why anyone would be interested in reading a book about his wife’s baking. Write a letter to henry, explaining why this book is of interest and what can be learned from it.

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