Social Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing

Posted: December 10th, 2013

2 pages on social effects/impact of hydraulic fracturing. APA format with headers and in-text citations. Outline below..
Information/references can be added if necessary. Stay specific to social effects. No hydraulic fracturing intro needed.

Social Issues Involving or Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing

A. Economic Benefit to the community
i. Short term jobs available for local citizens
ii. Short term increased business profits for local business owners
iii. Profits for landowners leasing their property to drilling companies

B. Risks or issues to the communities and local neighborhoods
i. Loss of property values
ii. Risks to mortgages and property insurance (refusal from banks to issue mortgages on homes or businesses where hydraulic fracturing leases have been sold)
iii. An end to peaceful neighborhoods
iv. Infrastructure damage by heavy trucks and machinery
v. Increased Traffic and accidents

C. Public Health Hazards
i. Contamination of water
ii. Spills, explosions , and exposure accidents to employees
iii. Respiratory illnesses due to air pollution
iv. Contamination of water supplies utilized for livestock, irrigation, and other agricultural purposes concerns farmers
v. Illegal dumping causing contamination

Beras, E. (2011, November). The health effects of hydraulic fracturing. Essential Public Radio.
Retrieved from

Earthworks Action. (n.d.). Hydraulic fracturing 101. Earthworks Action. Retrieved from

EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d). Natural gas extraction – hydraulic fracturing.
EPA. Retrieved from

Frac Dallas. (2012, March). Human safety issues associated with hydraulic fracturing. Frac Dallas.
Retrieved from

Urbina, I. (2011, February). Regulation lax as gas wells’ tainted water hits rivers. The New York Times.
Retrieved from

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