Autobiographical Sketch & Analysis

Posted: December 10th, 2013

NAS 5: Introduction to Native American Literature
Essay #3: Autobiographical Sketch & Analysis

Peer Review: September 11, 2012
Final Draft Due: September 13, 2012
Format: Double-Spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman Font, one-inch margins
MLA formatting for in-text citations and Works Cited page (if applicable)

Purpose: Your previous essays have been centered on critical analysis of stylistic elements employed in a text. However, for this essay, you will have the opportunity to experiment with these elements by writing an autobiographical sketch and analytical response to your creative writing.

Role/Audience: For this paper, your role will change from critic to storyteller. As the author, your role is that of a guide who will vividly conduct the audience (i.e. myself and your peer reviewers) through memories of key moments that have defined your identity.

Process: We will be working on creative writing techniques in class (such as modeled writing), but the best thing for creative writing is to just begin writing. Brainstorm. What elements define your person-hood and identity? What circumstances have led you to this current place? Consider these moments in your life

Part 1: Autobiographical Essay (approx. 2 pages/600-800 words)

Task: Wendy Rose is a master of blending poetry and prose. She says, “If I could just come right out and state it like that, as a matter of fact, I would not have needed the poetry” (253), when talking about her painful childhood. I want you to experiment with Rose’s style of blending. You will write a short piece (approx. 2 pages/600-800 words) looking at your perception of who you are in the world.
You may look at your place in your national or cultural community, but you can also write about your place in your family, your extended/chosen family, etc. Consider writing an anecdotal account that has led to the formation of your identity or personal relationships.

Choose one or two of the following elements to experiment with: (1.) adopt Rose’s technique of using two different fonts/sizes of text to signal an inner and outer voice/perception, (2.) use prose to explain poetry in your autobiographical sketch, (3.) or blend poetry into prose by using poetic language in answer to a series of questions in your sketch.

Part 2: Critical Analysis/Explication (2-3 pages)

Task: After completing your autobiographical sketch, compose a literary analysis or explication (2-3 pages) of your work. Analyze your use of literary devices and discuss your reasoning for writing this essay in your chosen structure. This analysis may be in first or third person voice. Consider addressing your structure, diction, figurative language, and tone within your analysis.

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