sociology sub-field

Posted: December 10th, 2013

Two assignments requiring one page each….assignment 1..please submit them saparately. 250 words in each one.

1) Choose and identify a sub-field in Sociology (e.g. Soc. of Medicine, Soc. of Family, Soc of Education, Soc. of Death & Dying, Soc of Religion, Research Methods, Soc. of Gender, Soc. of Race & Ethnicity, Political Sociology, etc.)

2) Provide a brief summary of your chosen sub-field. (This will require some research – I recommend starting with the American Sociological Association (ASA) site; many of these sub-fields have ASA “sections.”)

3) Browse through a recent issue of a sociology journal related to your chosen sub-field. (A list of the peer-reviewed journals to which APUS subscribes is available under the “Finding Peer-Reviewed Journals” handout in Course Materials>Resources Folder.)

4)Based on the journal you browsed, write a brief description of some of the current topics in this sub-field. (Identify the key research question/thesis explored in one of the articles from the journal issue you browsed).

assignment 2

Research ASA and Association of Humanist Sociology

Write a summary of its purpose/function/mission and benefits and resources it offers to members and the general pulbic
Use direct quotes from the websites sparingly and use proper APA in text citations.

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